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Trump will get his two terms then a Democrat will be back in, this is the way of the United States. They will be tried of one party and switch to the next.


Got tired of Bush so they went Obama. Got tired of Obama so they go Trump.

P Diddy 2024. Make America Diddy again.

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Trump will get his two terms then a Democrat will be back in, this is the way of the United States. They will be tried of one party and switch to the next.


Got tired of Bush so they went Obama. Got tired of Obama so they go Trump.

I'm not so sure you understand what just happened or why. Let me do a comparative analysis:


The Democratic Party my grandfather helped build, starting as a plumber, union man, then as an elected D for 30 years? It is gone. If he was alive today, he'd be cracking heads, literally, just like he did in the old days, when he and the boys kicked the Communists out. He'd have kicked the environtologists out a long time ago. He'd never have allowed college professors to supplant the unions as the place where party policy/presidential platforms emanated. PC, and the policy it generates, would have been driven out of the party long ago. He served at the tail end of the Clinton years, and was part of welfare reform, because he knew that 30 years of LBJ's plantation handouts to black people, in return for votes, had proved to do more harm than good, and continuing it was immoral.


His party is gone. What has replaced it?


1. Instead of people who will vote in every election, and volunteer to hand out cards, and stand by fire barrels at 6 am freezing their butts off but ready to go talk to voters before work starts, and after? This D party has black lives matter/Soros activists. They don't lift a finger unless you pay them. They certainly won't vote unless you pay them, somehow. They won't show up for mid-terms, and they don't even know why that's bad. Instead of my grandfather's fellowship trying to make America better for all, asking what they can do for their country? This party is merely a collective, whose cohesion depends solely on selfish interests, and asking when they are going to be paid. And, it ain't just the street people asking, it's the college professors and the professional politicos too. See: Obamacare designers becoming Obamacare "consultants" for $500/hr. See: the EPA/college professor/Federal budget allocator revolving doors.


2. Instead of a group of people who were inherently moral, and therefore, always begin on the moral high ground just by living their lives? This party has Hollywood, which makes hypocritical and downright ludicrous claims to a moral high ground that they can only imagine, because most have never been within 50 miles. All those that have been there can do is stand on a high stage and show us their vacation pictures of it(because: Africa), and pretend like they are a local, when we all know better. Instead of an exemplary lives being lived on moral ground forming the base of the party, we have false virtue being signaled from one high stage to another from far, far away.


3. Instead of a group of people who understood that they had a vital role to play in the economy and took it seriously("Early to bed, Early to rise, Work like hell and Unionize")? This party has various orders of victims, all who now demand that everyone else should work for them, if not, should be forced out of their way so that they alone can benefit from government largess. See: government contracts in cities being disproportionately awarded to "victims". Then, see: "victim" F up the contract, and then see: city continues to decline, and everybody asking "where did that Stimulus money go? Where are the shovel-ready jobs?". See: the 5 richest counties in the country now surround DC.


4. Instead of a group of people who saw it as their moral duty to help the poor up, and if not, at least give them social security? This party sees the poor as merely votes, and couldn't care less if any of their programs actually help them. They are too busy making sure that everybody down the food chain gets their payoff, because that's how the party's power base is constructed. If the poor actually get a benefit here or there, or a school does better automagically, that's a bonus. They will lie(see inner city schools), cheat(see inner city schools), and steal(see inner city schools) to preserve their personal gravy train above all...and justify all that by talking about CEO salaries. Apples and Crocodiles.


Important side note: the Democrats have been hurt worse than you may think, because of the down ballot losses. There's less people to pay off down the chain, so, there's less political power coming up. I mean, it's not like most Democrats can achieve without government handouts/influence. So, they can't build political support personally, like Trump did. No. They rely on the top-down chain. This means the D party is very top-heavy right now. It's 50/50 on whether it crashes.


These are just some of the differences between what was once the majority party of the USA, and where it is today.


So, no, I don't see what you are saying happening at all. IF somebody comes along and gets elected, it's not going to be one of today's Democrats, that represents today's party. No way. Much like Trump it will be a "new, new, new Democrat"...but really? They will simply be a re-branded JFK Democrat. Due to Obama, like Carter/Mondale/Dukakis before him, we aren't going to see another far-left clown win anything for at least another 30 years.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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“The San Francisco police department is suspending ties with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force.

The announcement comes amid growing concerns of spying on Muslim Americans by the new Trump Administration.”

As Jim Geraghty writes in response, “While you’re at it, why not paint a bull’s-eye on the TransAmerica building?”

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“The San Francisco police department is suspending ties with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force.



The announcement comes amid growing concerns of spying on Muslim Americans by the new Trump Administration.”



As Jim Geraghty writes in response, “While you’re at it, why not paint a bull’s-eye on the TransAmerica building?”


Wth. Please keep Buster Posey and Madison Bumgarner safe please.

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“The San Francisco police department is suspending ties with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force.

The announcement comes amid growing concerns of spying on Muslim Americans by the new Trump Administration.”

As Jim Geraghty writes in response, “While you’re at it, why not paint a bull’s-eye on the TransAmerica building?”



The true stupidity is in their reasoning: it's not because of anything that's happened. It's because of "concerns." Nothing's happened. Nothing's changed. They're just worried now about Trump having Obama's powers.


We can just get rid of Congress at this point. The argument's become about the form the dictatorship should take.

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Yes. That does seem to be the recurring and common theme in all of these attacks. Still not quite certain that's all there is to it though. Maybe irritable bowel syndrome? We need more research on the issue before we can come to any consensus. :unsure:

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