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Refs for today?


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The idiot mouth pieces on WGR making excuses for the refs or saying they would NEVER purposely make a phantom call against the Bills. That's BS. People gamble, people cheat, few years back a NBA official was busted for doing the crap in games he refereed, players in other sports have been busted, why do people think NFL officials would not do that?


To me it is so blatant that something mysterious is going on against the Bills how can anybody not think that referee shenanigans are going on.

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Some of the Bills players, Dixon and Robey, are quoted in an ESPN piece speaking out about the refereeing in the game today so look for some fines from the league. I wonder what they would say to that fist bump vine if they felt they wouldn't be fined and suspended for life.


With Goodell under serious fire over the conduct policies in the NFL, the chances of another controversial investigation beginning as a result of the fist bump is zero. This will slide neatly under the table. You never heard the CBS announcers make mention of it during the broadcast and you'd have to be blind, deaf, and dumb not to get wind of this from social media. Someone at the network saw it and either didn't pass it on or did and the crew was told not to mention it out of deference to the league. Problem is, if there really is point shaving or game fixing going on at the ranks of the referees, everyone will point back to this game and the s*it will fly horizontally.



I really hope somebody makes a huge stink and this crap gets investigated. Denvers 1st two TDs should have been FGs as the Bills stopped them both on 3rd down but flags allowed them to score TDs and the 2 flags on the Bills int returns where the Bills returned both ints within FG range but had to eventually punt the ball away. Those alone would be +6 points for the Bills and -8 points for the Broncos. Hmmmm.....that would be Bills with 23 points and Denver with 16 points. Yeah the refs definitely dictated the outcome of the game and needs to be investigated. Then throw in the refs fist bump, yeah it's obvious shenanigans are taking place.

Edited by old school
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The refs helped Denver get at least 8 points. The PI call that led to their first TD gave them 4 points. The call against Gilmore did the same. That is assuming Denver would have made both field goals. The two calls on the interception returns gave the Broncos field position when the Bills didn't move the ball. I still can't figure out why none of the officials saw the bounced pass in the end zone that was ruled a Denver interception and TD. I mean really? What were they looking at?

There was a part of me that was kind of hoping that after review the bounce interception for a TD would be ruled to stand - then the ridiculous corrupt officiating might have gone viral

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The phantom and incompetent calls are bad enough but the fact that CBS and FOX regularly DON'T show replays of these calls which have a major impact on the game's outcome. This happens time and again. Both the Bills INT plays had huge returns called back by phantom calls. I tried to replay both to see if I could see where the foul occurred but I couldn't see anything obvious at all. You have to wonder, has the NFL directed the networks not to focus on the penalties or is this just bad decision making by the guys in the production truck? Why do the commentators not insist on seeing replays for calls that they know change the game??

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Sorry if this was already posted... But the refs fist bump after Broncos TD?



The twitter pic from the comments below the video on your youtube link is very telling. https://twitter.com/...4528898/photo/1

Clearly the runner was down and the ball had not crossed the goalline, yet the ref said it was conclusive TD. Oh no not fixed at all, something needs to be done about the corrupt NFL.

Edited by old school
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The only thing I could think of would be if graham decked Manning. But we know he didn't, because they would have shown that. Just an absurd call.


Graham said this after the game:


"Yeah, it was killer. The penalty on me was a killer, too. I mean, the guy cut me. The guy cut me while I was trying to block him and they don't call that, though. But they call me for retaliating. It sucks. It is what it is. I'm done."


Guess there was unseen retaliation before the whistle blew. Still don't see that called too often. Usually it's assessed after the play for unsportsmanlike conduct, isn't it?

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Linebacker Nigel Bradham"It's like every week we get terrible calls, man. It's like we send (video to the NFL) and nothing happens. The next week, we come out and it's the same thing. It's like we have to play whoever we playing and the refs, too."



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I will say this, beyond how terrible the referees have been at the Bills expense, officiating around the league is just as bad. Somewhere along the way officials went from calling what they see, to looking for calls to make. It's made the game (in my opinion) borderline unwatchable. This year has been the least I've watched football in my life. Primarily because the game has become way over engineered and officials are way to prominent.

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