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Refs for today?


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Bills players upset with officiating after penalty-plagued loss to Broncos

Gilmore gets conflicting messages: Perhaps the most debatable call of the game came in the second quarter, when cornerback Stephon Gilmore lowered his shoulder into Broncos receiver Emmanuel Sanders to break up a pass. He was flagged for defensive pass interference on the play. "He said I hit him early, but I don't think I hit him early," Gilmore said. "One of the refs said it looked good to him but another ref said, the one that called it, said it wasn't good. So it is what it is."
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The refs think they're celebrities, they think they're important in the grand scheme of things. The NFL empowered them in a way that they can take command of every single game if they wanted to. When they canned the replacement refs and the original refs stood in front of the fans waving them as if they were heroes, it was the end of impartiality.

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The refs think they're celebrities, they think they're important in the grand scheme of things. The NFL empowered them in a way that they can take command of every single game if they wanted to. When they canned the replacement refs and the original refs stood in front of the fans waving them as if they were heroes, it was the end of impartiality.




I don't think its anti-buffalo per se. But I think rather buffalo is an easy if not subconscious target for refs to make calls and know there won't be much backlash. The media doesn't care about th Bills and they've been bad for so long that it's easy to brush losses under the rug.

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I am dejected. What can we do as Bills fans???


Fans should bring flags of their own and when the refs throw a BS flag on us, all 60000 throw the flag into the field at the same time. the game will be delayed and the NFL will take notice.

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I love Peirera in his barcolounger saying this was the most ridiculous thing he's ever heard. The refs fist bumped each other following a Denver TD, and nobody is allowed to notice?


I was at the game. The refs were so bad my sister was texting me from Charlotte. The call on Graham on Gilmore's pick was one of the worst calls of all time, really. Wtf.


At one point I yelled out, just leave a flag on the field, and point at somebody after the play. It was ridiculous.


But this was Denver, and they've got Manning. We probably would have lost anyway. He would have managed it somehow. They didn't need the refs' help.

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I love Peirera in his barcolounger saying this was the most ridiculous thing he's ever heard. The refs fist bumped each other following a Denver TD, and nobody is allowed to notice?


I was at the game. The refs were so bad my sister was texting me from Charlotte. The call on Graham on Gilmore's pick was one of the worst calls of all time, really. Wtf.


At one point I yelled out, just leave a flag on the field, and point at somebody after the play. It was ridiculous.


But this was Denver, and they've got Manning. We probably would have lost anyway. He would have managed it somehow. They didn't need the refs' help.


What did Graham do? Of course, it was never shown on TV.

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What did Graham do? Of course, it was never shown on TV.


Cornerback Corey Graham


"Yeah, it was killer. The penalty on me was a killer, too. I mean, the guy cut me. The guy cut me while I was trying to block him and they don't call that, though. But they call me for retaliating. It sucks. It is what it is. I'm done."

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What did Graham do? Of course, it was never shown on TV.


Cornerback Corey Graham

"Yeah, it was killer. The penalty on me was a killer, too. I mean, the guy cut me. The guy cut me while I was trying to block him and they don't call that, though. But they call me for retaliating. It sucks. It is what it is. I'm done."


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Graham was running next to Gilmore down the sidelines, and a Bronco dove at Graham's knees. He sort of jumped over him, and that was about it. He did not do anything that could remotely be called a personal foul. It was absurd. Instead of having the ball at Denver's 42, they got it at their own 21.


I'm sitting at my sister's home in Denver watching a replay of the game. It is worse than it looked on the field. Gilmore's play was awesome.


I didn't see the head butt on our guy. I don't know when that happened.

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NFL OK with refs' post-TD fist bump

After C.J. Anderson bulled in for his second touchdown of the day, the Broncos celebrated.


So did the refs.


Moments after Anderson's 1-yard touchdown in the second quarter of Denver's 24-17 win over Buffalo on Sunday, line judge John Hussey and umpire Carl Paganelli fist bumped after making what turned out to be the correct call.


The NFL had no problem with the gesture.


"It was an acknowledgment of good mechanics between the two officials involved in making the call," NFL spokesman Michael Signora said.

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Anybody know which member of the Manning family will be officiating this contest?


these refs are an embarrassment to the game


It doesn't matter who the refs are, they are going to screw over a small market team like the Bills whenever they play a favored team such as the Broncos or Pats.


It's not small market teams , it's the league favorites that they want keep in the playoffs so they can get more viewers, which means more money for them.


https://vine.co/v/Or5jHYrXF5t I know this was posted a few posts up, but it needs to be seen again.


don't see any fist bumping?

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The refs in this game were among the worst that I have seen Pereira is an apologist for them. If he were 1% as critical of these refs as he was of the replacements, his head would have exploded (as did mine).


It was not just that they were bad, they were bad only toward one team and at critical times. The phantom call on Robey. The two flags on huge INT returns. The phantom call on Gilmore that led to the flag on Hughes because he was so hot about it. The no call on a head but on Smith. These were all pretty much at critical times.


I obviously cannot say with any certainty that we would have won the game without these mistakes. Nevertheless, I can say with 100% certainty that we clearly had a fighting chance. Even with the BS calls, we showed that we clearly belong on the same field as Denver.


I actually thought that we started out with some creative play calling that surprised Denver. Once we got behind, we started to play catch up and Denver's D was able to tee off on us. The game changed because of these horrendous officials.


Just my two cents.

Edited by Peter
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