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Johnny Manziel involved in massive fight Friday night


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Completely accurate in this particular instance.


Agreed. However I personally know quite a few people that have done punk /! for years and have turned their lives around. Some do it when their young and some do it after a few years, some continue to just be punks.


I can tell you that I'm very close w someone who is a multiple felon that now spends his life helping others. There are thousands of stories like his, he's not unique. Manziel may never "get it" but there have been worse people on this earth who eventually came around.

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there is a police report


Mary Kay Cabot@MaryKayCabot 2m2 minutes ago

#Browns chastise Johnny Manziel for being out so late, putting himself in bad situation http://www.cleveland.com/browns/index.ssf/2014/11/cleveland_browns_gm_ray_farmer_18.html#incart_river …


Thanks man.


The only concerning thing IMO is that it was so late at night. Other than that, we're only hearing one side of the story - the guy who got hit and who knows wtf his deal is.

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Very true and I should just ignore. I just like consistency. EJ does something bad, he gets ripped. Orton or a guy like Johnny Bench do something bad, he makes excuses.


Well, in FireChans defense, he has been hating EJ long before everyone else. So, he is, and has been, consistent.

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Agreed. However I personally know quite a few people that have done punk /! for years and have turned their lives around. Some do it when their young and some do it after a few years, some continue to just be punks.


I can tell you that I'm very close w someone who is a multiple felon that now spends his life helping others. There are thousands of stories like his, he's not unique. Manziel may never "get it" but there have been worse people on this earth who eventually came around.


I'm certainly not arguing against your points that are all valid. I'm only referring to Johnny Flameout who I expect to wash out of the league in a few years.

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Thanks man.


The only concerning thing IMO is that it was so late at night. Other than that, we're only hearing one side of the story - the guy who got hit and who knows wtf his deal is.


First time, who cares? But it happens over and over again. It's a pattern of bad decision making from a guy who should be the smartest guy on your team.


He strikes me as a little Matt Leinart. He is shocked he became so famous in college and just wants to be a celebrity. And there is a real question of how good of a player he is in the first place.


Well, in FireChans defense, he has been hating EJ long before everyone else. So, he is, and has been, consistent.


Haha. Very true.

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Thanks man.


The only concerning thing IMO is that it was so late at night. Other than that, we're only hearing one side of the story - the guy who got hit and who knows wtf his deal is.

From what I gather, there is a video so the truth will come out. But it sounds like the fan wanted to give him a hug, JFF's brohio got pissed and hit the guy, JFF allegedly sucker punched that guy's brother. But the accusers have some issues in their background and are on probation.
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Cute, but doesn't exactly support your point. Those teams didn't win when they did those types of things, did they?


Of course not, just pointing out the whole rocks/glass house type of thing with the fandom.


Note how all the noise surrounding Dez Bryant died down once he started producing on the field?

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Agreed. However I personally know quite a few people that have done punk /! for years and have turned their lives around. Some do it when their young and some do it after a few years, some continue to just be punks.


I can tell you that I'm very close w someone who is a multiple felon that now spends his life helping others. There are thousands of stories like his, he's not unique. Manziel may never "get it" but there have been worse people on this earth who eventually came around.

I think you're right in general, but do you know many people that have "turned it around" to do a job that only about 15 people in the world can do well? I think that pretty much takes a special person from the start.

Edited by SWATeam
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Of course not, just pointing out the whole rocks/glass house type of thing with the fandom.


Note how all the noise surrounding Dez Bryant died down once he started producing on the field?


You really don't see the difference between a qb and another position in decision making? Also, Bryant was a freak of talent. Manziel hardly fits into the Bryant mold.

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To be fair, what is he doing out at a club on a Friday night into the wee hours of the morning during the season? If he wants to shake the stigma of surrounding himself with trouble, he shouldn't be out anywhere at 2:30 a.m. Go home, watch a movie, read your playbook, get to bed early.


I know he's young, and maybe he'll learn; he hasn't yet.


but it wasnt even at the club. i know the ideal from him is to be locked up for the year to show he gets it but i think to a degree you have to expect him to go out SOMETIMES. if he was arriving home (said it was an apartment complex not club, but i dont know the place) at about 230 and wasnt getting too crazy - im not going to flame him. i get that hes young and rich and you will see him trying to have some fun. it seems the goon squad he surrounds himself with doesnt get as much play as his ego/drinking does but i think in this case i think the company he keeps bit him more than anything -- again, if the story is true.

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but it wasnt even at the club. i know the ideal from him is to be locked up for the year to show he gets it but i think to a degree you have to expect him to go out SOMETIMES. if he was arriving home (said it was an apartment complex not club, but i dont know the place) at about 230 and wasnt getting too crazy - im not going to flame him. i get that hes young and rich and you will see him trying to have some fun. it seems the goon squad he surrounds himself with doesnt get as much play as his ego/drinking does but i think in this case i think the company he keeps bit him more than anything -- again, if the story is true.


I totally get what you're saying. He is a kid, and yes, he has a life. I just think that there's no reason for him to be out that late during the season--to me, it shows he doesn't quite get it (yet).


I must've misread the article, as I thought it said Manziel was out at the club--in actuality it said the "victim" of the assault was out at a club. I still don't see any reason he needs to be anywhere other than at home and in bed at that hour, save for emergencies (which this obviously wasn't).

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Uh, so some guy tried to grab Johnny Football without warning, and he got punched in the face? What's the big deal?


If that's how it played out, you might be right. If the fan seemed threatening, you might be right. So let's suppose that was the case for a second.


One has to ask, why is the #2 QB out that late, partying, that close to game day? I thought Johnny's excuse for all the problems he encountered during the offseason was, well, that it was offseason. Once the season starts, it's all business, right? Sure, he's an adult and gets to make those decisions. But he is also a guy who has experienced a lot of negative publicity for him, and his team, by using questionable judgement. How can one consider him a team player, and a team leader, if he continues to put himself into situations where there is an enhanced likelihood of attracting trouble?


He is a celebrity---and not a reluctant one. He basks in the attention and profits from it. But it doesn't seem as though he can handle the issues that come with celebrity status. People approach celebrities, photo them, touch them and, yes, attempt to hug them. If he can't take it, I think the smart choice would be to stay private, party at home, play down his celebrity status, etc. Approaching someone, asking for a hug (if that happened), is NOT grounds for punching them. The only way a punch would have been acceptable is if the approach were CLEARLY threatening.


It might not be fair that Johnny has to watch his step while in public, but it isn't particularly fair he gets paid what he does for his job. I'm not suggesting he is overpaid, but I am suggesting the job comes with its rewards, and drawbacks. Fan attention comes with the job, like it or not.


In a way this reminds me of a time when by friend kept finding his teenage son with pot. It was in his drawer, he got caught with it in school, etc. Of course, he had to punish his son. The funny thing was, we smoked pot all the time when we were teenagers. We were smart enough, and discrete enough, to never get caught. Clearly his son isn't. He isn't really mad at the kid for smoking pot. He's mad because he keeps screwing up and getting caught. In a way, that's what makes Manziel different from others who may do the same thing. He just doesn't seem bright enough to be that arrogant.

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You really don't see the difference between a qb and another position in decision making? Also, Bryant was a freak of talent. Manziel hardly fits into the Bryant mold.


My guess is JFF is an amateur compared to Jim Kelly's younger days. Sucks for him to be born in the age of Twitter. Sucks for him that he's not on the field so that he can definitively prove his role in the NFL.

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