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Favorite Christmas Gift as a Kid


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If you got a piece of coal it should have turned into a diamond by now.

I remember watching Superman turn coal into a diamond, but he's the only one who could do that. Well, aside from Jim in Anchorage (I was going to say DC Tom but Jim seems jealous about all the attention that Tom gets so I'm throwing him a bone.)
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I remember watching Superman turn coal into a diamond, but he's the only one who could do that. Well, aside from Jim in Anchorage (I was going to say DC Tom but Jim seems jealous about all the attention that Tom gets so I'm throwing him a bone.)

Good idea. Jim deserves some love.
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I remember watching Superman turn coal into a diamond, but he's the only one who could do that. Well, aside from Jim in Anchorage (I was going to say DC Tom but Jim seems jealous about all the attention that Tom gets so I'm throwing him a bone.)


The difference is Superman did it with his hands, not his butt cheeks.

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Like many, I would have said the Atari 2600. That was a life changer. I remember having a lot of fun as a 'little' kid with this as well. The commercial is quite bad, but the toy was great.



My cousin had that...good times.


A boombox, the more buttons and switches the better it must be, right?


(not the exact one, just a similar one)



Mine was always smaller than my friends'. :bag:
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I just bought myself a 2008 Corvette. Only has 14,000 miles on it. Bought right outside of Boston, Mass. Gets delivered here Friday. That is my early Christmas present to myself. Always wanted one & finally decided to pull the trigger. The nicest Christmas gift I have ever got is either that or the package of socks my daughter got me for Christmas last year.

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I just bought myself a 2008 Corvette. Only has 14,000 miles on it. Bought right outside of Boston, Mass. Gets delivered here Friday. That is my early Christmas present to myself. Always wanted one & finally decided to pull the trigger. The nicest Christmas gift I have ever got is either that or the package of socks my daughter got me for Christmas last year.

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After my parents got divorced we had Christmas morning with my father. Had a few small things under the tree...crappy stuff overall, and one wrapped present for both my sister and myself. We unwrapped a billiard rack, looked at each other and then ran down to the basement to find a pool table set up! Looking back on it I'm pretty sure my dad just bought himself a pool table and passed it off as an awesome present. :)

Edited by Acantha
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I believe I was 12. My parents had gotten me a board game I really wanted, along with a "shooter tutor" for my hockey net.


Dad suggested--maybe 30 minutes after we finished opening presents--that we head to the basement and hook up the tutor. I agreed.


Heading down there, I could never have suspected what I'd see: the one gift I wanted more than anything, and never had a clue that my parents were even considering buying it for me:


A full-size air hockey table.



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