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Package Manual in a trade offer to move up to 1st round

Sweet Lou

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Never said that. But if he could get him for a low draft pick, he'd do it. He also wanted to get Spiller if the price was right.


You just said "Chip Kelly would take him," in a topic titled "Package Manuel in a trade offer to move up to the 1st round." What?


Also, please stop talking for Chip Kelly. Sanchez has one good game after getting back to back turnovers in the first 4 minutes, and suddenly Chip Kelly "developed him." No. Just no. Vick sucked with Kelly, but that doesn't fit your "Every QB Chip touches turns to gold!" narrative that you can't stop spewing. It's also hilarious because Foles has regressed this year, but that isn't on ol' Chip. Just because Chip "liked" EJ in the draft it doesn't mean he would want him today. Period.

Edited by FireChan
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There is an unmeasurable amount of opinion, both negative and positive, from the fans, the media and I'm sure the coaches in confidental meetings as well, regarding Manual's future and rightly so.


From a football "business" standpoint (Myself thinking like a new GM; et.al) If I needed to, or wanted to reposition my team to take a coveted player in the next draft I would try to package EJ Manuel and another player of equal value (or potential value) to move up to the first round so I could give our team a better opportunity to draft what I would consider a future franchise player.


Is there a coveted player (QB) in the next draft that would warrant this kind of trade ? Thoughts ?

Opinions welcome. However, try and stay civil my fellow fans. I'm betting some of you can't do it




Sweet Lou ..... What sweet stuff are smoking? Who would trade anything, I mean anything, for Manuel???? Only someone smoking the same sweet stuff you are.

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Aside from the misguided suggestion that EJ has any trade value, when will people learn that trading up is almost always a horrible idea??


How has trading up for a franchise QB worked out for the Jets and Redskins in recent years? Or the Bills ten years ago?

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Trade Manuel? For a 1st rounder. He wasn't even a first round value when he was drafted. Nix stated he was going to draft the QB of the future. He drafted this guy and the retired. He is sitting at home laughing. I would trade a 3rd of 4th rounder for Cutler. Nothing higher. The best thing Pegula could do now is stay the course for one more year. I would make D Squared try to figure this thing out next year. Whaley and Marrone traded this coming years first rounder to move up and get Watkins. If Pegula fires both this year then they get off the hook for screwing the organization another year.

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Aside from the misguided suggestion that EJ has any trade value, when will people learn that trading up is almost always a horrible idea??


How has trading up for a franchise QB worked out for the Jets and Redskins in recent years? Or the Bills ten years ago?


The Jags got a draft pick for Gabbert.


Good coaches like Harbaugh and Kelly think they are great coaches and can coach up players.


Any other coaching staff would be a massive upgrade for any of our offensive players.

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Aside from the misguided suggestion that EJ has any trade value, when will people learn that trading up is almost always a horrible idea??


How has trading up for a franchise QB worked out for the Jets and Redskins in recent years? Or the Bills ten years ago?


Not to railroad your example question, because it is a good one KD. But; IF there is another Andrew Luck in the making out there on draft day, I would pull the trigger and throw in the family truckster with the partridge in the pear tree to boot.

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The Jags got a draft pick for Gabbert.


Good coaches like Harbaugh and Kelly think they are great coaches and can coach up players.


Any other coaching staff would be a massive upgrade for any of our offensive players.

I agree. But I think the solution is to get a new coaching staff before starting to trade away players.



Not to railroad your example question, because it is a good one KD. But; IF there is another Andrew Luck in the making out there on draft day, I would pull the trigger and throw in the family truckster with the partridge in the pear tree to boot.

Sure, but Andrew Lucks don't come around very often and no one is ever going to trade away their rights to such a player. Doing the generic trade up just to have a pick 10-15 slots earlier is a horrible idea.

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