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Survivor Pool Help!

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I'm in the final 15 survivors and am not feeling strong this week: leaning towards the Fins but am considering


Fins (at Jax)

Texans (at Titans)

Chiefs (home vs Rams)

Browns (home vs Raiders)

Hawks (at Panthers)

Cowboys (home vs Skins)


(Used: Philly/NE/NYG/Bills/GB/Arizona/SD)


Would love some last minute advice from the collective!!! Thanks!

Edited by filthymcnasty08
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I'm down to my last entry and one of 133 left in a pool that started with over 700 ppl. I'm going KC but it's def a tough week and I'm assuming the majority of ppl will be taking the Cowboys.


Rams have been playing better but I'm expecting huge letdown going on road at KC after big upset vs Super Bowl champs. KC at home again next week vs Jets so no look ahead game for them either

Edited by Max997
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My System is never take division games.

Always take a home team.

I love the Browns at home vs the hapless Raiders.

Plus you get to use Cleveland and save a good team for latter.

I was :05 from defeat with Buffalo last week but my boy Sammy let me cash out. Thank you St. Louis (never take a division game)

Edited by Why So Serious?
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Dallas is an easy pick this week. I think about everyone else in your pool is going to pick Dallas. Might want to try to go against the grain now and save that Dallas pick for another week. Maybe two weeks against the Titans or next week against SF?


I'd go Hawks over Panthers as biggest risk. Others may pick Fins over Jax - easy pick. Cleveland may be a good pick this week, don't know what odds are saying.

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I would take Browns, Rams or Titans.


You would take the Rams after they beat Seattle on the road over KC?


How could anyone take Titans especially this week starting a rookie QB...Houston may also be getting Clowney back too

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