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Will Pegula Cough Up the Big Bucks for a Big Name HC?


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Forgot Marrone was the GM. The only thing he is doing is picking these guys (handed to him) over the ones that have been doing literally zero in the league since being cut by the Bills.

Marrone was the one that was "hands on" with Colin Brown, and didn't see what a bum he was until six games into the 2013 season. How does that happen when the Bills O line practices against the Bills D line.


I'm pretty certain that Marrone should have some input into who the team obtains in free agency, or the draft. The Bills let Chad Rinehart leave Buffalo, and he has been the starting LG for the Chargers the last two years. They cut Geoff Hangartner, and he went back to Carolina and started at OG. Yea, that was the year the brilliant FO minds decided they didn't need a decent backup center / OG, and then Woods when down after week 9, and so did the season.


After all the mistakes this staff has made so far its just a matter of time, and losses before changes will be made.

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Right, all we need is a big name head coach. The Redskins have been coughing up the big bucks for years in that regard. Mike Shanahan and his two Super Bowl rings was a major name, and a major loser as it turned out, who possibly ruined Griffin's career. Then there was Steve Spurrier etc. etc. Pegula needs to spend his money on a quarterback who can win games and create a winning atmosphere in this town. This will change the culture and help attract other big name free agents who have been avoiding Buffalo like the plague. A big name doesn't necessarily mean you'll have a winner. Much depends on how good your GM is and how much authority he has. Also, how much that GM has in selecting a quality coach. Again, there's Washington, where Dan Snyder has done everything possible to bring in a quality, powerful GM (who might the owner) and look where it's left that franchise.

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Right, all we need is a big name head coach. The Redskins have been coughing up the big bucks for years in that regard. Mike Shanahan and his two Super Bowl rings was a major name, and a major loser as it turned out, who possibly ruined Griffin's career. Then there was Steve Spurrier etc. etc. Pegula needs to spend his money on a quarterback who can win games and create a winning atmosphere in this town. This will change the culture and help attract other big name free agents who have been avoiding Buffalo like the plague. A big name doesn't necessarily mean you'll have a winner. Much depends on how good your GM is and how much authority he has. Also, how much that GM has in selecting a quality coach. Again, there's Washington, where Dan Snyder has done everything possible to bring in a quality, powerful GM (who might the owner) and look where it's left that franchise.

I'm kinda certain there was a huge money difference in the amount the Eagles paid Chip Kelly vs Doug Marrone. One guy goes 10-6, and the other goes 6-10. Pretty sure Jim Harbough - Pete Carroll didn't come cheap either.


Bills fans deserve a winner after all these years of losing. So the immediate reaction is to shout for a Bill Cowher or maybe a Nick Saban. A lot of fans wanted Lovie Smith, and he isn't looking so great right now.

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Jury is and still should be out on marrone (and the rest). However if this team turns into a 6 and 10 team again I don't see the redeeming value in unquestioned loyalty to a staff who knows nothing but 6-10 and a coach whose biggest game was the pinstripe bowl.


In this decade or so, the bills haven't been able to land (or even really covet) top coaches. Not only money but it is assurances that they will hold a lot of say on personnel matters and not be subject to micromanaging. We have seen signs of marrone in conflict with the fo. Guys like chip kelly don't want to be subject to that when careers and legacy is on the line. Chip kelly is going to be told anything regarding football by russ brandon? Laughable.


If (we will see) the team goes south, I could see pegula make a real effort to pay and give the keys to the car to a Harbough or a top ncaa hc... not saban or anything silly maybe the fella from stanford. Dabo Sweeney would be interesting... but no idea how he would translate to nfl. Create a "program".



Cowher gruden dungy etc are just silly side shows at this point if you can even get them out of the booth

Edited by May Day 10
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I'm kinda certain there was a huge money difference in the amount the Eagles paid Chip Kelly vs Doug Marrone. One guy goes 10-6, and the other goes 6-10. Pretty sure Jim Harbough - Pete Carroll didn't come cheap either.


Bills fans deserve a winner after all these years of losing. So the immediate reaction is to shout for a Bill Cowher or maybe a Nick Saban. A lot of fans wanted Lovie Smith, and he isn't looking so great right now.

Going from memory but easily verified fot those that care. i believe the salary of the coaches is close to the following.


Chip Kelly 6+ Mil. That is the reason his meeting with the Bills lasted around 17 minutes. Fresh young(er) minds do not come cheap.

expect the Eagles too be in the playoffs again this season.


Doug Marrone around 3 mil per year. Tied with three or four others as the lowest paid head coaches in the NFL. maybe he has it maybe

Not. he is like his staff and QB in year two. And, still on the WTF list. especially his game day coaching. leaving 2 timeouts on the table in the first half show more of Jauron Ball philisophy rather than a grab them by the balls in our house approach.


Like I said these have been published I suggest google to anyone that needs to know for sure. i could be off, but it is close.


You get what you pay for. But at least Marrone is showing just what a O-line guru he was/ is and BTW accredited with by many right here on TBD. Also, any takers on CJ up the middle on the first offensive series this Sunday?



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As a 50 yr. Bills' follower, I wonder if Pegula will do what Ralph only did once in his tenure, that is hiring a big name HC? Ralph to his credit or detriment tried iti once with Chuck Knox. The results for Knox were pretty good. In fact I was at the Bills/San Diego playoff game and I am convinced to this very day if Joe Ferguson were completely healthy we would have prevailed. I hope Pegula learned from the Darcy/Lindy fiasco with the Sabres that it is better to cut ties with the past and start fresh. Perhaps we can get a coach/GM that actually have a clue and are not either retreads or unknowns. There seems to be some up and coming and proven talent and Pegula may decide to go for the best money can buy!


Who wants to coach this team? Wade Phillips???

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I'm kinda certain there was a huge money difference in the amount the Eagles paid Chip Kelly vs Doug Marrone. One guy goes 10-6, and the other goes 6-10. Pretty sure Jim Harbough - Pete Carroll didn't come cheap either.


Bills fans deserve a winner after all these years of losing. So the immediate reaction is to shout for a Bill Cowher or maybe a Nick Saban. A lot of fans wanted Lovie Smith, and he isn't looking so great right now.

this...it's not about big name per se. it's about consensus potential. will that choice always be the best? no, but it's much more likely to than making a choice based on whatever criteria ("because i know him") the bills have been using for the past 15 years. it will be expensive, however and i think that's the question the op poses: will pegula be willing to pay? it's an important question.
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its not only pay though. Its organizational control. Chip Kelly does things his way.

This is true. And it's not just pay. At least where the Bills were concerned, it was going to be "overpay."


My take on this is that the Pegulas are going to expend a lot of effort making everything first class, so that the little touches and things you might not notice at first are going to be there. That's going to add up and the next time there is a coaching hire, it will make a difference. There won't have to be (and shouldn't have to be) such a premium for the Bills.

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I agree with many that money hasn't been the issue always, its also team potential and the organization as a whole. Not knowing what city might be your new home city over the past 10 years certainly hasn't helped for a coach who may want to relocate his family to Buffalo only to find out now it its time to move to Tor, LA, London etc etc. Now that is solved is should help.


It's funny some people on here want Polian back as team president and "give him full control". Then others write they should have hired a coach like Chip Kelley and "give him full control". It would be interesting to see how many posters are putting up the same mantra and hoping one sticks! :flirt:

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