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Greed and the NFL


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Much discussion in recent times concerning greed and the American economy. But exhibit A for pure greed could easily be many of the current owners of NFL franchises. Robert Kraft for example.


So Kraft buys the New England franchise for about 400 million and it's now valued at over 2 billion. Nice profit right? Plus the substantial 50 million+ yearly profit he grinds out. But is that anywhere near enough for this guy, who is so often touted by the media for his "charitable" works. Give me a break. He squeezes every penny out of the fans who attend the games. From parking to concessions he charges the families that attend the very most he possibly can, I suppose, of course, because 2 to 3 billion dollars is just not enough for him. So ban fans from bringing in water bottles to the game, then charge 4 dollars for a bottle of your 25 cent water. If the water supply in Boston was suddenly poisoned, and the local 7-11 store started charging 4 bucks for a bottle of water, people would burn down the store. But Kraft is a saint. Who, along with Jerry Jones, would love to see the Bills relocate so as to enhance NFL revenue.


But why look all the way to the New England area for egregious examples of greed. How about one Ralph Wilson Jr, hero to many in WNY as well as many on this board. Despite running (into the ground) one of the most dysfunctional franchises in NFL history, he managed to pocket well over one billion dollars in net profit as a reward for his epic mismanagement. His greed knew no bounds. To the community that built him his stadium, payed for it's up keep, spent hundreds of millions to improve, he extended a his middle finger from the grave. Puts the franchise up for the highest bidder, while sneaking in an escape clause in the lease allowing the team to be moved. And having his trust keep giving the low bidding out of towners chance after chance to increase their bid so as to squeeze yet even more money out of this franchise. At least Kraft contributed to the construction/maintenance costs of his stadium, and did not have the unmitigated arrogance to have the taxpayers forego the lucrative naming rights so as to have the stadium named after himself.


Contemplate Wilson's greed. He is 90+ years old and a billion dollars to the good yet sacrifices his team's chances to win games by selling two games per year to Toronto; all for just an extra 5 - 10 million dollars. That's pure greed folks, and some day I hope the WNY area will wake up and cease and desist in their hero worship of Wilson. The first thing I would do after this team is sold is to rename the stadium.



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IN this case I'm glad and appreciative of Mr. Wilson for not going for more money elsewhere.


Elsewhere? He moved a number of games to Toronto for more money, at the expense of actually winning games, for more money. Toronto counts as "elsewhere". It's nice that your appreciative of Wilson not moving franchise, but isn't realizing 1 billion dollars plus in profit enough of an award, aside from your appreciation.


This is an example of the typical Wilson fan. We have had so so many great players/individuals play for this team over the years, who are always referred to as "Jim", or "Bruce" - but invariably, this incompetent, greedy owner is referred to as "Mr" Wilson. Please

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Elsewhere? He moved a number of games to Toronto for more money, at the expense of actually winning games, for more money. Toronto counts as "elsewhere". It's nice that your appreciative of Wilson not moving franchise, but isn't realizing 1 billion dollars plus in profit enough of an award, aside from your appreciation.


This is an example of the typical Wilson fan. We have had so so many great players/individuals play for this team over the years, who are always referred to as "Jim", or "Bruce" - but invariably, this incompetent, greedy owner is referred to as "Mr" Wilson. Please


If his goal was to make money, how was he incompetent?

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Slimy post Vegas. This as his trust is scaring away bidders left and right at the expense of their estate by rigging the game so the team stays in Buffalo and your sorry a** can watch the home town team on TV.


The trust is doing no such thing. As local candidate Pegula posts the initial highest bid, the trust is soliciting other bids and asking for re submissions so as to drive the price higher. If they were "rigging" the game so the team stays in Buffalo, Pegula would own the team right now. Hey genius, if the sale was rigged to keep the team in Buffalo, please explain to all of us why Wilson insisted on an escape clause in the recent 10 year lease. Explain to us please why an escape clause is necessary when the intent is to rig the game to keep the team in Buffalo.

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I hate Capitalism ( cuz I suck at it ). Its very simple. Supply and Demand. Water is 4$ cuz people buy it. Beer is 12$ cuz people buy it. NFL makes billions of dollars, cuz people buy it! Too bad we cheer of an inept franchise, but that is beside the point!

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If his goal was to make money, how was he incompetent?



Incompetent in terms of a franchise having so many losing seasons. Incompetent in terms of actually losing the number one pick in NFL draft to the CFL. Incompetent in terms of losing Jim Kelly to the USFL. Most pro franchise owners want and should make money, but want to win as well. Wilson only made money

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Slimy post Vegas. This as his trust is scaring away bidders left and right at the expense of their estate by rigging the game so the team stays in Buffalo and your sorry a** can watch the home town team on TV.


I saw the response to your very sensible and coherent post. I suggest this is not a battle to be fought as there are some things you just can't fix.




The trust is doing no such thing. As local candidate Pegula posts the initial highest bid, the trust is soliciting other bids and asking for re submissions so as to drive the price higher. If they were "rigging" the game so the team stays in Buffalo, Pegula would own the team right now. Hey genius, if the sale was rigged to keep the team in Buffalo, please explain to all of us why Wilson insisted on an escape clause in the recent 10 year lease. Explain to us please why an escape clause is necessary when the intent is to rig the game to keep the team in Buffalo.


Really? They have to take the first offer? May I bid on your house?

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