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Jim Kelly turned down Dancing with the Stars


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What idiot thought this was a good idea at ABC?

They only care about ratings, not how well they can perform. They figured it was a good story line. That show is stupid, there's always one person who is basically a professional dancer and nobody can compete with them

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My wife is hooked on that show and I get sucked in too. But kdiggz is right about the way the show is stacked. They want Kelly for the tearjerker value. It must be in their contracts that contestants must cry about something three times each season.

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Some intern asked him probably


Well we now know who is without a job. Wrong time for a PR stunt like this. Come on, give us a break. Jimbo is still using a Feeding Tube..and they think he will want to dance/work out 4-8 hours a day. He has already lost alot of weight, now in a year or two when everything is back to semi-normal, that would be the time to ask him.


All about the publicity, sheesh!!!

Edited by rsxfirefighter
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