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Bills fans are drunkest in NFL

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As it should be. It's a freaking game. Meant to be fun for all. Some idiots seem to think it's more than that and it is some kind of moral obligation to get hammered and harass anyone, women and children included, for being a fan of the opposing team. Embarrassing.


Exactly. Good natured teasing is part of the experience, so I was actually disapointed that I got none of that in Houston. New Orleans I had some, followed by a handshake, and a restaurant suggestion. Honestly happened about five times on my way to the seats.

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I find it embarrassing that some are actually proud of this. Like many have mentioned I have seen a lot of posts on facebook from people in their early to mid 20's saying damn right this is how we roll.


I would rather be known for the guy that was able to give ya some good nature jabs about your QB wearing a skirt then I would the guy that pissed himself, called you some derogatory names and tried to fight you.


That's just me though.

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I find it embarrassing that some are actually proud of this. Like many have mentioned I have seen a lot of posts on facebook from people in their early to mid 20's saying damn right this is how we roll.


I would rather be known for the guy that was able to give ya some good nature jabs about your QB wearing a skirt then I would the guy that pissed himself, called you some derogatory names and tried to fight you.


That's just me though.

Like The Dean says, there are good drunks and bad drunks. Often times, it doesn't really matter how many they had. The good drunks far, far outweigh the bad drunks, 100x as many, it's just that the bad drunks are 100x more visible.

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Was it this bad during the early 90's when we were good?





No. You would see the odd fight usu. involving a fan wearing "enemy cloth" and probably in the cheap seats. Tailgating was huge, but not as many fans were puking on their shoes (or yours) walking in the gates. Most actually wanted to see the game.

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I sat next to a young Jets fan one game and we became friendly. Nice young guy wearing his jersey who travelled to see the game. I had a teenage son with me in a walking boot due to a broken ankle. After a few beers the Jets fan bacame more vocal, and the game was not going well from a Bills fan's perspective. He started getting an uncomfortable level of attention, from my point of view. I politely warned him to chill a bit, which only seem to get him more exuberant. Finally, just before it got really ugly, I grabbed the kid by the shoulders and put the fear of God in him. I didn't want to get hit by the stuff being thrown at him, and I couldn't help if someone came to beat the crap out of him. I think he saw how serious I was, because he became much more respectful immediately. He thought it was just a game, I knew it was not and my son didn't have the ability to get out of the way. My son was with me a couple years earlier in Tampa for a Packers game where we got caught up in one of those brawls where dozens of people cascade down for rows and rows with innocent folks getting caught up in the melee.


It's a terrible shame that it's like this, and it happens everywhere to some degree, but it really ruins the experience for the grown ups who are there to see a football game and have a good time. "Leading" in this category is a sad statement.

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Like The Dean says, there are good drunks and bad drunks. Often times, it doesn't really matter how many they had. The good drunks far, far outweigh the bad drunks, 100x as many, it's just that the bad drunks are 100x more visible.


I'm a firm believer that eliminating beer pong from the parking lots will help deter/eliminate the dbags from attending games. It's really that simple.


Plus, all the turds from the 18-26 years old crowd who have never seen a winning product can now stay home and play their games and get belligerent in private. The devil is in them cups. The devil I say.

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I'm a firm believer that eliminating beer pong from the parking lots will help deter/eliminate the dbags from attending games. It's really that simple.


Plus, all the turds from the 18-26 years old crowd who have never seen a winning product can now stay home and play their games and get belligerent in private. The devil is in them cups. The devil I say.


There really wouldn't be much of a legit reason that could be used for enforcing that, being that beer pong, in and of itself, is harmless.

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There really wouldn't be much of a legit reason that could be used for enforcing that, being that beer pong, in and of itself, is harmless.


Tossing pong balls is, but the mass amount of beer consumption associated with it is the problem....

Beer pong

Flip cup

Beer bongs...


All good for a mighty quick drunk!

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A League of Their Own? Geez, got any quotes from Shakespeare In Love?


When you handed in your man card did they burn it or shred it or shred it then burn it?

Never seen Shakespeare on love. As for my man card; that was gone after I had two female cats, a wife and two daughters. And I'd happily watch it again, give up my man card, for all of them.

Edited by The Wiz
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Tossing pong balls is, but the mass amount of beer consumption associated with it is the problem....

Beer pong

Flip cup

Beer bongs...


All good for a mighty quick drunk!

Personally, I'm not a fan of beer pong, its only played with cheap beer, and I prefer to taste and enjoy it. But just like any other activity that involves drinking, it's ok if you can handle it.

Edited by The Real Buffalo Joe
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