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I made it fourty posts in before I contracted cancer from all the awful, blatantly false and lolbad posts. Good job, you don't like or understand soccer and had a nice little circle jerk about how great football is.


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Holy crap - the guy that scored that second goal put on a demonstration that would only be made if somebody won the world championship in any other sport, not a goal in the first round of a tournament, with time left on the clock. I didn't think the guy would even be able to continue to play he was so emotional.


His teammates had to grab him and say Dude, we have a game to keep playing, and yet he laid back down!



Maybe because it's the World Cup? Maybe that doesn't mean much to you, but for the rest of the world it means everything in the world of sports. Just think if the Superbowl was held only once every four years, and multiply that by 10. That's the World Cup. It makes it a wee bit more special in the eyes of the vast majority of the world than any other sport.


For these men, this was their ultimate dream, to make it to the world cup. Starting at the age of 4-5, travelling as kids to games across the state and country, training trying to be the best of the best day in day out, just to have an opportunity to be selected for a tryout with the national team. I remember what an awesome achievement that it was for me being selected 2nd team all state in soccer. I traveled across the state, even had to travel an hour to go to practices three times a week. The sacrifice made by my parents and by me was all worth it to be selected to the All State team.. So for these men, magnify that by 10.


Even then, once your name is called to the national team, the qualification phase to get into the World Cup is a two year process. Not only do you have to perform at a high level during the practices or games that you play in the qualification phase, but there is tremendous pressure for you to perform well and not get benched for the professional team you play for. Because every game you play for your professional team, you are still being evaluated. And if you get benched for an extended period of time, guess what? The coach most likely won't select you for the next phase of the qualifications. Because in their view, you aren't as fit as you need to be and that your game skills aren't being tested.


It's a grueling process, and to be selected to the team means that you were selected over the best your country has to offer, and for 2/3 of our World Cup team, it is the FIRST time they ever made it to the biggest show in all of sports on this planet. That alone is a huge achievement in itself.


So now that you finally make the team, you not only dream of making it, but scoring that goal with time running out to win the game. That's the dream. That's what you been playing for all of your life, to have that opportunity arise, and to actually achieve what was the wildest of improbable fantasies, and you call this pinnacle moment, not just for this young man, but a DRAMATIC moment that helps lift this team in the World Cup, which puts the US in a great position to possibly advance in the "Group of Death", a team that has knocked us out of the previous two World Cup's, that gives a lot of pride to many American's, and in your view his celebration was "embarrassing".


No, what's embarrassing is your penchant to act like a tool. Ya'know, I was actually feeling kinda bad for you yesterday because of how you were being beat up by everyone, grant it, you were in the wrong, but still. But rather than just obsessively continue to let your public disdain for Futbol go, what do you do? You double down on being dense.


And no, his teammates weren't thinking that, only you and the rest of the people who dislike Futbol were thinking that.

Edited by Magox
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Maybe because it's the World Cup? Maybe that doesn't mean much to you, but for the rest of the world it means everything in the world of sports. Just think if the Superbowl was held only once every four years, and multiply that by 10. That's the World Cup. It makes it a wee bit more special in the eyes of the vast majority of the world than any other sport.


For these men, this was their ultimate dream, to make it to the world cup. Starting at the age of 4-5, travelling as kids to games across the state and country, training trying to be the best of the best day in day out, just to have an opportunity to be selected for a tryout with the national team. I remember what an awesome achievement that it was for me being selected 2nd team all state in soccer. I traveled across the state, even had to travel an hour to go to practices three times a week. The sacrifice made by my parents and by me was all worth it to be selected to the All State team.. So for these men, magnify that by 10.


Even then, once your name is called to the national team, the qualification phase to get into the World Cup is a two year process. Not only do you have to perform at a high level during the practices or games that you play in the qualification phase, but there is tremendous pressure for you to perform well and not get benched for the professional team you play for. Because every game you play for your professional team, you are still being evaluated. And if you get benched for an extended period of time, guess what? The coach most likely won't select you for the next phase of the qualifications. Because in their view, you aren't as fit as you need to be and that your game skills aren't being tested.


It's a grueling process, and to be selected to the team means that you were selected over the best your country has to offer, and for 2/3 of our World Cup team, it is the FIRST time they ever made it to the biggest show in all of sports on this planet. That alone is a huge achievement in itself.


So now that you finally make the team, you not only dream of making it, but scoring that goal with time running out to win the game. That's the dream. That's what you been playing for all of your life, to have that opportunity arise, and to actually achieve what was the wildest of improbable fantasies, and you call this pinnacle moment, not just for this young man, but a DRAMATIC moment that helps lift this team in the World Cup, which puts the US in a great position to possibly advance in the "Group of Death", a team that has knocked us out of the previous two World Cup's, that gives a lot of pride to many American's, and in your view his celebration was "embarrassing".


No, what's embarrassing is your penchant to act like a tool. Ya'know, I was actually feeling kinda bad for you yesterday because of how you were being beat up by everyone, grant it, you were in the wrong, but still. But rather than just obsessively continue to let your public disdain for Futbol go, what do you do? You double down on being dense.


And no, his teammates weren't thinking that, only you and the rest of the people who dislike Futbol were thinking that.


Well said.

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I read this article today, and it encapsulated the errr discussions we are having on this topic.



Soccer fans in the United States — of the U.S. Men’s National Team, of the MLS, the 30 million Americans who watched the past season of the Premier League on NBC Sports — are a divided bunch. On one end, you have a generation that was primarily introduced to the game 20 years ago, that takes pride in the ups and downs of the squad. On the other is a crew that loves to flex their American exceptionalism and drop in every four years looking for something novel to validate their quasi-worldly outlooks.

In between those extremes, the fans are slowly maturing.


This tournament puts U.S. fans in new position. It’s just another soccer team. Not the team that’s going to push the game’s popularity over the top, or the group that just might surprise people and sniff major success.

Everything is average. Which is perfect.


Rebecca Lowe, host of NBC Sports’ Premier League Live show, knows soccer fans are “a minority within sports.” But even within that minority there is often a perception of the right way to be a soccer fan. She describes the problem this way: “There’s always people saying, ‘Oh, you don’t know anything about football; you’re not really part of it. We’re knowledgeable and no one else is.’ I think that’s going to change and that has to change.”

Scoffing at soccer makes you look like an uncultured buffoon. In the District, specifically, it’s particularly noticeable. And for the first time in my life, I feel like being a fan of the game isn’t a personality quirk or trick to trot out at parties.


Thankfully, the rift between die-hards and casual observers is closing. Just as it’s lame to blow off soccer as a sport, it’s equally ridiculous to act as if following the most popular game in the world is somehow a membership in a secret club.



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Maybe because it's the World Cup? Maybe that doesn't mean much to you, but for the rest of the world it means everything in the world of sports. Just think if the Superbowl was held only once every four years, and multiply that by 10. That's the World Cup. It makes it a wee bit more special in the eyes of the vast majority of the world than any other sport.


For these men, this was their ultimate dream, to make it to the world cup. Starting at the age of 4-5, travelling as kids to games across the state and country, training trying to be the best of the best day in day out, just to have an opportunity to be selected for a tryout with the national team. I remember what an awesome achievement that it was for me being selected 2nd team all state in soccer. I traveled across the state, even had to travel an hour to go to practices three times a week. The sacrifice made by my parents and by me was all worth it to be selected to the All State team.. So for these men, magnify that by 10.


Even then, once your name is called to the national team, the qualification phase to get into the World Cup is a two year process. Not only do you have to perform at a high level during the practices or games that you play in the qualification phase, but there is tremendous pressure for you to perform well and not get benched for the professional team you play for. Because every game you play for your professional team, you are still being evaluated. And if you get benched for an extended period of time, guess what? The coach most likely won't select you for the next phase of the qualifications. Because in their view, you aren't as fit as you need to be and that your game skills aren't being tested.


It's a grueling process, and to be selected to the team means that you were selected over the best your country has to offer, and for 2/3 of our World Cup team, it is the FIRST time they ever made it to the biggest show in all of sports on this planet. That alone is a huge achievement in itself.


So now that you finally make the team, you not only dream of making it, but scoring that goal with time running out to win the game. That's the dream. That's what you been playing for all of your life, to have that opportunity arise, and to actually achieve what was the wildest of improbable fantasies, and you call this pinnacle moment, not just for this young man, but a DRAMATIC moment that helps lift this team in the World Cup, which puts the US in a great position to possibly advance in the "Group of Death", a team that has knocked us out of the previous two World Cup's, that gives a lot of pride to many American's, and in your view his celebration was "embarrassing".


No, what's embarrassing is your penchant to act like a tool. Ya'know, I was actually feeling kinda bad for you yesterday because of how you were being beat up by everyone, grant it, you were in the wrong, but still. But rather than just obsessively continue to let your public disdain for Futbol go, what do you do? You double down on being dense.


And no, his teammates weren't thinking that, only you and the rest of the people who dislike Futbol were thinking that.


Funny how all I've done on this thread is agree with other people, yet I'm the one who keeps getting beat up, as you said.


And, since I was so wrong yesterday, maybe you can tell me how - since nobody else did.


Yeah, a grown man lying face down on the field and crying in the middle of the game (the first game of the tournament.) That's normal.


His teammates were trying to pull him up. I suppose that's some sort of secret thing you can't tell me about, right?


Oh, and while the clock just keeps running. Hahaha

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Funny how all I've done on this thread is agree with other people, yet I'm the one who keeps getting beat up, as you said.


And, since I was so wrong yesterday, maybe you can tell me how - since nobody else did.


Yeah, a grown man lying face down on the field and crying in the middle of the game (the first game of the tournament.) That's normal.


His teammates were trying to pull him up. I suppose that's some sort of secret thing you can't tell me about, right?


Oh, and while the clock just keeps running. Hahaha

You know damn well what you did. Just admit it!!

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Funny how all I've done on this thread is agree with other people, yet I'm the one who keeps getting beat up, as you said.


And, since I was so wrong yesterday, maybe you can tell me how - since nobody else did.


Yeah, a grown man lying face down on the field and crying in the middle of the game (the first game of the tournament.) That's normal.


His teammates were trying to pull him up. I suppose that's some sort of secret thing you can't tell me about, right?


Oh, and while the clock just keeps running. Hahaha


It seems like the meltdown reaction to a goal occurs even in the non-World Cup games too, doesn't it?


The melodramatic reactions are just part of the culture of the sport, I guess.


What's crazy is that an NFL player does a little dance or "dunks" a football after a TD, and 1/2 the fans say, "act like you've been there before."

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I was going to say that I thought I've seen it in non WC games, as well, but didn't want to be called a tool. (I'm a tool for taking one side of the debate in a debate thread - makes sense)


I was thinking yesterday that last year I went to my niece's conference tournament championship game. This game was to make it into the NCAA tournament. When goals were scored, the girls jumped up, then high fived each other, then went back to midfield to start playing again.


This game meant as much to them as this WC game meant to the crying man, and yet girls act like pros and grown men act like girls.


You know damn well what you did. Just admit it!!


I sure hope I did it.

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They are a sensitive bunch.


You couldn't have that more reversed.


Of course, once again, I get called the tool (which all started with you as you've turned into an ahole from what I always thought of you as) because I agree with somebody else.


Tools are people who don't answer questions, like you guys.

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You couldn't have that more reversed.


Of course, once again, I get called the tool (which all started with you as you've turned into an ahole from what I always thought of you as) because I agree with somebody else.


Tools are people who don't answer questions, like you guys.


You keep bringing it up. You called me an ahole and I couldn't give a flying !@#$. That's the difference.

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Yeah, keep up the tradition here of name calling instead of answering questions.


A tool is somebody who disagrees with you, right?

What questions have you posed? You demanded that meazza issue a personal apology on behalf of the game of soccer because some Brazilian woman taken off on a stretcher hopped back up once on the sideline and then you took a victory lap based on the average amount of stoppage time as evidenced by poorly crafted anecdotes while confusing the **** out of yourself about the meaning of literal. Now you're so pot committed to a "debate" over a matter of preference (which is the epitome of asinine) that you're taking the offensive to the football board to whine about pretentious hipster soccer fans. Just admit that you're too insecure in your own sexuality to watch futbol.


I don't like NASCAR. No idea why its popular. That said, I know that I'm not going to convince fans to admit its not a sport, to stop watching, or apologize for only turning left. Especially since I don't care.

Edited by Jauronimo
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You keep bringing it up. You called me an ahole and I couldn't give a flying !@#$. That's the difference.


Yeah, I called you that, after you reversed field and started calling me names two days ago. The day before, we were discussing how they could end games better than the current PK system. All of sudden, you call me a tool. WTF


What questions have you posed? You demanded that meazza issue a personal apology on behalf of the game of soccer because some Brazilian woman taken off on a stretcher hopped back up once on the sideline and then you took a victory lap based on the average amount of stoppage time as evidenced by poorly crafted anecdotes while confusing the **** out of yourself about the meaning of literal. Now you're so pot committed to a "debate" over a matter of preference (which is the epitome of asinine) that you're taking the offensive to the football board to whine about pretentious hipster soccer fans. Just admit that you're too insecure in your own sexuality to watch futbol.


Here's a question - how did I confuse myself about the meaning of literal? That is one thing that I'd like answered. DC said that, and never answered.


Calling people gay is always funny, though.

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Yeah, I called you that, after you reversed field and started calling me names two days ago. The day before, we were discussing how they could end games better than the current PK system. All of sudden, you call me a tool. WTF




Here's a question - how did I confuse myself about the meaning of literal? That is one thing that I'd like answered. DC said that, and never answered.


Calling people gay is always funny, though.

I didn't say you were gay.


Its not as much fun if we have to explain it.

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Another question is why would that Brazil girl do that? Mr. Peace said that it was embarrassing, which was the whole point anyway. But, of course, couldn't leave it at that. He said that I'm wrong about it being a time wasting strategy (which is what espn and pretty much everybody at the time said).


Then what was it? Oh, he doesn't have the time to tell me. It's beneath him.


I didn't say you were gay.


Its not as much fun if we have to explain it.


The same circle over and over.


Don't ask me what questions I asked if you're not going to answer them.


So Scoffing at soccer makes you look like an uncultured buffoon? That's one of the funniest and most absurd thing I've heard in a long time. :lol:


So pretentious.

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Another question is why would that Brazil girl do that? Mr. Peace said that it was embarrassing, which was the whole point anyway. But, of course, couldn't leave it at that. He said that I'm wrong about it being a time wasting strategy (which is what espn and pretty much everybody at the time said).


Then what was it? Oh, he doesn't have the time to tell me. It's beneath him.




The same circle over and over.


Don't ask me what questions I asked if you're not going to answer them.



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