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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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What is it you love so much about her ?


I have a gay uncle whose smitten by her and an ex coworker who wrote a sob story about voting for the first woman while she wore a shirt that says the kitty grabs back. She had some message about ending sexism and racism and every other ism and something about construction workers catcalling her. There will be no more catcalling after Hillary is in !

i love nothing about her. As a Canadian i'm finding the whole thing both amusing and horrific.

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I am shocked ............... :rolleyes:




FBI Director James Comey wrote Congress to say that his prior testimony, to the effect that the agency’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server was concluded, was no longer accurate due to the discovery of a new batch of relevant emails. The Clinton campaign predictably reacted with outrage. Was that a good faith response, or just political posturing?


I find it revealing that when the Clinton campaign launched its attack on Comey, it led off with a lie. In her press conference last night, Hillary Clinton accused Comey of partisanship, falsely claiming that he had sent his letter only to Congressional Republicans. In fact, Comey followed the standard protocol, addressing his letter to the chairmen of the relevant committees and sending copies to the ranking minority members of each committee:


Hillary corrected her false claim that Comey had only sent the letter to Republicans:

At her press conference, Clinton wrongly said that the FBI director had only sent his letter to Republicans on the Hill. A Clinton campaign official later said she misspoke. That impression, the official said, was based on the first page of the letter, which listed the names of Republican chairs of committees, while the Democratic ranking members’ names weren’t listed until the second page.



Right: Hillary is too dumb to turn the page. And after 30 years as a federal office-holder or hanger-on, she is unaware of the standard manner of addressing correspondence to Congressional committees.

But that’s not all: Hillary’s campaign manager, John Podesta, echoed Hillary’s smear:

“FBI Director Comey should immediately provide the American public more information than is contained in the letter he sent to eight Republican committee chairmen,” Podesta said in a statement.



Note that this was a written statement, not an off the cuff characterization at a press conference. So the campaign’s lie–Comey is a partisan, he only communicated with Republicans!–was deliberate. That being the case, it is hard to take the Democrats’ indignation seriously.

Reminder (from July) :lol:

Flashback: Washington Post editorial blasts Republicans for attacking FBI Director Comey







Edited by B-Man
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by Jonah Goldberg


In all of the arguments and counter-arguments about whether Comey is right or wrong, principled or cynical, something important is lost in the conversation:


This is all Hillary Clinton’s fault. She did this.


She and her husband have spent 30 years bending and breaking the rules and letting others pay the price for it. The Clintons force everyone off the highroad and then, when convenient, condemn them for deviating from it.


Clinton put Comey in a terrible situation. We can condemn him — or praise him — for the decisions he made once he ended up there.


But let’s not lose sight of the fact that this is all Hillary Clinton’s doing in the first place.


She decided to use the home-brew server.


She decided to lie about it.


She did this.


And if she ends up losing this election (which I still very much doubt) it will be her fault — and her fault alone.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner

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by Jonah Goldberg


In all of the arguments and counter-arguments about whether Comey is right or wrong, principled or cynical, something important is lost in the conversation:


This is all Hillary Clinton’s fault. She did this.


She and her husband have spent 30 years bending and breaking the rules and letting others pay the price for it. The Clintons force everyone off the highroad and then, when convenient, condemn them for deviating from it.


Clinton put Comey in a terrible situation. We can condemn him — or praise him — for the decisions he made once he ended up there.


But let’s not lose sight of the fact that this is all Hillary Clinton’s doing in the first place.


She decided to use the home-brew server.


She decided to lie about it.


She did this.


And if she ends up losing this election (which I still very much doubt) it will be her fault — and her fault alone.


Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner


She didn't build that.

Somebody else made it happen

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In DC, it's commonly accepted that mayoral race ends with the Democratic primary. Local news doesn't even report Republican candidates, as they're completely irrelevant.


by Jonah Goldberg


In all of the arguments and counter-arguments about whether Comey is right or wrong, principled or cynical, something important is lost in the conversation:


This is all Hillary Clinton’s fault. She did this.


She and her husband have spent 30 years bending and breaking the rules and letting others pay the price for it. The Clintons force everyone off the highroad and then, when convenient, condemn them for deviating from it.


Clinton put Comey in a terrible situation. We can condemn him — or praise him — for the decisions he made once he ended up there.


But let’s not lose sight of the fact that this is all Hillary Clinton’s doing in the first place.


She decided to use the home-brew server.


She decided to lie about it.


She did this.


And if she ends up losing this election (which I still very much doubt) it will be her fault — and her fault alone.


Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner


Lost in all this hand-wringing are two things:


1) Despite what the Clinton campaign is accusing him of, Comey did not "publicly announce" anything. He sent a letter to the appropriate committee leadership in Congress, as they required him to do.


2) Clinton's demanding he publicly release information related. She's not even President, and she's already interfering with an ongoing investigation by the FBI.

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This is a truly outlandish take, considering what happened in July


Comey’s decision is a striking break with the policies of the Department of Justice, according to current and former federal legal officials. Comey, who is a Republican appointee of President Obama, has a reputation for integrity and independence, but his latest action is stirring an extraordinary level of concern among legal authorities, who see it as potentially affecting the outcome of the Presidential and congressional elections.

Let's not ignore the Dem shenanigans surrounding GW's DUI allegations in the week before the election, or the fake charges tossed at Ted Stevens that swayed the Alaska elections.


But it is funny to see them all crying foul when their tactics are used against them.

So publishing the truth is meddling in an election but withholding the truth until after the election would be acceptable.


Maybe somebody wiped it with a cloth?

Or it was hacked by Russian supporters of Trump.


In DC, it's commonly accepted that mayoral race ends with the Democratic primary. Local news doesn't even report Republican candidates, as they're completely irrelevant.



In Chicago Republicans don't even run for Mayor.

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If you are a Donald Trump fan, you don’t need to be persuaded to vote for him over Hillary Clinton. But for those who are not high on either candidate and haven’t yet made up their minds, Glenn Reynolds makes a strong argument for Trump in USA Today. Briefly put, Trump is the less dangerous choice.

You should read the whole thing, which is copiously supported with links. Here are some excerpts:

“Someone somewhere should have told her no.” Those are the words of a Clinton ally quoted in a roundup of Democratic reactions to Hillary Clinton’s FBI news by congressional newspaper
The Hill
. …


Someone, somewhere, should have told her no. Well, yes. But who? That was the problem with Secretary of State Clinton, and
it will be a bigger problem with a President Clinton. Because, by all appearances, nobody tells Clinton no, and Clinton has no compunction about breaking the rules when it suits her purposes.


Thus the Clinton Foundation became a global money-laundering and influence-peddling organization without precedent in American history. … And to make sure that nobody found out what was going on, Clinton ran her own homebrew server operation designed to ensure that Freedom of Information Act requests turned up nothing — and even President Obama, rather than saying no, went along, sending her emails at her non-government address under a fake name.


It won’t be that way with a President Trump. This isn’t because Trump is any less arrogant than Clinton (though it would be hard to be
arrogant). It’s because more people will be willing to tell Trump no.
The civil service, which leans overwhelmingly Democratic, won’t be bending over backwards to do his will. The press can’t stand him. And the Congress, even if controlled by the GOP, won’t support him if he misbehaves because so many Republicans dislike him, too.


The truth is, neither one of our leading candidates for president is a paragon of virtue. But only one of them has already made a habit of flouting the law while in office, selling favors and escaping the consequences, and only one of them is likely to be able to pull it off from the White House.





Glenn does a great service by bringing solid facts and arguments to the middle-of-the-road Americans who read USA Today.

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If you are a Donald Trump fan, you don’t need to be persuaded to vote for him over Hillary Clinton. But for those who are not high on either candidate and haven’t yet made up their minds, Glenn Reynolds makes a strong argument for Trump in USA Today. Briefly put, Trump is the less dangerous choice.

You should read the whole thing, which is copiously supported with links. Here are some excerpts:


“Someone somewhere should have told her no.” Those are the words of a Clinton ally quoted in a roundup of Democratic reactions to Hillary Clinton’s FBI news by congressional newspaper The Hill. …


Someone, somewhere, should have told her no. Well, yes. But who? That was the problem with Secretary of State Clinton, and it will be a bigger problem with a President Clinton. Because, by all appearances, nobody tells Clinton no, and Clinton has no compunction about breaking the rules when it suits her purposes.


Thus the Clinton Foundation became a global money-laundering and influence-peddling organization without precedent in American history. … And to make sure that nobody found out what was going on, Clinton ran her own homebrew server operation designed to ensure that Freedom of Information Act requests turned up nothing — and even President Obama, rather than saying no, went along, sending her emails at her non-government address under a fake name.


It won’t be that way with a President Trump. This isn’t because Trump is any less arrogant than Clinton (though it would be hard to be more arrogant). It’s because more people will be willing to tell Trump no. The civil service, which leans overwhelmingly Democratic, won’t be bending over backwards to do his will. The press can’t stand him. And the Congress, even if controlled by the GOP, won’t support him if he misbehaves because so many Republicans dislike him, too.


The truth is, neither one of our leading candidates for president is a paragon of virtue. But only one of them has already made a habit of flouting the law while in office, selling favors and escaping the consequences, and only one of them is likely to be able to pull it off from the White House.




Glenn does a great service by bringing solid facts and arguments to the middle-of-the-road Americans who read USA Today.



I have been saying something similar all along. Trump will be met with resistance to every one of his proposals. He is hated by both parties. If a Wall is even begun, there will be mass protests, and interference. It will never get finished.


Clinton has been building up, and been part of growing, a deep network among politicians, foreign powers, and the media for decades, while Trump would be starting from scratch, relatively.

Edited by HoF Watkins
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If you are a Donald Trump fan, you don’t need to be persuaded to vote for him over Hillary Clinton. But for those who are not high on either candidate and haven’t yet made up their minds, Glenn Reynolds makes a strong argument for Trump in USA Today. Briefly put, Trump is the less dangerous choice.


As a curious onlooker from your BFFs up north - what kind of power does a president in the USA hold when the senate is the opposite party? If Trump wins but the Senate goes Dem, what can he do for Republicans? He seems to be the kind of person that does whatever is popular, is it possible that he would do what a Dem Senate wants? I don't think Trump cares much about policy at all, except when it effects him directly.


For example, let's say a Dem senate wants to change obamacare and move towards a system closer to Canada's. Can Trump stop that? Can Trump insist on repealing obamacare? Can Trump just flip and say "whatever the people want..."?

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DC Attorney: FBI Never Destroyed Laptops Of Clinton Aides

by Kerry Picket


Original Article


This strikes me as a REALLY big deal. Not so much because they reneged on the deal to destroy them, but because a deal was made in the first place, which leads me to believe the laptops will be chockfull of stuff the Clintons didn't want to get out.


Additionally, Shoen bails on her for the reason everyone should bail on her: she would be sworn in as president while under FBI investigation. Why would anyone even THINK that's a good idea?


Well, anyone except the baskins, gatorman/...lybobs and birdogs of the world...

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Additionally, Shoen bails on her for the reason everyone should bail on her: she would be sworn in as president while under FBI investigation. Why would anyone even THINK that's a good idea?


I suspect Schoen's public statement sounds far more noble than his private interests. Schoen runs a Democrat polling firm my suspicion is that he is distancing himself early so that when sh*t gets real and Democrats starts turning on one another, potential future clients won't be turned off by the Clinton stank.

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