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It's Time to Stop Even Thinking About Joe Biden

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One of, if not the most tragic, outgrowths of the current administration is the ascendancy of Joe "I'm a Buffoon" Biden. To even think that he should be mentioned in the same breath with the word President is just ludicrous.


He is so out of it, he's actually floating trial balloons on the subject.




Think of a Biden - Sharpton ticket for just a split second....

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And yet, he would still be better than any of the morons running on the GOP side. The freak show carnival that was the 2012 GOP primary of Bachman, Santorium, Gingrich, Cain and the rest of the crack pots make Joe Biden look like a statesman of the first order in comparison

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And yet, he would still be better than any of the morons running on the GOP side. The freak show carnival that was the 2012 GOP primary of Bachman, Santorium, Gingrich, Cain and the rest of the crack pots make Joe Biden look like a statesman of the first order in comparison


So Biden is more articulate and has a better grasp of things than Newt?

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And yet, he would still be better than any of the morons running on the GOP side. The freak show carnival that was the 2012 GOP primary of Bachman, Santorium, Gingrich, Cain and the rest of the crack pots make Joe Biden look like a statesman of the first order in comparison



. Everyone sing The Villages song!!!


And here's some more! Stand up, Chuck!

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Oh no, Newt is more articulate than many people, but his problem is that he is articulate in the same manner that a snake oil salesman is. He is completely morally bankrupt


The fact that you consider Newt a snake oil salesman and not the current POTUS shows how big a partisan hack you are.

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What because I think they're all snake oil salesmen? Is it that or you have no idea (once again) what the !@#$ you're talking about?


So you see the world in simple black and white and I take a more complex, comprehensive view of it. Still, if "they all suck" what are you doing in PPP?

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