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SB Halftime - Bruno Mars, Red Hot Chili Peppers

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They added the Chili Peppers too, so it's not all bad. Bruno Mars is not terrible, though. Of all the bands my daughter likes, he is tolerable. I'd still like to see the Foo Fighters or Mettallica in the near futur.

Edited by SF Bills Fan
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yea, i agree, that is what drives everything, but in all honestly , give me an old time marching band with the strutting tuba player..


I've long wanted the southern marching band plus a few brass allstars like trombone shorty leading them doing hits and the singers that actually did the song can come through for their parts of the medley.

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YE OLE was in the office one day when that Locked Out of Heaven song came on. Our secretary was trying to relay a message to one of YE's associates and the guy held his finger up and was like "shhh wait..." and then when that "HUHHHH!" Part came on that fellow made a loud "HUHHHHH!" himself accompanied by a little pelvic thrust kind of thing.It was only after this that our secretary was afforded the courtesy of speaking.


Now this is the same fellow who would go around our office and emit large quantities of gas and yell "ALOHA!" after each incident. Some of you may recall YE OLE telling that anecdote before.

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And tunes like "The Unforgiven" and "Nothing Else Matters" were the warning shot fired across the bow. When I heard those songs I knew the Metallica I loved was pretty much over. Even the much loved "Enter Sandman" is more mainstream metal than tracks on their previous albums.


I don't like those songs either. I'd be happy with a halftime show featuring only Orion.

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Yup, just like every year.


Halftime shows are designed to keep the women who don't care about football entertained.


Exaaaaaactly. Every male in this country will be watching this game. Getting a pop star to do the halftime show will then attract the female 10-35 yr old crowd that could really give two $h*ts about the game.


A band like metallica will prob never perform by themselves bc they would bring nothing additional to the table ratings wise.

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I've lived in Los Angeles since '91 (born and raised in Rochester), and work in the motion picture industry. I have literally worked on, I will guess, around 300 music videos in my career. Maybe more. I have done two RHCP videos (quite a few years ago), and have met Bruno Mars on the two videos that I have done of his. I will say this: The RHCP are extremely cool people. Flea, who lives in L.A. recognized the dreadful state of music education in public schools, and opened a music school for young people in L.A.. And, they're great musicians- truly. Their music is literally seminal.


Bruno Mars, on the other hand, is about 20 years younger than any of them, and could by no means be considered seminal, or ground-breaking, or even original. But, he is still "the real deal." The dude is about 5' 5" with pipes for days. He works hard, he's a competent and dedicated musician (guitar), he is committed to his craft, he writes, sings, produces, and has paid his dues in spades. In short, he has nothing to be ashamed of, and deserves every bit of success he earns.


There was an internet petition a couple years ago lobbying for Weird Al Yankovic to perform the SB Halftime show, which I gladly signed. When that happens, I will be glued to the TV at halftime. Until then, I will be happy with someone who is "The Real Deal," like Bruno Mars. He will do just fine.

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Can we get friggin Metallica please, they are going to be performing at the Grammys, time for the NFL get some real music at the bowl, tired of all these pop devas (not that the peppers are but they ain't the greatest either)




:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Metallica? Outside the box? Why not just show Dethklok cartoons? Ugh.


At least the NFL is using artists that are current, though the Peppers are eligible for classic rock playlists now.


Rock is really dead.



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