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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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Yep. And as an added bonuses for them, the taxpayers help subsidize many of the premiums while the insurance companies get to pay Medicaid rates, which at least for anesthesia, are about 1/4 what private insurance used to pay. fixed.

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Still pay, again, at least for anesthesia. But I admit I haven't paid attention to the reimbursement rates in a year, since our group signed a personal services agreement with a national anesthesia (and ER) company that does our billing and pays us a monthly salary that is higher than what I averaged before as a partner, and far higher than what I'd have made this past year given the drop in cases. Still I doubt it has gone down at all.

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George Will: ‘The Debate Is Over’ Is Obama’s Mantra


Will made the observation in response to the president’s push to persuade voters and media that Obamacare is working and that Republicans should stop complaining about it.


“‘The debate is over’ is something of a mantra,’” Will said on Fox News Sunday. “‘The debate is over on climate change; everyone, be quiet.’ ‘The debate is over about early childhood education; everyone, be quiet.’ Lots of things are supposedly over, and you hear that from people who are finding the evidence inconvenient.”


Will noted that the president is making “a fairly minimal claim” when he asserts that the Affordable Care Act is working. “I mean, the farm subsidies in this country are working; whether or not they are doing good work is another matter.”


Also dragging out the debate, Will said, is the lack of data on new health-insurance enrollees and whether the Affordable Care Act’s mechanism — in which forcing Americans to buy insurance creates a large enough base of healthier, lower-cost members to balance out an influx of less healthy members with higher costs — will actually work. But the real debate, he said, is over first principles.


“The argument about Obamacare is not just about Obamacare,” he said. “It’s about the nature of the American regime: what kind of country we want to live in. And therefore it’s going to tick on for some while.”







Obama shuts down debate



Original Article







You´re on the clock: Doctors rush patients out the door


USA Today*, by Roni Caryn Rabin

Original Article

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He's only applied and gotten coverage. I'll wait to hear his experience when he has a claim or problem.


I have Blue Cross Personal Choice. I have a health care professional in my family who reviewed the plan. I understand the coverage. If I get a denial on something, my problem is with Blue Cross, not the ACA.


Given that I had the exact same plan (nearly) for the last 12 years, I doubt I'm going to run into any issues where the ACA is the culprit. Now, if my rates shoot up by more than 20%, then I'll basically be where I've been for the last 12 years in the ever-increasing premium racket. But I will have the exchange to shop on and at least had a rate reset.


I love how the anti-ACA guys are now taking PearlHoward seriously. Jesus Christ people.

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I have Blue Cross Personal Choice. I have a health care professional in my family who reviewed the plan. I understand the coverage. If I get a denial on something, my problem is with Blue Cross, not the ACA.


Given that I had the exact same plan (nearly) for the last 12 years, I doubt I'm going to run into any issues where the ACA is the culprit. Now, if my rates shoot up by more than 20%, then I'll basically be where I've been for the last 12 years in the ever-increasing premium racket. But I will have the exchange to shop on and at least had a rate reset.


I love how the anti-ACA guys are now taking PearlHoward seriously. Jesus Christ people.


You're right. The ACA which has nothing to do with care and everything to do with insurance is not going to change the insurance game at all. :rolleyes:

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Hate of the man in the office makes them blind and silly.


It's much easier to make false, empty, blanket statements like this, than to counter the many arguments that detail the failings of the ACA



Dem Congressman on Obamacare: The Worst Is Yet to Come, It’s ‘Going to Hit the Fan’




Massachusetts representative Stephen Lynch isn’t just worried about the negative impact Obamacare will have on his party’s performance this fall — he also thinks its worst effects on our health-care system are still to come. Lynch, who voted against the Affordable Care Act in 2010, warned that the situation is “going to hit the fan” when the law’s delayed provisions go into effect down the road.


There are parts of Obamacare, or the Affordable Care Act, that were postponed because they are unpalatable,” he told the Boston Herald. The “Cadillac tax” that goes into effect in a few years and taxes employer health plans over a certain value, he said, will be “the first time in this country’s history that we have actually taxed health care.”



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It's much easier to make false, empty, blanket statements like this, than to counter the many arguments that detail the failings of the ACA


Or, in your case, it's much easier to post a bunch of parroted talking points from the folks you outsource your thinking to rather than actually doing your own thinking or your own posting.


The day you have an original thought is one I'll cherish. It hasn't happened once yet in all these years.

Edited by GreggyT
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Or, in your case, it's much easier to post a bunch of parroted talking points from the folks you outsource your thinking to rather than actually doing your own thinking or your own posting.


The day you have an original thought is one I'll cherish. It hasn't happened once yet in all these years.


Sorry, that childish claim has been tried time and time again over the years.


It means that you simply want something different out a message board than I do.................and that you do not read much of the things that you have already made up your mind about.................your loss.



Whoops! Half of Georgia’s Insurance Enrollees Haven’t Paid Yet.


This seems rather important:


Georgia insurers received more than 220,000 applications for health coverage in the Affordable Care Act’s exchange as of the official federal deadline of March 31, state officials said Wednesday.

Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens, though, said premiums have been received for only 107,581 of those policies, which cover 149,465 people.


“Many Georgians completed the application process by the deadline, but have yet to pay for the coverage,” Hudgens said in a statement Wednesday.



Half? Half? Sure, the nonpayment rates will be a lot lower in other places. But this indicates how much skepticism is warranted for the administration’s much-touted enrollment figures.





Jeanne Shaheen dismisses constituent’s health plan cost concerns


Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) dismissed a constituent’s complaints about the cost of his new health insurance plan, according to audio obtained by America Rising, a conservative opposition research group.


The unidentified constituent called in on Friday during a segment on Keene-based WKBK’s Good Morning with Dan Mitchell. The caller told Shaheen that “President Obama’s health care is not affordable.”


“It’s cost me more, my deductible has more than tripled and my monthly premium has doubled, so it’s not affordable,” he said. “And so, I’d rather have my old healthcare, my old system back.”


Shaheen dismissed his concerns out of hand, telling him to leave his name with the host so her office could call him back “because that doesn’t sound right to me.” She chalked the caller’s complaints up to “misinformation.”

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Sorry, that childish claim has been tried time and time again over the years.


It means that you simply want something different out a message board than I do.................and that you do not read much of the things that you have already made up your mind about.................your loss.

No, it means I have the balls to speak my own mind and make my own decisions.


You have no balls -- at least digital balls. You're probably quite lovely in person. But if you had some digital balls you'd have the courage to speak your mind and not hide behind articles that do nothing to illuminate any of the 5,000+ posts you've contributed to over the years other than reinforce your own, predetermined politics.


At least once in awhile... not saying all the time. But I bet you could actually contribute something of value here. Way more than I could considering the primary audience of this particular circle of hell.

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I love how the anti-ACA guys are now taking PearlHoward seriously. Jesus Christ people.


Obviously what I posted upsets you. Posting the truth does that to people like you. Obamacare plans are essentially the same catastrophic plans that he railed against.


No out of network benefits, high monthly premiums, high deductibles, high patient copayments. Pay a lot for health insurance but get little if anything in return.


Obamacare = Insurance swindle!


Point of note: I'm anti-ACA, and I still don't take that jackass seriously.


Someone else who hates the truth about Obamascam...I mean Obamacare.

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Someone else who hates the truth about Obamascam...I mean Obamacare.


Yes, because obviously anyone who thinks you're a complete !@#$ing doucheburger must support the ACA. In fact, when Gallup polled me, the exact question was "Do you support the Affordable Care Act? Answer '1' for 'no,' and '2' for "Yes, and PearlHowardman is a complete !@#$ing doucheburger."

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No, it means I have the balls to speak my own mind and make my own decisions.


You have no balls -- at least digital balls. You're probably quite lovely in person. But if you had some digital balls you'd have the courage to speak your mind and not hide behind articles that do nothing to illuminate any of the 5,000+ posts you've contributed to over the years other than reinforce your own, predetermined politics.


At least once in awhile... not saying all the time. But I bet you could actually contribute something of value here. Way more than I could considering the primary audience of this particular circle of hell.


Okay Greg, speak your mind and tell us how you feel about the "ACA". Tell us how it is going to work. I've been against the ACA since it was presented. I spoke out about it here and explained my reasons why. I rarely linked to anything supporting my thoughts because i knew what i was talking about. B-man posted a lot of articles and virtually all of them backed up my thoughts. Am I wrong? Is B-man wrong? Tell us where we are wrong. Be specific..Get technical. Explain how the time (many hundred of years) honored insurance "Law of Large Numbers" can be altered by someone. You know, I'd ask the same question if it was Ronald Reagan trying to do the same thing. It's time for you to show some substance, or maybe some contriteness?

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Yes, because obviously anyone who thinks you're a complete !@#$ing doucheburger must support the ACA. In fact, when Gallup polled me, the exact question was "Do you support the Affordable Care Act? Answer '1' for 'no,' and '2' for "Yes, and PearlHowardman is a complete !@#$ing doucheburger."

He's nothing more than gatorman's reflected mirror image.

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