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Losers almost kill baby

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First of all...time for some facts.


1. Your thread title is juvinelie, uniformed, and ignorant. In the history of the world...the world...all of history (in case you missed that), there has NEVER been a death recorded in any country, state, city, village, tribe, etc attributed to use of cannabis. Its medically impossible to over dose from marijuana. So to say that this child almost died is an uneducated and ignorant way to present this article. Best part is, the article says nothing about almost killing anyone, you just decided to add your uneducated spin on it.


2. Alcohol, cigarettes, prescription drugs, whipped cream, home cleaning supplies, children's toys, water, guns, knives, electrical outlets, and just about anything you can find in your home are a million times more dangerous to children than pot. In fact, more kids die from taking children's vitamins a year than from pot related deaths (as thats at zero). More people die every year from drinking too much water than from pot.


3. To imply that people who use cannabis are losers is incredibly ignorant, uneducated, and stupid. I have patients who are dying, and switching to cannabis based products for pain management, appetite suppression, etc has changed their life and taken them from being a home and bed confined vegetable to having a more healthy level of living where they can actually take care of themselves and enjoy the time they have left.


4. I assure you that political leaders, athletes, celebrities, business execs, soccer moms, religious leaders, school teachers, lawyers, and any other type or level of "non losers" in your eyes all use cannabis...I know, because they are patients of mine.


5. I have a friend who was diagnosed with inoperable terminal brain cancer with less than 6 months to live. Guess what...that was 6 years ago now. He used the Rick Simpson oil (aka Phoenix Tears) and got rid of all his BS pills that were killing him from his doctor. His tumor went into remission and shrank. He now lives a full and healthy life and doctors stood around with their thumb in their ass wondering how it happened. And thats just one of thousands and thousands of cases where this oil has been accredited to the remission of cancer.


6. Several children now have been suffering seizures many times a day, threatening their very life and preventing increased brain function and their parents tried CBD cannabis oil just to see the seizures reduce SUBSTANTIALLY, some not for weeks at a time, and have their children increase brain function and actually be put into to school with other children. This is documented all over the place.


7. I have had Doctors from UCLA medical doing breast cancer research tell me straight to my face that cannabis is going to cure breast cancer. They would pick up High CBD strains from my dispensary for their research.


8. I suppose you think its ok to give your child Adderall (prescribed by doctors) or other BS drugs they give kids...well thats essentially giving your kids meth. So good luck with that.


9. The vast majority of emergencies at Hospital emergency room every weekend are alcohol related...but thats legal, and I am sure most of you drink...and I would bet everything I own and will ever own that most of you not only drink, but have driven after drinking (true loser move).


10. Cigarettes are so deadly that they can kill you even if you don't smoke just because some other people want to pollute their lungs with poison. Again...legal...and I know a lot of people hating on cannabis actually smoke cigarettes which is freaking hilarious.


I could go on and on...but judging by this thread, its probably pointless. The fact that Cannabis is illegal is solely based on money. Big pharmacy stands to lose billions, some estimate trillions, if cannabis is legalized due to the fact that its an inexpensive way to treat people versus all the horrible "prescription" drugs they sell people all that are addictive, can and will kill you if used wrong or abused, and are less effective.


Society is funny...people insist on talking about things they literally have no education on and know nothing about as if they do...then go as far as to name call and throw out insults to the people who do. Priceless

The treatment of Cannabis overdose is pretty much make sure the kid doesn't fall down a flight of stairs and calm down the freaked out parents - Cannabis has shown good efficacy against cancer, diabetes and obesity - but more research needs to be done on mechanisms of action and which of the many cannabinoids does what - basically we know it has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-stress/sedative effects and that THC and Cannabidiol both inhibit VEGF and slow Glioma growth.
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Why? Because I'm educated on a topic that others are not? Is Dr. Sanjay Gupta a homepath? Hmmm, yet he has done a 180 on cannabis and validated the medical principles of it after conducting his own research.


Well...for starters, because you're so god damned defensive about it.

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First of all...time for some facts.


1. In the history of the world...the world...all of history (in case you missed that), there has NEVER been a death recorded in any country, state, city, village, tribe, etc attributed to use of cannabis.


2. Alcohol, cigarettes, prescription drugs, whipped cream, home cleaning supplies, children's toys, water, guns, knives, electrical outlets, and just about anything you can find in your home are a million times more dangerous to children than pot. In fact, more kids die from taking children's vitamins a year than from pot related deaths (as thats at zero). More people die every year from drinking too much water than from pot.


3. To imply that people who use cannabis are losers is incredibly ignorant, uneducated, and stupid.


4. I assure you that political leaders, athletes, celebrities, business execs, soccer moms, religious leaders, school teachers, lawyers, and any other type or level of "non losers" in your eyes all use cannabis...I know, because they are patients of mine.


5. I have a friend who was diagnosed with inoperable terminal brain cancer with less than 6 months to live. Guess what...that was 6 years ago now. He used the Rick Simpson oil (aka Phoenix Tears) and got rid of all his BS pills that were killing him from his doctor. His tumor went into remission and shrank. He now lives a full and healthy life and doctors stood around with their thumb in their ass wondering how it happened. And thats just one of thousands and thousands of cases where this oil has been accredited to the remission of cancer.


6. Several children now have been suffering seizures many times a day, threatening their very life and preventing increased brain function and their parents tried CBD cannabis oil just to see the seizures reduce SUBSTANTIALLY, some not for weeks at a time, and have their children increase brain function and actually be put into to school with other children. This is documented all over the place.


7. I have had Doctors from UCLA medical doing breast cancer research tell me straight to my face that cannabis is going to cure breast cancer. They would pick up High CBD strains from my dispensary for their research.


8. I suppose you think its ok to give your child Adderall (prescribed by doctors) or other BS drugs they give kids...well thats essentially giving your kids meth. So good luck with that.


9. The vast majority of emergencies at Hospital emergency room every weekend are alcohol related...but thats legal, and I am sure most of you drink...and I would bet everything I own and will ever own that most of you not only drink, but have driven after drinking (true loser move).


10. Cigarettes are so deadly that they can kill you even if you don't smoke just because some other people want to pollute their lungs with poison. Again...legal...and I know a lot of people hating on cannabis actually smoke cigarettes which is freaking hilarious.


I could go on and on...but judging by this thread, its probably pointless. The fact that Cannabis is illegal is solely based on money. Big pharmacy stands to lose billions, some estimate trillions, if cannabis is legalized due to the fact that its an inexpensive way to treat people versus all the horrible "prescription" drugs they sell people all that are addictive, can and will kill you if used wrong or abused, and are less effective.


Society is funny...people insist on talking about things they literally have no education on and know nothing about as if they do...then go as far as to name call and throw out insults to the people who do. Priceless


1. Tell that to the parents of the baby that spent all that time in the hospital.


2. Mmmmmkay. I guess you don't consider the risk of turning oneself into a brain dead drag on society as "danger", but addiction to whipped cream is truly one of the crises we all face.


3. I guess you consider a recreational tie-dyed hippy who can't even throw a cookie in a garbage can which causes a 2 year old to end in the hospital as a "winner" then?


4. At the risk of sounding like your mom "if everyone jumped off a bridge, does that mean you should?".


5. I am glad your friend is doing well, I really am, but that sounds like a sales pitch.


6. Documented by hippes or in actual medically and scientifically accredited organizations? And what does that have to do with recreational use?


7. I don't understand what you mean by "my dispensary".


8. If I had kids I would decide what they could be given and can promise you that recreational pot would not be on that list. I saw many kids that used recreational pot. Guess what. They're still kids.


9. You'd lose your bet....oh wait you said most, not all....maybe you'd win. I suppose toking up and driving is a spectacular idea because you are so enlightened?


10. Whatever. I have never read a story about a baby almost dying from eating a tobacco laced cookie.


You could go on and on? It looks like you already did. I like how you play the evil corporation card at the end though. That's a classic.


Look, it is one thing to argue that the government should or shouldn't make pot use illegal and another to recognize that pot use turns people into mind numbed drones who drain society. It shouldn't be illegal to be a Patriots fan either but I still reserve the right to see them for the Mass holes that they are.

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I just want to thank merper for teaching me the word PWND.


Then to go out and get PWND as bad as he did here.



Shine your shoes douche. Keep that nose high and the pinky extended.


Leave the condescending pot talk in this thread please is a request I have. Thanks in advance



Nice reply to alpha... You really are a loser troll huh ?


Repetitive nonsense isn't gonna help ya on that one, i would delete that one fast.

Edited by Ryan L Billz
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1. Tell that to the parents of the baby that spent all that time in the hospital.


2. Mmmmmkay. I guess you don't consider the risk of turning oneself into a brain dead drag on society as "danger", but addiction to whipped cream is truly one of the crises we all face.


3. I guess you consider a recreational tie-dyed hippy who can't even throw a cookie in a garbage can which causes a 2 year old to end in the hospital as a "winner" then?


4. At the risk of sounding like your mom "if everyone jumped off a bridge, does that mean you should?".


5. I am glad your friend is doing well, I really am, but that sounds like a sales pitch.


6. Documented by hippes or in actual medically and scientifically accredited organizations? And what does that have to do with recreational use?


7. I don't understand what you mean by "my dispensary".


8. If I had kids I would decide what they could be given and can promise you that recreational pot would not be on that list. I saw many kids that used recreational pot. Guess what. They're still kids.


9. You'd lose your bet....oh wait you said most, not all....maybe you'd win. I suppose toking up and driving is a spectacular idea because you are so enlightened?


10. Whatever. I have never read a story about a baby almost dying from eating a tobacco laced cookie.


You could go on and on? It looks like you already did. I like how you play the evil corporation card at the end though. That's a classic.


Look, it is one thing to argue that the government should or shouldn't make pot use illegal and another to recognize that pot use turns people into mind numbed drones who drain society. It shouldn't be illegal to be a Patriots fan either but I still reserve the right to see them for the Mass holes that they are.


About the worst reply to any post of any topic ever on this board and fully what I expected based on your child like, uneducated, and absurd comments in this thread. Thank you for confirming your lack of intellect on this topic (and probably any topic based on the gibberish you have spewed here) so I know not to address anything else you write as its a complete waste of time.


Your comments are as ignorant as a racism. You literally judge people on something you know nothing about. Thanks for playing the judgement game, but I will elect not to participate.


PS: You still have not read a story of how a baby almost died from eating a weed cookie either...because this story doesn't reference the kid being in any danger, let alone death. And people don't make tobacco cookies...but people die every day from being around tobacco smokers. Yet not one death in the history of earth from pot...ever.


Well...for starters, because you're so god damned defensive about it.


For starters, its because it gets old watching people with literally NO INTELLECT of any kind on this subject preach about it like they know something. The gross miseducation of the public on this matter is ridiculous, but its made worse by the idiotic statements by those who have no factual knowledge of any kind about what they are talking about yet spew it out as if its science.


The internet tough guys like to puff their chest up, throw out insults, and act all bad ass while making a complete fool of themselves by actually not having a clue to what they are talking about. Gets old, because then that continues to spread the false understandings which continues to lead to more judgement and hate for an industry that is a million times more important than people realize while being ok with Alcohol and Tobacco (two legal products that can kill you just from the use of it).

Edited by Alphadawg7
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About the worst reply to any post of any topic ever on this board and fully what I expected based on your child like, uneducated, and absurd comments in this thread. Thank you for confirming your lack of intellect on this topic (and probably any topic based on the gibberish you have spewed here) so I know not to address anything else you write as its a complete waste of time.


Your comments are as ignorant as a racism. You literally judge people on something you know nothing about. Thanks for playing the judgement game, but I will elect not to participate.


PS: You still have not read a story of how a baby almost died from eating a weed cookie either...because this story doesn't reference the kid being in any danger, let alone death. And people don't make tobacco cookies...but people die every day from being around tobacco smokers. Yet not one death in the history of earth from pot...ever.




For starters, its because it gets old watching people with literally NO INTELLECT of any kind on this subject preach about it like they know something. The gross miseducation of the public on this matter is ridiculous, but its made worse by the idiotic statements by those who have no factual knowledge of any kind about what they are talking about yet spew it out as if its science.


The internet tough guys like to puff their chest up, throw out insults, and act all bad ass while making a complete fool of themselves by actually not having a clue to what they are talking about. Gets old, because then that continues to spread the false understandings which continues to lead to more judgement and hate for an industry that is a million times more important than people realize while being ok with Alcohol and Tobacco (two legal products that can kill you just from the use of it).


And then there's the whole point that, in addition to being defensive, you're being defensive about medical marijuana in a thread about recreational drug use. Which kind-of makes you not just a zealot, but a retarded one.

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About the worst reply to any post of any topic ever on this board and fully what I expected based on your child like, uneducated, and absurd comments in this thread. Thank you for confirming your lack of intellect on this topic (and probably any topic based on the gibberish you have spewed here) so I know not to address anything else you write as its a complete waste of time.


Your comments are as ignorant as a racism. You literally judge people on something you know nothing about. Thanks for playing the judgement game, but I will elect not to participate.


Dude, your comments amounted too "I'm an expert, the underlying chemicals in pot have medical uses, corporations are evil, buy my stuff, and I won't document anything at least not from an unbiased source." And this in response to a topic solely about recreational users basically celebrating their new found "freedom" by poisoning a baby. This makes me a racist. I'm surprised I'm not Hitler. Pardon me if I'm skeptical after having to watch all sorts of losers spout off about this crap on TV and in life while they are brain dead.


There are many, many pot users who will defend its use by any means necessary and to the exclusion of any logic whatsoever. It usually starts with how "clearly" they see things when they are stoned. They end up defending it against all other aspects of life that are ignored because of its use like maximizing their own potential. They don't even know that their moms are crying themselves to sleep. There are so many zealots. Don't they have time to do anything else like work, home improvement or learning the difference between than and then?


My theory, which is unproven, is that there is unresolved guilt in many pot users. This is also true for smokers, boozers and gamblers but for whatever reason these people tend to hide their bad habits while pot users tend to outwardly project. The legality may have something to due with the manifestation of their guilt resolution. It would be interesting to see if pot had been legal for a long time with booze illegal if it would be the boozers getting in everyone's face.

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And then there's the whole point that, in addition to being defensive, you're being defensive about medical marijuana in a thread about recreational drug use. Which kind-of makes you not just a zealot, but a retarded one.


How is it a thread about recreational drug use? Its a thread on Marijuana...its a thread who's very title is 100% false. Its a thread about the FALSE dangers being spewed upon by undedicated posters about marijuana. Yet I am somehow a retorted zealot for providing the FACTS about the substance in question? Thanks for showing that your replies have no value, no education behind them, nor any intelligence range of thought on the subject.


Dude, your comments amounted too "I'm an expert, the underlying chemicals in pot have medical uses, corporations are evil, buy my stuff, and I won't document anything at least not from an unbiased source." And this in response to a topic solely about recreational users basically celebrating their new found "freedom" by poisoning a baby. This makes me a racist. I'm surprised I'm not Hitler. Pardon me if I'm skeptical after having to watch all sorts of losers spout off about this crap on TV and in life while they are brain dead.


There are many, many pot users who will defend its use by any means necessary and to the exclusion of any logic whatsoever. It usually starts with how "clearly" they see things when they are stoned. They end up defending it against all other aspects of life that are ignored because of its use like maximizing their own potential. They don't even know that their moms are crying themselves to sleep. There are so many zealots. Don't they have time to do anything else like work, home improvement or learning the difference between than and then?


My theory, which is unproven, is that there is unresolved guilt in many pot users. This is also true for smokers, boozers and gamblers but for whatever reason these people tend to hide their bad habits while pot users tend to outwardly project. The legality may have something to due with the manifestation of their guilt resolution. It would be interesting to see if pot had been legal for a long time with booze illegal if it would be the boozers getting in everyone's face.


Its my business...I am an expert. I have done extensive research, follow every thing for and against it daily, and study it because its my business. And your "theory" is 100% wrong, proven wrong, and factually wrong. Sorry


And FYI: Pot does not have chemicals. Pot does not create a "chemical reaction" in the body. The human body has receptacles for the cannabinoids throughout its entirety. Again, please just stop talking about something you don't know anything about, especially the science.


I should also add, that one of my colleagues is in fact one of the lead researches in breast cancer at UCLA.


And to call pot users losers is just sad. I know some very amazing people, people who do more every day with their life than you, people who do more for OTHERS with their life in a year than you will ever do in a life time, etc etc that use cannabis for various reasons. The only loser here is you...a person of extreme uneducated judgement and bias towards a group of people for no reason other than some your close minded and hateful beliefs. The amount of hate you have for something you know nothing about is sad.


No one says you have to partake in its use, or even support it. But to hate and judge those that do is pathetic. Tell that to my HIV patients, Cancer patients, patients with MS, patients who got off HARMFUL and ADDICTIVE PRESCRIBED meds and now live a healthy and fulfilling life. I have no time for this gibberish. I came on here at the request of others to help provide some proper insight on the topic I know a lot about.


But this thread is exactly why I rarely visit this board anymore.

Edited by Alphadawg7
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And then there's the whole point that, in addition to being defensive, you're being defensive about medical marijuana in a thread about recreational drug use. Which kind-of makes you not just a zealot, but a retarded one.


Implying that the purpose of pharma companies is to grow tumors seems a little whacky too.

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How is it a thread about recreational drug use? Its a thread on Marijuana...its a thread who's very title is 100% false. Its a thread about the FALSE dangers being spewed upon by undedicated posters about marijuana. Yet I am somehow a retorted zealot for providing the FACTS about the substance in question? Thanks for showing that your replies have no value, no education behind them, nor any intelligence range of thought on the subject.




Its my business...I am an expert. I have done extensive research, follow every thing for and against it daily, and study it because its my business. And your "theory" is 100% wrong, proven wrong, and factually wrong. Sorry


And FYI: Pot does not have chemicals. Pot does not create a "chemical reaction" in the body. The human body has receptacles for the cannabinoids throughout its entirety. Again, please just stop talking about something you don't know anything about, especially the science.


I should also add, that one of my colleagues is in fact one of the lead researches in breast cancer at UCLA.


And to call pot users losers is just sad. I know some very amazing people, people who do more every day with their life than you, people who do more for OTHERS with their life in a year than you will ever do in a life time, etc etc that use cannabis for various reasons. The only loser here is you...a person of extreme uneducated judgement and bias towards a group of people for no reason other than some your close minded and hateful beliefs. The amount of hate you have for something you know nothing about is sad.


No one says you have to partake in its use, or even support it. But to hate and judge those that do is pathetic. Tell that to my HIV patients, Cancer patients, patients with MS, patients who got off HARMFUL and ADDICTIVE PRESCRIBED meds and now live a healthy and fulfilling life. I have no time for this gibberish. I came on here at the request of others to help provide some proper insight on the topic I know a lot about.


But this thread is exactly why I rarely visit this board anymore.


I'm kind of curious as to what "facts" you have provided here. You make a good closing argument over and over though.

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How is it a thread about recreational drug use? Its a thread on Marijuana...its a thread who's very title is 100% false. Its a thread about the FALSE dangers being spewed upon by undedicated posters about marijuana. Yet I am somehow a retorted zealot for providing the FACTS about the substance in question? Thanks for showing that your replies have no value, no education behind them, nor any intelligence range of thought on the subject.






Its my business...I am an expert. I have done extensive research, follow every thing for and against it daily, and study it because its my business. And your "theory" is 100% wrong, proven wrong, and factually wrong. Sorry


And FYI: Pot does not have chemicals. Pot does not create a "chemical reaction" in the body. The human body has receptacles for the cannabinoids throughout its entirety. Again, please just stop talking about something you don't know anything about, especially the science.


I should also add, that one of my colleagues is in fact one of the lead researches in breast cancer at UCLA.




Responses to the bolded parts in order:



How exactly did you measure my dedication as a poster?


Yes I retorted you but I did not directly call you a zealot. Thus you are definitely not someone I consider a retorted zealot. I never really bought into the whole pot makes you paranoid thing but between you and Ryan....





I did not claim to be a chemical engineer but it does not take a chemical engineer to know that leaving pot cookies on the ground is the move of a loser. I may be just a limousine ridin, jet flying, kiss stealing, wheelin dealin son of a gun but I know a loser when I see one.


I am interested in your refutation of my theory of pot users guilt being 100% wrong, proven wrong and factually wrong. Can you provide details?


If you go back to the first post in the thread it is about a baby who ate a pot cookie dropped on the ground in Colorado where recreational use had just been legalized. I suppose it could have been a medicinal cookie but pardon me for using Occum's Shaver.

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How is it a thread about recreational drug use? Its a thread on Marijuana...its a thread who's very title is 100% false. Its a thread about the FALSE dangers being spewed upon by undedicated posters about marijuana. Yet I am somehow a retorted zealot for providing the FACTS about the substance in question? Thanks for showing that your replies have no value, no education behind them, nor any intelligence range of thought on the subject.




Its my business...I am an expert. I have done extensive research, follow every thing for and against it daily, and study it because its my business. And your "theory" is 100% wrong, proven wrong, and factually wrong. Sorry


And FYI: Pot does not have chemicals. Pot does not create a "chemical reaction" in the body. The human body has receptacles for the cannabinoids throughout its entirety. Again, please just stop talking about something you don't know anything about, especially the science.


I should also add, that one of my colleagues is in fact one of the lead researches in breast cancer at UCLA.


And to call pot users losers is just sad. I know some very amazing people, people who do more every day with their life than you, people who do more for OTHERS with their life in a year than you will ever do in a life time, etc etc that use cannabis for various reasons. The only loser here is you...a person of extreme uneducated judgement and bias towards a group of people for no reason other than some your close minded and hateful beliefs. The amount of hate you have for something you know nothing about is sad.


No one says you have to partake in its use, or even support it. But to hate and judge those that do is pathetic. Tell that to my HIV patients, Cancer patients, patients with MS, patients who got off HARMFUL and ADDICTIVE PRESCRIBED meds and now live a healthy and fulfilling life. I have no time for this gibberish. I came on here at the request of others to help provide some proper insight on the topic I know a lot about.


But this thread is exactly why I rarely visit this board anymore.


What, a two year old was prescribed marijuana?

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1. Tell that to the parents of the baby that spent all that time in the hospital.


2. Mmmmmkay. I guess you don't consider the risk of turning oneself into a brain dead drag on society as "danger", but addiction to whipped cream is truly one of the crises we all face.


3. I guess you consider a recreational tie-dyed hippy who can't even throw a cookie in a garbage can which causes a 2 year old to end in the hospital as a "winner" then?


4. At the risk of sounding like your mom "if everyone jumped off a bridge, does that mean you should?".


5. I am glad your friend is doing well, I really am, but that sounds like a sales pitch.


6. Documented by hippes or in actual medically and scientifically accredited organizations? And what does that have to do with recreational use?


7. I don't understand what you mean by "my dispensary".


8. If I had kids I would decide what they could be given and can promise you that recreational pot would not be on that list. I saw many kids that used recreational pot. Guess what. They're still kids.


9. You'd lose your bet....oh wait you said most, not all....maybe you'd win. I suppose toking up and driving is a spectacular idea because you are so enlightened?


10. Whatever. I have never read a story about a baby almost dying from eating a tobacco laced cookie.


You could go on and on? It looks like you already did. I like how you play the evil corporation card at the end though. That's a classic.


Look, it is one thing to argue that the government should or shouldn't make pot use illegal and another to recognize that pot use turns people into mind numbed drones who drain society. It shouldn't be illegal to be a Patriots fan either but I still reserve the right to see them for the Mass holes that they are.

no but they die from eating butts http://www.marshallbrain.com/cp/cigarette-butts.htm
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Responses to the bolded parts in order:



How exactly did you measure my dedication as a poster?


Yes I retorted you but I did not directly call you a zealot. Thus you are definitely not someone I consider a retorted zealot. I never really bought into the whole pot makes you paranoid thing but between you and Ryan....





I did not claim to be a chemical engineer but it does not take a chemical engineer to know that leaving pot cookies on the ground is the move of a loser. I may be just a limousine ridin, jet flying, kiss stealing, wheelin dealin son of a gun but I know a loser when I see one.


I am interested in your refutation of my theory of pot users guilt being 100% wrong, proven wrong and factually wrong. Can you provide details?


If you go back to the first post in the thread it is about a baby who ate a pot cookie dropped on the ground in Colorado where recreational use had just been legalized. I suppose it could have been a medicinal cookie but pardon me for using Occum's Shaver.


LMAO...let me see if I got this straight. You are now saying ALL people who utilize cannabis, rather recreationally or medically, are losers because some idiot left part of a cookie on the ground? So now you blankly label anyone who has used cannabis as losers? Thats your theory and logic...lmao.


Ok, I guess who must hate middle aged white males. Something like 90% of all serial killers are middle aged caucasion males in this country. So I guess that makes them all serial killers.


Do you use cell phones? If you do, then you must hate yourself and think of yourself as a loser too because so many losers drive every day and kill innocent people because they are texting and driving...so I guess that makes all people who use cell phones losers just because some idiots do it while driving and endanger people around them.


Do you hate women? Women put makeup on every day while driving and kill innocents, including children, because they irresponsibly drive while doing their makeup. So by your theory women who use makeup are losers because some of them are irresponsible and put it on while driving.


Know what the difference here is from your thread and the above scenarios? In the above scenarios, people die...every day. Pot has never killed anyone from the use of it. Does not mean some idiots (and the world is full of them) won't do something irresponsible like drive while on it or leave a cookie on the ground, but the baby could not have ever died from it...period.


Do you drink? Do your friends or family ever drink? Well anyone who drinks must be a loser too because people drink every day and kill innocents. Not to mention, people every day just from drinking alcohol. So everyone who has ever had a drink must also be a loser.


Again, you should just stop...your posts get worse by the minute


What, a two year old was prescribed marijuana?


Actually, yes...young kids have been prescribed marijuana and its saved their lives from seizures that NONE of their other medication was helping with.

Edited by Alphadawg7
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How is it a thread about recreational drug use? Its a thread on Marijuana...its a thread who's very title is 100% false. Its a thread about the FALSE dangers being spewed upon by undedicated posters about marijuana. Yet I am somehow a retorted zealot for providing the FACTS about the substance in question? Thanks for showing that your replies have no value, no education behind them, nor any intelligence range of thought on the subject.




Its my business...I am an expert. I have done extensive research, follow every thing for and against it daily, and study it because its my business. And your "theory" is 100% wrong, proven wrong, and factually wrong. Sorry


And FYI: Pot does not have chemicals. Pot does not create a "chemical reaction" in the body. The human body has receptacles for the cannabinoids throughout its entirety. Again, please just stop talking about something you don't know anything about, especially the science.


I should also add, that one of my colleagues is in fact one of the lead researches in breast cancer at UCLA.


And to call pot users losers is just sad. I know some very amazing people, people who do more every day with their life than you, people who do more for OTHERS with their life in a year than you will ever do in a life time, etc etc that use cannabis for various reasons. The only loser here is you...a person of extreme uneducated judgement and bias towards a group of people for no reason other than some your close minded and hateful beliefs. The amount of hate you have for something you know nothing about is sad.


No one says you have to partake in its use, or even support it. But to hate and judge those that do is pathetic. Tell that to my HIV patients, Cancer patients, patients with MS, patients who got off HARMFUL and ADDICTIVE PRESCRIBED meds and now live a healthy and fulfilling life. I have no time for this gibberish. I came on here at the request of others to help provide some proper insight on the topic I know a lot about.


But this thread is exactly why I rarely visit this board anymore.

Pot does contain chemicals if you don't understand this you certainly don't understand what a chemical is.
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LMAO...let me see if I got this straight. You are now saying ALL people who utilize cannabis, rather recreationally or medically, are losers because some idiot left part of a cookie on the ground? So now you blankly label anyone who has used cannabis as losers? Thats your theory and logic...lmao.


Ok, I guess who must hate middle aged white males. Something like 90% of all serial killers are middle aged caucasion males in this country. So I guess that makes them all serial killers.


Do you use cell phones? If you do, then you must hate yourself and think of yourself as a loser too because so many losers drive every day and kill innocent people because they are texting and driving...so I guess that makes all people who use cell phones losers just because some idiots do it while driving and endanger people around them.


Do you hate women? Women put makeup on every day while driving and kill innocents, including children, because they irresponsibly drive while doing their makeup. So by your theory women who use makeup are losers because some of them are irresponsible and put it on while driving.


Know what the difference here is from your thread and the above scenarios? In the above scenarios, people die...every day. Pot has never killed anyone from the use of it. Does not mean some idiots (and the world is full of them) won't do something irresponsible like drive while on it or leave a cookie on the ground, but the baby could not have ever died from it...period.


Do you drink? Do your friends or family ever drink? Well anyone who drinks must be a loser too because people drink every day and kill innocents. Not to mention, people every day just from drinking alcohol. So everyone who has ever had a drink must also be a loser.


Again, you should just stop...your posts get worse by the minute




Actually, yes...young kids have been prescribed marijuana and its saved their lives from seizures that NONE of their other medication was helping with.


I understand that you are a doctor and I respect that. I know it took a lot of education, but reading comprehension evidently was not part of the curriculum. Where oh where did I say that medicinal only pot users were losers?



Although convoluted and hard to follow, the rest of your post appears to be based on that premise, so I will let that part of it lay.


lol, not in the context the poster was implying


What was I implying? Evil chemicals, not nice chemicals?





THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the chemical responsible for most of marijuana's psychological effects


I realize you're a doc, but I am not, so if this is somehow not a chemical, forgive me.

Edited by 4merper4mer
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