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[SUW] Workplace pranks

Just Jack

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A buddy of mine is an electrician and was working on a job site. There was one guy that was pissing off everyone. So one day when this guy was at lunch, they noticed his tool bucket. Someone went and grabbed this tool they got that "shoots" bolts into concrete, they emptied out the tools, and shot about 5 bolts through the bottom of his bucket into the floor. When he came back from lunch he went to pick up his bucket and couldn't. My buddy said it took him about an hour to free up his bucket once he figured out what they did.

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THis was a fun one.

-Went to a coworkers PC and did a Print Screen from his desktop, this copies a picture of the desktop.

-I then pasted the image into word and then saved the image.

-Took all of his desktop icons and put them into a folder in his My Docs folder.

- Then made his wallpaper the picture of his desktop.


It was a hell of a lot of fun watching him double clicking, trying to drag and such and nothing was happening.

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1) I found a Russian mail order bride website on the net, and had them send their catalog of ladies to my sup at work.


2) All time greatest stunt (that almost got me fired). We use to host a website called thugworld2000.com. Mr. Thug is a homosexual black male and was completely nude on his home page. For my buddy's birthday, we emailed the owner of thugworld and told him Wendell (my coworker) was his biggest fan, and that it would mean a lot if he wished him a happy birthday on his website. Mr. Thug agreed and made him a special Happy Birthday page for the whole world to see. :P Another female coworker found out what we did and tried to get us fired. Luckily Wendell thought it was hilarious.

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THis was a fun one.

-Went to a coworkers PC and did a Print Screen from his desktop, this copies a picture of the desktop.

-I then pasted the image into word and then saved the image.

-Took all of his desktop icons and put them into a folder in his My Docs folder.

- Then made his wallpaper the picture of his desktop.


It was a hell of a lot of fun watching him double clicking, trying to drag and such and nothing was happening.



hahahaha! I have to try that one.

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THis was a fun one.

-Went to a coworkers PC and did a Print Screen from his desktop, this copies a picture of the desktop.

-I then pasted the image into word and then saved the image.

-Took all of his desktop icons and put them into a folder in his My Docs folder.

- Then made his wallpaper the picture of his desktop.


It was a hell of a lot of fun watching him double clicking, trying to drag and such and nothing was happening.



thats evil, but i like it...

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It wasn't at work, but my fraternity brother went home for xmas and I had read a blurb in maxim about a guy who stayed at his buddies place and wrapped everything in tinfoil. So I got a few of the other brothers and we tinfoiled my buddy's room. Well, over a mile of foil later he's still unwrapping for a second day.

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At my last company, a friend of mine sent himself an email from the PC of another (female) friend.  It was along the lines of "Scott, I really want you.  Love, Kelly", only racier.  So, Scott goes back to his computer, opens the email and replies to her with an "I've asked you to please stop hitting on me, I'm married" response, and then CC:s the VP of Human Resources.


I've got a similar one. Our group's rule is that, if you leave your terminal unlocked, you're fair game. Well this one guy kept leaving his terminal unlocked all week (very atypical). By the third time, we figured we needed to have some real fun (instead of changing wallpapers, hibernation time of Windows, etc). We had a relatively new manager of our group (a few months), three people had already quit and he was feeling very self-conscious about it (first time as a manager). So we sent him an email with a subject line os "I quit!!!!" and in the body is said, "And it's all because of you!!!!" I then put a bunch of cariage returns and way at the bottom (where I knew he wouldn't see unless he scrolled down) it said, "Just kidding."


My coworker saw that we sent it and replied to all of us saying he thought it was funny. But the manager hadn't seen it yet...


So a few hours later, the manager (already having a bad day) sits down in his cube (right next to us). A minute later we heard his exasperated voice say, "Aaron.... Will you come here for a minute?" Aaron walks into his cube. "What's the meaning of this?" Aaron tells him that I sent it, and both myself and my other coworker just start howling with laughter. My manager literally takes his glasses off, sets them on the desk, rubs his face and says, "That was NOT funny..." Aaron says "I didn't send the email though," and my manager just says, "You left your termianl unlocked, it's your fault." :P


Pretty funny. ;)



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It wasn't at work, but my fraternity brother went home for xmas and I had read a blurb in maxim about a guy who stayed at his buddies place and wrapped everything in tinfoil. So I got a few of the other brothers and we tinfoiled my buddy's room. Well, over a mile of foil later he's still unwrapping for a second day.



This is getting to be a common prank, but still funny to see.





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The easiest of all is switch the N and M keys on their keyboard.


The worst one I ever did I still feel bad about to this day. I was working part time while going to school for a parts wholesaler. There were about 8 of us in the sales department and we CONSTANTLY harrassed each other to no end. Shrinking wrapping cubicles, rearranging desks, getting the lights on guys in the crapper and then bombarding them with wet papertowels. It was endless. Here is the worst one though...


There was a guy who worked in the warehouse who was a SOB toughguy. Everybody has worked with one so just picture him. So the guy who sat in the cube next to mine along with me hatched a plan. We went out in the warehouse and got a giant piece of heavy duty cardboard along with a wire hangers from the coat rack. We proceeded to fashion a giant male organ complete with sack and ran a straightened coat hanger through it for ridgity. I would guess it was about 4 feet long. At 4:55 on friday we ran out and attached it to the back of his 1980 caddy using packing tape, then got in our cars and waited. Sure enough at 5:00 buddy comes out hops in his ride and takes off. We followed him for about a mile, crying from laughter as people driving around him were honking, laughing and pointing in horror. We went home and figured he would see it when he got home. Monday roles around and the SOB is at work but he is being very somber. I start a conversation with him hoping to learn the fate of "the member". He tells me that after worked he headed over to the bar until 2 in the morning. While he was at the bar some SOB attached a giant "unit" to the back of his car and he didn't notice. On his drive home a cop pulled him over, curious about the giant shlong on the back of his ride. Guy ended up getting a DWI. I still feel bad to this day. Kinda.

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You feel guilty because the guy was drinking and driving? Idiot could've killed someone.


maybe you saved someones life that night!


the best part about that story is right now there is a cop telling the story of some "drunken idiot with a giant dick on the back of his car"

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Back in my college days I was a waiter in a Mexican restaurant. When a customer had a birthday we'd have to do the obligatory give them a free dessert, slap this huge sombrero on their head, and sing the company b-day song. Needless to say that was always a pain in the ass when you were busy. One day this nerdy waiter dude we enjoyed giving crap to announced he had a birthday customer and needed singers. So, I quickly grabbed the sombrero and squirted some whipped cream from a can up in the inside of the pointy peak. He grabs it, a bunch of us go out to his table of 8-10 people, he slaps it on the head of this older woman and we sing. She is acting embarrased, the rest of the table is laughing, and when finished this waiter removes the hat and we start to turn away. Myself and the couple of guys who were in on it looked and this lady now had a sizeble glob of whipped cream on her head. Her fellow diners and this waiter all looked aghast while we were walking away as fast as possible laughing so hard we had tears in our eyes.

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I've got a similar one.  Our group's rule is that, if you leave your terminal unlocked, you're fair game.  Well this one guy kept leaving his terminal unlocked all week (very atypical).  By the third time, we figured we needed to have some real fun (instead of changing wallpapers, hibernation time of Windows, etc).  We had a relatively new manager of our group (a few months), three people had already quit and he was feeling very self-conscious about it (first time as a manager).  So we sent him an email with a subject line os "I quit!!!!" and in the body is said, "And it's all because of you!!!!"  I then put a bunch of cariage returns and way at the bottom (where I knew he wouldn't see unless he scrolled down) it said, "Just kidding."


My coworker saw that we sent it and replied to all of us saying he thought it was funny.  But the manager hadn't seen it yet...


So a few hours later, the manager (already having a bad day) sits down in his cube (right next to us).  A minute later we heard his exasperated voice say, "Aaron....  Will you come here for a minute?"  Aaron walks into his cube.  "What's the meaning of this?"  Aaron tells him that I sent it, and both myself and my other coworker just start howling with laughter.  My manager literally takes his glasses off, sets them on the desk, rubs his face and says, "That was NOT funny..."  Aaron says "I didn't send the email though," and my manager just says, "You left your termianl unlocked, it's your fault." :doh:


Pretty funny. :doh:




We have the same rule where I work. While I can't take credit for this one, just have to share. One day a girl left her computer unlocked and someone adjusted her desktop so that the screen was upside down. She came back and said can someone help me here? My friend (and I think same guy who set the desktop upside down because to this day he still wont admit to it) offers to help, Instead of resetting the desktop he physically turns the monitor upside down. The whole row then starts laughing which causes our sup to come and inspect the situation. He was like what the hell? and of course ends the fun by having my friend put the monitor back to normal and the girl restart her computer..

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And then there was the time in my office when I asked one of the fat ladies (not that it matters that she's fat, but it doesn't help that she's like 300 pounds) there to be nice to the dumbass in the next cube over, just to piss him off...friggin' loon gets so incensed when fat people are nice to him, he has to run to the internet to tell everyone he doesn't know how he wets his pants over it.


:doh::doh: That was a good one...

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And then there was the time in my office when I asked one of the fat ladies (not that it matters that she's fat, but it doesn't help that she's like 300 pounds) there to be nice to the dumbass in the next cube over, just to piss him off...friggin' loon gets so incensed when fat people are nice to him, he has to run to the internet to tell everyone he doesn't know how he wets his pants over it.


:doh:  :doh: That was a good one...



Too tired to clean out your PMs?

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an older buddy of mine used to work with ceramics and glass, publishing papers and such....we were all jealous of his stories and how famous he was going to be...well there was this nerdy guy named Tom that worked there, that everyone laughed at...well one day after he wouldn't shut up about how smart he was...my buddy duct taped him to his chair and left him in his office overnight....rumor is he has been bitter ever since...

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