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While I'm ecstatic the pats* got spanked in their own stadium

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Good thing Ray didn't hurt a dog that night in Atlanta, people wouldn't be falling all over themselves to praise him as such an amazing human being then..............


I just find it said that this guy is being praised and being pushed as a role model because he is good at football, while everyone just passes over the fact he was involved somehow in the death of 2 people. But hey, he is a great football player so all is forgiven

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I wish the Bills had 1 player with near the passion for the game that Ray Lewis has. He's been a tremendous asset to the sport of Football and a hell of a player to watch over the years. I know this is the "HarBowl" or whatever anyone wants to call it, but to me it's an almost passing of the guard type game regardless of who wins/loses from Ray Lewis to Patrick Willis. A Legendary 1st ballot HOF player to the next great MLB of the game of professional football. Nothing makes me happier as a fan of the game knowing traditional football won out over the finesse teams of NE/ATL.

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Lots of Great Players have flaws, big time. Look at LT of the Giants.

Exactly, Who cares, He is an awesome football player so he should be idolized and put on a pedestal rather then looked down upon for possibly having a role in a murder..........


people need to let things like that go, he is good at playing a game for a living and thats all that matters, he said he found God, so all should now be forgiven.....

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First, for those that don't like to rely on the dubious nature of wikepedia:


SI Article


and God told him to never reveal the truth to the mothers of those two dead boys?


There is no redemption until he comes clean about what happened that night. Legally he is free, morally he is not.


Pretty sure that isn't your decision to make in the Grand scheme of things...in the court of public opinion, you may indeed continue to hold it against him. In the context to which you replied, that's between him and God.


I think Peter King had this tweet from Owen Daniels this morning..something to the effect of


"Ray Lewis will make Tebow look like an atheist the next two weeks"


Too funny.


BTW couple weeks ago on Sirius Jim Miller was making argument London Fletcher has had a more productive career than Ray Ray, just does not self promote as much...and I am with him 100%


Sorry, but London has nothing on Lewis. Without looking it up, how many other members of that Ravens' Superbowl defense can you name?

Edited by thebandit27
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I can't find anything that shows that Ray Lewis committed murder. I find many articles saying he was there and drove away with the 2 men who got into the fight with the other 2, but nothing showing he was the one directly involved. In 1 article it was stated that Lewis and his group were in the limo and one of the 2 killed walked up and smashed a bottle over the persons head starting the incident.


So we are going to take away everything Lewis has done, especially since the incident, because 4 ppl got into an altercation which just happened to be near him. And don't give me, oh he didn't step up. Ppl lie when they get pulled over for speeding. The guy witnessed 2 ppl get murdered and knew that because he was high profile he would be blamed initially regardless of the evidence.


Someone show me an article that states Lewis was the one that started or was the main person in the altercation leading up to the death of the 2 men. Or is he just guilty by association.


And after the trail when several witnesses had different stories or non matching stories to the night.

Edited by RK_BillsFan
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I'm not sure I'll survive the next 2 weeks of Ray Lewis hype. Seriously - if I were a teammate I'd probably be shivved in the parking lot by other players cause I'd completely ignore the guy and his utterly staged "emotional" outbursts. The team intro dances, the incessant "pep talks" pre-game and on the sidelines. Even his little camera-friendly post-game prayer vigil made me wanna hurl.

I agree 100%. This year will be do different for me than any of the other weeks leading up to the SB in past years. I will ignore all coverage right up to kickoff.
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I've never been able to understand how Ray Lewis has gotten a free pass in the media following his obvious involvement in an altercation that resulted in the deaths of 2 young men in Atlanta during superbowl week, 2001.


The suit he was wearing that likely had blood evidence on it has never been recovered. He settled out of court (paid off the families) to avoid a civil suit, probably fearful of having the same resuts as O.J. It's a given that he provided the getaway car for the others involved.


Of course the others involved were aquitted since there wasn't enough evidence. Well duh, the victims weren't available for testimony and Lewis, if not a participant, was the most credible witness to the event, and considering his role as chaffeur, is guilty at least as an accomplice, even if he wasn't the one with the knife.


So how is it that he still gets commercial endorsements and is fawned over by the press? Ironically, there is a large public outcry and dislike of him for his involvent, yet it's largely ignored by the media who still portray him in the same light as Michael Jordan or some other untarnished star.


I don't get it.


Agreed! And I can't take his "look at me" attitude every time the camera is around. I really hope the 49ers win. I wanted Atlanta to win so that Tony Gonzalez could retire w/ a Super Bowl ring. But it seems that ESPN just kept following the self-promoted "Ray Lewis" is retiring story. BARF.

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I can't find anything that shows that Ray Lewis committed murder. I find many articles saying he was there and drove away with the 2 men who got into the fight with the other 2, but nothing showing he was the one directly involved. In 1 article it was stated that Lewis and his group were in the limo and one of the 2 killed walked up and smashed a bottle over the persons head starting the incident.


So we are going to take away everything Lewis has done, especially since the incident, because 4 ppl got into an altercation which just happened to be near him. And don't give me, oh he didn't step up. Ppl lie when they get pulled over for speeding. The guy witnessed 2 ppl get murdered and knew that because he was high profile he would be blamed initially regardless of the evidence.


Someone show me an article that states Lewis was the one that started or was the main person in the altercation leading up to the death of the 2 men. Or is he just guilty by association.


And after the trail when several witnesses had different stories or non matching stories to the night.


First, being at the scene of the crime and hiding evidence (his clothing) is a crime; (2) driving the perps away from a homocide makes you part of the conspiracy, which is a HUGE crime; and (3) you don't think he paid off the "witnesses" to change their stories so that no one ended up doing any jail time. PLEASE: he was there, his clothing is missing, at the very least he should be in jail for hindering a murder prosecution/obstruction of justice and conspiracy to commit murder.

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