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N.Y. Website Posts Map Of People With Gun Permits, Draws Criticism

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I know that we have a bunch of gun threads here but I think this one deserves it's own thread since this really isn't about whether or not you should be able to own a gun. This is about whether or not your ownership of a gun should be public knowledge.


Does this take it to the point of treating gun owners like sexual preditors?




Sorry forgot the link in my first post.


I know that we have a bunch of gun threads here but I think this one deserves it's own thread since this really isn't about whether or not you should be able to own a gun. This is about whether or not your ownership of a gun should be public knowledge.


Does this take it to the point of treating gun owners like sexual preditors?





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Why should it be a problem? Nobody will mess w/the gun owners right? Or that is what they say... Who is gonna do that? Afterall, the map points to all the people who DO NOT own guns... The criminals will just prey on them, right?


Of course I am being sarcastic...


Actually, the opposite will happen... The criminal would take their gun and target the houses WITH guns! Of course wait until the homeowner is away... Look, more guns to steal and use illegally!

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Since this relates to a school shooting. it makes you wonder how this same newspaper would react if someone posted on the internet the names, home addresses and telephone numbers of all single female teachers in New York State (teachers' licenses are public information as well).


BTW, gun license information is NOT available to the public in many states, including Texas.

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Are Gun Owners Now Going To Be Stigmatized Like Sex Offenders?



“I think it’s an attempt at intimidation. I wonder if any of those whose addresses were published are immediate family members of federal officials or employees, and covered by 18 USC Section 119, which prohibits publishing home addresses for intimidation. Or if the internet publication of home addresses of gun owners can be considered cyber stalking, cyber-bullying, harassment or invasion of privacy under state laws? Just because the information is available under a FOIA request, does that mean it can be publicly disseminated? I’m sure they checked with their lawyers and felt like they were on safe ground, but I hope somebody sues them.”


Of course, my first thought on seeing the map was “That’s more gun owners than I would have expected for such a deep-blue area where guns are demonized.” Instead of marginalizing people, the effect may be more like How bad can it be if so many respectable people are doing it?



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Why is this intimidation? Again, one would think they would welcome this publication. People would read the list and say: "Oh, look! Stay away from 3232 Mockingbird Lane... That's where the Smith's live and they pack heat." What a perfect thing! Lists and maps don't imtimidate, fire power does... Or that is what the NRA would lead you to believe. <_<

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Why is this intimidation? Again, one would think they would welcome this publication. People would read the list and say: "Oh, look! Stay away from 3232 Mockingbird Lane... That's where the Smith's live and they pack heat." What a perfect thing! Lists and maps don't imtimidate, fire power does... Or that is what the NRA would lead you to believe. <_<


How would you feel if somebody put up a map showing where all the government employees lived? Would you take the opportunity to welcome the grateful people coming to thank you for all those korean catfish you bitchslapped? Or would you see it as an invasion of your privacy?

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Why is this intimidation? Again, one would think they would welcome this publication. People would read the list and say: "Oh, look! Stay away from 3232 Mockingbird Lane... That's where the Smith's live and they pack heat." What a perfect thing! Lists and maps don't imtimidate, fire power does... Or that is what the NRA would lead you to believe. <_<

Only in your mind does this make any sort of sense.

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Why is this intimidation? Again, one would think they would welcome this publication. People would read the list and say: "Oh, look! Stay away from 3232 Mockingbird Lane... That's where the Smith's live and they pack heat." What a perfect thing! Lists and maps don't imtimidate, fire power does... Or that is what the NRA would lead you to believe. <_<


So a bad guy starts casing my street, he sees my pickup with an NRA sticker and a gun rack, goes down the street a little ways and sees a SAAB with an Obama sticker. which house do you think he enters?

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How would you feel if somebody put up a map showing where all the government employees lived? Would you take the opportunity to welcome the grateful people coming to thank you for all those korean catfish you bitchslapped? Or would you see it as an invasion of your privacy?


I could care less. Anyway, I don't hurt the fish... I just let them swim through to the lakes... :P Now if some crazed Michigander comes looking for me, am I allowed to pack heat? I mean come, it isn't like the people on the list don't have protection.

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The last person I arrested for failure to register as a sex offender lived 500 feet from a children's amusement park. He spent 12 hours in jail before getting released and disappearing again.


Capital punishment = no repeat offenders.

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