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I really don't understand why anyone goes to Bills home games


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I had free 50 yard line, bench side, 14 rows up seats offered to me for last night's game. I laughed and said no thanks. The game day experience has been ruined for the regular fan who wants nothing to do with the Sodom and Gommorah that The Ralph has become.

Its really sad. I used to love going to games.

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It's a trade off. Cheaper ticket prices than other comparable stadiums means you get guys who are going for a good time as opposed to higher ticket prices where you get the blue blazer and penny loafer crowd. Cheap ticket prices means you get better attendance and more likelihood of selling out (or close to it) whereas more expensive tickets may result in half stadium attendance. I think the league sees Bills tix as a bargain and increased attendance is good for the team (and the league). If we increase ticket prices and get half the fans (although more well behaved), the league might reconsider our ability to sustain an NFL team...wave bye bye.


It's a balance - many of the new NFL stadiums that have been built recently are much smaller than RWS (aside for Jerryworld). If they every do build a news stadium, I suggest it be in Lancaster - closer to Rochester and Hamilton - where they can increase ticket sales to corporations. Raise the ticket prices to keep the rif-raff out but make the place smaller.

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It's a balance - many of the new NFL stadiums that have been built recently are much smaller than RWS (aside for Jerryworld). If they every do build a news stadium, I suggest it be in Lancaster - closer to Rochester and Hamilton - where they can increase ticket sales to corporations. Raise the ticket prices to keep the rif-raff out but make the place smaller.


"Ahhhh, I drink to that" :D

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I go to see the drunk and the vile!


and because I love my bills and wont let others ruin my fun of watching the best sport known to man be played by my favorite sporting team in all of the land live and in person!


Then you obviosuly weren't waiting in the piles of people that were pushing and shoving to try and get through the gates (which were packed) because security was using metal detecing wands. You obviously didn't hear someone yell "I don't care f**k him" when we were trying to clear a path for a guy in a wheelchair. You definitely didn't see the guy trying to pick a fight with everyone around him who later had to be restrained by 4 cops or the poor girl waiting in the crowd that was crying because of the mob. This was all before I even entered the stadium last night.

Edited by ACor58
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I go to see the drunk and the vile!


and because I love my bills and wont let others ruin my fun of watching the best sport known to man be played by my favorite sporting team in all of the land live and in person!


I am with ya brother!


I always tell myself I will not reply to these threads that pop up at least once a month on this subject, but can't help myself.


I have never, and I repeat never, had a problem the Stadium. But I do like watching the drunks, even better watching two drunks guys fight! Best is watching drunk girls, and trying to get them to show me their boo bees!

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I hear what you're saying, although the title of your thread is silly. Of course you understand that people go to have fun.


The problem with morons is a problem, though. There was a bit a few weeks ago where the howard stern show interviewed eagles fans. the interviews are obnoxious and leave me with very little faith in our species. there are some drunken retards with the emotional maturity of 4 year olds. there is no denying it...



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As I've said, tens of thousands of the so-called "fans" treat Bills games like a Phish show - just an excuse to get as messed up as possible and act like an ass. I agree with the OP.


That's actually an insult to most concert goers. The couple of Phish shows Ive been to have had a much better atmosphere than the Ralph, especially better than the Ralph at a night game.

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As I've said, tens of thousands of the so-called "fans" treat Bills games like a Phish show - just an excuse to get as messed up as possible and act like an ass. I agree with the OP.


Terrible reference. I go to every Bills home games and 2-5 Phish shows per year. Phish fans are 100x more respectable than Bills fans - no question. You won't ever see fights, cursing, girls and kids getting abused, puking, etc. but all those things regularly happen within a few rows of my seats at a Bills game EVERY game, last night being no exception.


Night and day difference bro. Your point of Bills games being an embarrasment is very valid though. I'm in my 20s and ready to give up on going to games because nobody even watches or allows you to watch the game.

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OMG could this thread be anymore depressing? Going to the games is amazing, don't let a few shmo's ruin your trip.


Many many stadiums especially with night games are similar. As Hank Williams always said "all my rowdy friends are here on monday night!"


I am not a big drinker myself, but when i go to game i enjoy more than a couple, and always have a great time, borderline rowdy even.

Edited by Ryan L Billz
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Then you obviosuly weren't waiting in the piles of people that were pushing and shoving to try and get through the gates (which were packed) because security was using metal detecing wands. You obviously didn't hear someone yell "I don't care f**k him" when we were trying to clear a path for a guy in a wheelchair. You definitely didn't see the guy trying to pick a fight with everyone around him who later had to be restrained by 4 cops or the poor girl waiting in the crowd that was crying because of the mob. This was all before I even entered the stadium last night.


im not quite sure how this was in response to me saying "I wont let others ruin my fun...I go to watch the best sport known to mankind".....ive seen such behavior...I just dont let it ruin my fun, it just gives me a story to tell around the water cooler....I still would have enjoyed the hell outta the game


As I've said, tens of thousands of the so-called "fans" treat Bills games like a Phish show - just an excuse to get as messed up as possible and act like an ass. I agree with the OP.


as someone who frequents Phish shows and tailgates.....Phish tailgate is veryyyyyyyy TAME compared to a bills game

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Ever since I got season tickets the atmosphere is 100% better than getting cheap seats wherever I could find them. You sit with (mostly) the same people every game and you bond. Most of those "I'm gonna get as drunk as possible" people or the "I'm gonna start a fight with a fan of the other team" people are not near us at all. And being in the lower bowl I love my seats. I'm not behind glass, the people around me care about the game We respect each other and don't put up with any of that extra-curricular BS.

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I'm all for the tailgate, it's part of what sustains us as Bills fans. But I'm utterly disgusted and embarrassed at the condition of these lots come game time. I typically walk through 5a on way in from my spot along southwestern and California and its is like these losers are tailgating in a landfill. There is literally garbage everywhere. Not a few bottles and trash close to people's cars or tailgate areas but literally strewn across the entire aisle.


I guess breaking glass and smashing all you stuff and then wallowing in it like swine for 3 hours is fun but these people, probably mainly college kids obviously think its cool. I think it's a disgrace and I'm as much for a good time and mischief as the next guy but these jokers have taken it to a new low. Game after game. This is the type of stuff that gives the city and people a blackeye when out of towners visit.


Time for security and the sheriffs to start writing citations for littering. It's I'd public property after all and we'd never see that in a park.


Maybe in my late 30s when Im as economically viable as I've ever been and should be a target demographic for this team to focus on, this stadium experience is passing me by. Lots of friends And coworkers that are older stopped going around my age, complaining about the morons. But I don't think it's me getting older as much as it is a complete lack of respect, both for other people and themselves, that these young college age morons bring to the game.


have you ever been a walmart parking lot on the 1st of a month?

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