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Tonights cage match, Romney vs Obama 3

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Too bad.


Too bad?? Really?? You're the one that keeps harping our vote here in CA doesn't count so what's the point? A game 7 involving a team I've followed very closely the last four seasons is much more entertaining than this. And this thread is also very "entertaining".




No, its' not that....just read the thread if you don't want to watch the debate. You forget, I have been around here for a while, so I know your style...


If you want to know, just look at OC's posts in this thread, if nothing else. He, and many Republican talking heads last night, were proclaiming this debate a victory for Romney, becasue he took the tact of not backing up anything he said previously, or reversing things he said just a few weeks ago. If somebody had no idea what is going on, Romney looked alright.


If you have been following his campaign throughout the GOP primaries, it is very clear that this guy has either no idea what he is talking about, (employing the previously failed John McCain strategy of "I'll say whatever people want to hear"), or he is intentionally stonewalling, because he has no real foreign policy. I think Romney is pretty smart, so I assume he is using the later approach...it is as cynical an approach to campaigning as one could have...but it may prove to be, ultimately, successful.


So after a nights sleep you still have no lies to present. I get it. See I know your style too. I ask a very simple question that I'm actually looking for an answer to and as per your usual style you fail to answer it. Just because someone changes course does not a lie make. If that's the case do you consider Obama'a original stance on gay marriage a lie?

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Looks to me like Mr. Romney has a real chance, especially if he can parlay tonight's 'check the transcript' moment into something that blunts the lefts' attacks that he wanted to liquidate GM and turns OH to his column.


I was surprised Obama tried that again, after last weeks gaffe.


He really thought Scheiffer would back him up like CC did last week. :D

Edited by Gary M
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NBC Chief White House Correspondent Chuck Todd seemed surprised by Obama’s aggressive tone. “POTUS is consistently trying to draw Romney into a more contentious debate. It's what challengers do who think they are behind,” he wrote on Twitter.


Gotta say that Romney was channeling Reagan last night. Tough but cool.

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I was surprised Obama tried that again, after last weeks gaffe.


He really thought Scheiffer would back him up like CC did last week. :D

Yeah, it was strange seeing him go back to that again. I'd have thought he'd expect Romney to be ready for that tactic this time. Kind of reminded me of Wanny's non-existant halftime adjustments.

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Too bad?? Really?? You're the one that keeps harping our vote here in CA doesn't count so what's the point? A game 7 involving a team I've followed very closely the last four seasons is much more entertaining than this. And this thread is also very "entertaining".


"Too bad" from the standpoint of me assuming you like a good sales battle (though I don't follow baseball, which is second only to soccer in being boring).


You would have enjoyed watching Romney completely deflate Obama, who was BEGGING for another fight. Obama was all but foaming at the mouth to get into the weeds on Benghazi, etc., And no matter what Obama did, Romney stayed above the petulance you always get from the thin-skinned Obama, and it was driving Obama absolutely crazy.


Biden set up the war-mongering thing, and prior to the debate all the liberal talking heads were following suit...Romney is a war monger!!! Obama actually referred to Romney/Ryan as Bush/Cheney, and by the time Romney started agreeing that Bush made some bad decisions, Obama was left with condescending babytalk about how we have boats that you can land aircraft on, and boats that go under water. By the time he started mocking the use of bayonets and horses, twitter was loaded with Marines pointing out that not only do they still use bayonets, but our military rode horses in Afghanistan...and the commander in chief looked as lost and petty as an unqualified suit could be.


Yes, you'll hear the left argue that Obama won last night, but the Romney team is more than happy to let him do so because he won the bigger battle. I will not be surprised to see Romney's poll numbers continue to surge during the remainder of the week. By Friday, he'll be up in Ohio.

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"Too bad" from the standpoint of me assuming you like a good sales battle (though I don't follow baseball, which is second only to soccer in being boring).


You would have enjoyed watching Romney completely deflate Obama, who was BEGGING for another fight. Obama was all but foaming at the mouth to get into the weeds on Benghazi, etc., And no matter what Obama did, Romney stayed above the petulance you always get from the thin-skinned Obama, and it was driving Obama absolutely crazy.


Biden set up the war-mongering thing, and prior to the debate all the liberal talking heads were following suit...Romney is a war monger!!! Obama actually referred to Romney/Ryan as Bush/Cheney, and by the time Romney started agreeing that Bush made some bad decisions, Obama was left with condescending babytalk about how we have boats that you can land aircraft on, and boats that go under water. By the time he started mocking the use of bayonets and horses, twitter was loaded with Marines pointing out that not only do they still use bayonets, but our military rode horses in Afghanistan...and the commander in chief looked as lost and petty as an unqualified suit could be.


Yes, you'll hear the left argue that Obama won last night, but the Romney team is more than happy to let him do so because he won the bigger battle. I will not be surprised to see Romney's poll numbers continue to surge during the remainder of the week. By Friday, he'll be up in Ohio.


Obama was set up and he doesn't even know it. :lol:

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I will not be surprised to see Romney's poll numbers continue to surge during the remainder of the week. By Friday, he'll be up in Ohio.


He's already hit one critical number....50% nationally.


"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows Mitt Romney attracting support from 50% of voters nationwide, while President Obama earns the vote from 46%. One percent (1%) prefers some other candidate, and two percent (2%) are undecided."



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No, its' not that....just read the thread if you don't want to watch the debate. You forget, I have been around here for a while, so I know your style...


If you want to know, just look at OC's posts in this thread, if nothing else. He, and many Republican talking heads last night, were proclaiming this debate a victory for Romney, becasue he took the tact of not backing up anything he said previously, or reversing things he said just a few weeks ago. If somebody had no idea what is going on, Romney looked alright.


If you have been following his campaign throughout the GOP primaries, it is very clear that this guy has either no idea what he is talking about, (employing the previously failed John McCain strategy of "I'll say whatever people want to hear"), or he is intentionally stonewalling, because he has no real foreign policy. I think Romney is pretty smart, so I assume he is using the later approach...it is as cynical an approach to campaigning as one could have...but it may prove to be, ultimately, successful.

It's hysterical, that you would use the term cynical, when the only reason Obama is in office at all...is cynicism.


Look at what has happened to your elected officials ever since the Iraq War has been taken away as an issue. Loss after loss. Far too many liberals deluded themselves into believing that their ideas, and not their cynical approach to the Iraq War, were why they won in 2006-8.


Romney correctly identified what you wanted to do = try to make him out to be Bush 2, a warmonger, etc. He refused to lose YOUR cynical game. He played it, and beat you at it. If he chose to be cynical, if that's how you want to characterize it, then, he is doing so in response to your party's behavior over the last 7 years.


You just don't like the fact that the tables got turned on you. Cry me a river. :lol:


You lost your right to expect anything else the same minute you started yelling "No blood for oil". Yeah...that's not cynical at all. Please. :rolleyes:

Obama was set up and he doesn't even know it. :lol:

Walking in? Yeah, he had no idea what was about to hit him. He walked right into it over and over.

During? It didn't dawn on Obama until about halfway through. Then, it was too late.

After? All you see is people like Buftex being lame, and trying to pretend like the last 7 years didn't happen.


And, you had the MSNBC people having conniptions, realizing that their whole game plan was headed for the trash.


Look, the outcome and the theme, especially in the foreign press, is clear: If you were an alien(on a long vacation, in a coma, etc., same story written multiple ways) and only saw that debate, you'd be thinking that Romney was the President, and Obama, the challenger.


Romney was the boss, and Obama, the wanna-be.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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OC you are out of your 3rd grade mind plain and simple. Not b/c you support Romney either, b/c you post the posts you post.


I have a rule that I don't usually read posts that are longer than a paragraph. I still don't get why people read what he writes...

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I have a rule that I don't usually read posts that are longer than a paragraph. I still don't get why people read what he writes...


lol I mean I skip over them a lot but every now and then I'll read it to see what the hell is actually going on ... often an insane rambling epimone heavy on figures of speech and smiley faces using a ton of words and saying nothing...I understand not having the time to write a short succinct post but my God

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I am out of my mind for posting the truth...yeah...that's all you got. Nothing funnier than a liberal trying claim the high ground on foreign policy...when their candidate has been doing little more than copying Bush(GITMO is still open, renditions still occurring, and summary assassinations via drone are more "moral" than capturing people and interrogating them :rolleyes:), and, then trying to turn around and say Romney = Bush? :lol:


Perhaps I was wrong? That's not cynicism, that's just idiocy. :lol:


And meazza...if you don't get it, or why, yet...then you are just as feckless as Obama has been in these debates.

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Please don't.

No problem...I was just thinking about how annoying that would be for me, and the possibility that you still wouldn't get it.


Suffice it to say: when I began posting here, I took your approach. I soon learned that was folly. Why? Because if there are 10 points to make, and you only make one, they run to the next point, instead of dealing with the 1st. They try to distract from the inescapable point you are making, like NewBills is lamely trying to do here.


This creates 10 page threads, where, at the end, you end up the same place you would have if you had simply made the 10 points in one post.


Also, it's fun to troll certain posters with long posts, because they can't help themselves(EDIT: don't tell me you haven't seen who I do that to, consistently :lol: That's why I am wondering why you don't "get it"). And, its fun to troll other posters who complain about long posts, by putting stuff in the middle...that they can't help themselves from quoting....so much for their long post complaint. ;)


I've explained this many times. Now, I am explaining it to you. :lol: I hope I don't have to explain it twice.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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