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If You Had A Chance To Say One Thing To Front Office

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Don't be passive and trade up in the draft if the opportunity is there to upgrade the QB position.


I'm satisfied with the way Nix has handled the drafts he's been in charge of in repect to QB. He even told Fritz they might take one, so I have to believe they would if the right one was available. It's just that no one worth taking was there. Bradford, Newton, Luck and Griffin were the only ones that fit the description of a true upgrade.


Some people think they should have taken Dalton, but I believe it's AJ Green that's been the main factor in his early sucess. Would he be pushing Fritz if he were here?


Hopefully Nix will act if there is a highly rated QB and a willing trade partner available.

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I don't care about past mistakes, I only care about the future.


I would tell them to pump as much money into scouting as possible. Make the Bills the place of choice for the top talent evalutors in the game. Buddy knows who's good and who's not in the scouting world. Pro and amateur scouts don't care where the team plays, what the practice facilities are like and endorsement contracts they may be giving up if they work for the Bills. Pay them and make them accountable. This would also require the Bills to commit to an identity as a franchise and stick to it.


This plan is also cheaper in the long run. Build up assets so that when players want big money you just say good bye.


Then I would tell them to fix the Nacho situation, that fellow convinced me, it is not acceptable. Loaded Nachos for all.

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Don't be passive and trade up in the draft if the opportunity is there to upgrade the QB position.


I'm satisfied with the way Nix has handled the drafts he's been in charge of in repect to QB. He even told Fritz they might take one, so I have to believe they would if the right one was available. It's just that no one worth taking was there. Bradford, Newton, Luck and Griffin were the only ones that fit the description of a true upgrade.


Some people think they should have taken Dalton, but I believe it's AJ Green that's been the main factor in his early sucess. Would he be pushing Fritz if he were here?


Hopefully Nix will act if there is a highly rated QB and a willing trade partner available.


Agree with everything you said. Nix has been plain as day about taking "that guy" the entire time. But he ain't gonna reach for one that won't give the team a better chance at winning "right now."


Prepare for the deluge of responses naming all the QBs Nix should have taken when they were available and how stupid Nix was for not drafting them. You can set your watch to it.



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Instead of spending $100M on a player that may be past his prime, you should pay big bucks for a coaching staff that is young enough to have new ideas.


Past his prime? At age 27? Most athletes are just entering their primes at that age.



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Past his prime? At age 27? Most athletes are just entering their primes at that age.



I agree he is not that old, but there are stories about nagging injuries, and he is not playing like he is in his prime. I know that sometimes he gets double teamed, and sometimes he takes the long way around to try to get to the QB. I also know that the Bills gave up on Takeo Spikes after an achilles injury but he ended up having a few more good years elsewhere, It's way too early to be down on Mario, but I wish he could occasionally do something spectacular just to keep impatient people like me from declaring him a waste of money. (Impatient Bills fans is probably an oxymoron.)

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I agree he is not that old, but there are stories about nagging injuries, and he is not playing like he is in his prime. I know that sometimes he gets double teamed, and sometimes he takes the long way around to try to get to the QB. I also know that the Bills gave up on Takeo Spikes after an achilles injury but he ended up having a few more good years elsewhere, It's way too early to be down on Mario, but I wish he could occasionally do something spectacular just to keep impatient people like me from declaring him a waste of money. (Impatient Bills fans is probably an oxymoron.)


Amen to all that, brother!


I don't think the term "impatient Bills fan" is so much an oxymoron as it is redundant.


Keep the faith. Like a learned Cubs fan once said, "Anybody can have a bad century."



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Lay out a plan to the public with a time attached for THIS General Manager and THIS head coach to put together a playoff team. It has nothing to do with the whiners and the twelve years of whatever it's irrelevant. What's the plan in the next two years. We want a franchise quarterback BUT we HAVE to make the playoffs too.....can't have both. Fitz in my opinion is fine of course if you give up 52 points probably not going to win with any quarterback although some on here will claim some "franchise" quarterback could average 60 a game. Get a couple legit starting wide receivers

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What would it be? For me, and I really thought about this - it would be this:


My family has been an original season ticket holder since 1960 and at this point in time, we are really not asking for much. We are not aking you to do the following:


Win the Super Bowl

Make the Super Bowl

Win a playoff game

Get to the playoffs


What I am asking you is to just make it to a game in December where the outcome of a game could determine a playoff spot. Does THAT really seem like it is too much to ask. Put together a team where the WHOLE season actually means something. Make home games in December just the slightest bit enjoyable for us fans that continue to show up through thick and thin. It really seems almsot impossible to go almost 12 years while giving us only one of these games (which you lost to a bunch of back-up Steelers).


Join The Charge, One Team, all of those other crappy slogans your team comes up with - screw it. How about


Make December Count! Now go out and freakin' beat a team where everyone else says you don't have a chance. You want to play a big game in December? Go beat the fukking Niners on Sunday.....




OP should get credit for this. After the replacement refs debacle, NFL fans are owed better efforts at getting a quality product on the field. They take our money, our loyalty and sometimes our emotions. Not every team is going to be relevant each December but fans at least deserve the effort.



Edited by DerekJ
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