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If you could go back in time and watch any Bills game live


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I'd pick the Tennessee playoff game is 1999.. and as the team lined-up for the kickoff that ultimately lead to Homejob Throwforward, I'd run onto the sideline and scream to the guys lined up on the right side of the formation to hold their lanes.. "DYSON'S GONNA END UP WITH BALL!!"

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Off the top of my head....


-- 89 (I believe it was) against the Dolhons when Kelly scored with no time remaining on the clock.


-- 90 beating Denver with 3 forced turnovers (and 3 TDs) all within like 90 seconds, when the game looked over late in the 4th quarter


-- 90 AFC Wildcard game against Miami... Marino and Kelly were both on their A Game that day... 44-34


-- 91 AFC Championship Game 51-3 over the Raidas


-- 92 the no-punt game against San Fancisco


-- 92 Wild Card Game against Houston... The greatest game I ever saw!


-- 93 AFC Championship Game... We're back! The Bills knocked Montana out of the game early in the 2nd half.


-- 96 againt New England. Ugly 10-3 (or something like that) game. Bills fail to convert a 3rd down play late in the game. Instead of refusing the penlaty, Parcells takes it and forces 3rd and 20 rather than 4th and 2. The Pats blitz, Kelly reads it and hits Reed in stride for a long TD. Marv screams, "Thank you blitz!" The Pats get the ball back and drive down the field. On 4th and goal from the 2, Bledoe tries for the draw and gets stuffed.


-- 98 against Jacksonville... 4th and goal from the 1 with seconds to go. The playcall is a run to Thurman, but there is a mixup, so Flutie runs it in himself. The beginning of the Flutie Magic Era.


-- 99 at Baltimore... Defense dominates on both sides of teh ball. Down by 10 late, Flutie finally manages to engineer a scoring drive aftre having thrown 4 INTs in the game. The Bills get the ball back again and are faced with a 4th and 15 situation. Fluties scambles for the 1st down. And the Bills go one to socre the game winning TD on that drive.


I cannot bring myself to mention any of the games that have happened since then, since none of them has played a part in getting us to the playoffs. Hopefully that changes in 2012!

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LOL, so that's it, anyone that doesn't share the viewpoint that this is presently a winning/playoff team is a troll?


Let me ask you then, at the end of the season, which is so typical in Buffalo with preseason expectations at or great than they've been now, what are those same people, the ones you say are trolls, then called when people such as yourself are ready to make the FO walk the plank called?


Besides know-it-alls that is.




Aren't you the know-it-all who two weeks ago, predicted Lee Evans would have a 1000 yard season?

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I know, I'm such a know it all ;-p


I'll clarify for you. If this team lives up to our expectations and gets to the playoffs and possibly farther along, who would not be excited about that? If this happens I'm sure there will still be people bitching and moaning about something. Even if this team wins the SB the trolls will still come out to some degree.




LOL, so that's it, anyone that doesn't share the viewpoint that this is presently a winning/playoff team is a troll?


Let me ask you then, at the end of the season, which is so typical in Buffalo with preseason expectations at or great than they've been now, what are those same people, the ones you say are trolls, then called when people such as yourself are ready to make the FO walk the plank called?


Besides know-it-alls that is.



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I attended every game home game and all the home playoff games from 1989 thru 1995 including all 4 SB's. I did miss some away regular season and some away playoff games tho.


Went to the 88 AFC championship game in Cincy, The Bills beat the Oilers in the previous playoff game at Buffalo 17-10. Went to the Cleveland playoff game(Ronnie Harmon drop) in 89. TT had 150 yards receiving,and 2 TDs, what a great performace!


One of the games I missed was the 92 AFC champ game in Miami, I had tickets for the game but something came up and I couldn't go. Beating Dan Marino in Miami would have been one I would have loved to have watched in person






PS. My favorite game of all time is probably obscure to most Bills fans now. Nov 20th,1988 Jets at Bills 6-9 OT final score as the Bills won the division in week 12. We watched the game in a driving rainstorm, cold and very windy. I believe the Bills set an NFL record for fastest division win. The fans rushed down the aisles and onto the field, then the goal posts came down and then went up into the stands. The entire field was filled with fans going nuts. That was THE "Fan-demonium" game as the Buffalo news sported that headline the next day.


I remember this game vividly. Didn't Smearlas block a jets field goal to keep them in it. This was really the time that great team pulled together...

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I remember this game vividly. Didn't Smearlas block a jets field goal to keep them in it. This was really the time that great team pulled together...


Keep them in it? It was kicked with the time running out and Smerlas made his finest play as a Bill. Game Over. The goal posts came down that game 2. That was a great game.

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The 1965 AFL Championship Game in San Diego. Right after the game, I would take the pile of money I made picking the underdog Bills to win, not to mention correcty predicting the final score, and go out and buy as much SoCal real estate as humanly possible!


Go back a little farther in time and buy La Jolla beach front lots for $100 per lot or whatever they sold for at the time.

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It would have to be the comeback against Moon Man and the Oilers. Gosh I still remember the gigantic smile on Bruce's face right after the winning field goal. If that game won't make your body rush with adrenaline, nothing will. What a game.


The Bills shellacking of Jay Shroeder and his Raider cohorts is up there too.


Finishing off Elway in the AFC Championship game with an interception was one of the best nail biters. I think it was Leon Seals? I could be wrong.


Too many good memories....

Carlton Bailey is the name you’re looking for...on a pass tipped by Jeff Wright. What a play that was!!


The comeback game would be a great one…especially since it was blacked out locally and wasn’t on TV. I remember listening to it on the radio and Van going nuts.




I would have to go with the 2 championship games in the 60s since that was before my time. It would be really nice to have a memory of seeing a Buffalo team win a championship live.

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I was there, but would love to again see the game in 1963 in the Rock Pile when Cookie Gilchrist broke the (at the time) pro football record for rushing yards (243) in a game on a field that looked like a mosh pit. How he did it is beyond me, no one else on the field could keep their footing, he just ran over people all day long.

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1) I don't like re-watching the Oilers comeback game when it's on TV because you have to sit through that horrendous first half. Not sure I could stomach that again (unless I had perfect knowledge of the outcome)


2) I was at the Jax/Bills Flutie TD-run game--and that was magical. Wouldn't mind going back and seeing that one again.

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