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What is your favorite Sitcom Ever


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Yes, except for Jim Parsons.


It's just a lazy show. Everything is derivative, especially the insipid "Will they or won't they?" thing.


I'm not defending that particular show, but non-derivative current sitcoms basically don't exist.

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And, I think it is important to point out to the young whipper-snappers...the people who braught you "Mary Tyler Moore" (James Burrows, Glen & Les Charles) were responsible for "Taxi", original "Bob Newhart" show, and "Cheers" as well...I don't think they were as invovlved with "Frasier" during its' run..other than creating the character for "Cheers".


I have to admit, I was never a regular "Frasier" viewer, though I have seen a handful of episodes over the years, mostly in syndication. It is pretty good...good, adult sitcoms are hard to come by. It's one of those shows I always think of going back to watch at some point... I never wathced it when it was current, but that was mostly because it was a spinoff of "Cheers" which, for me, was awesome when Shelly Long was on it...and just got increasingly un-funny after she left (Kristy Alley was awful on that show) ...to the point where I just stopped watching it...the same thing that appears to be happening to "The Office" right now!


That's exactly why I missed out on all of Frasier until the last few years. I wonder how many spinoffs were better than the original, which that was.

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That's exactly why I missed out on all of Frasier until the last few years. I wonder how many spinoffs were better than the original, which that was.


Probably not many...sure we all remember "AfterMash" ( :sick: )...but who remembers "Radar"? And whose idea was it to turn Wayne Rogers as Trapper John into Pernell Roberts (aka Adam Cartwright!) "Trapper John MD"? And to take one of the really great sitcom characters of all time, Lou Grant, and turn him into a completely different character in a drama? :P

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Who doesn't know Al Bundy? Heck, I was reading somewhere where Europeans refer to Buckingham Fountain (Chicago) as: "Al Bundy Fountain."


Man, now that is some fame!




I am the proud owner of a "No Ma'am" t-shirt.

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Just saw the thread where Fred Willard got busted for going all Pee Wee, which reminded me of Fernwood Tonight. I guess not technically a sitcom, but I loved that show.


In the same vein, not a sitcom..but The Gong Show was funny stojan , especially to a 7th grader.

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Probably not many...sure we all remember "AfterMash" ( :sick: )...but who remembers "Radar"? And whose idea was it to turn Wayne Rogers as Trapper John into Pernell Roberts (aka Adam Cartwright!) "Trapper John MD"? And to take one of the really great sitcom characters of all time, Lou Grant, and turn him into a completely different character in a drama? :P


Lou Grant was so friggin great on MTM. May be my favorite sitcom character ever........I figured Ed Asner was the same type of guy. I heard him on the Carolla podcast and he's a nutcase. Adam will still bring it up to joke about it. He's a 9/11 truther, and believes in every single conspiracy ever........Adam ended the podcast with "And tune in next week for Ed Asner on the Bay of Pigs.".............Man, I loved Lou Grant though - hungover - "Mary - they need to raise the drinking age to 75"

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Lou Grant was so friggin great on MTM. May be my favorite sitcom character ever........I figured Ed Asner was the same type of guy. I heard him on the Carolla podcast and he's a nutcase. Adam will still bring it up to joke about it. He's a 9/11 truther, and believes in every single conspiracy ever........Adam ended the podcast with "And tune in next week for Ed Asner on the Bay of Pigs.".............Man, I loved Lou Grant though - hungover - "Mary - they need to raise the drinking age to 75"



Yeah... I think Asner went off the deep-end somewhere...agreed, though, one of the all-time great sitcom characters. Lou Grant interviews Mary for the job, in the series piliot:




btw- Mary was smokin' hot in her day too!

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Yeah... I think Asner went off the deep-end somewhere...agreed, though, one of the all-time great sitcom characters. Lou Grant interviews Mary for the job, in the series piliot:




btw- Mary was smokin' hot in her day too!


I was going to quote the "I hate spunky" line - I forgot that was from her interview. That there is great stuff! She WAS so hot back then, and on Dick Van Dyke.

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Yeah... I think Asner went off the deep-end somewhere...agreed, though, one of the all-time great sitcom characters. Lou Grant interviews Mary for the job, in the series piliot:




btw- Mary was smokin' hot in her day too!


She never struck me as hot. As a matter of fact I wanted to yell at the TV at her character in this show "Jesus Christ Mary...quit your bitchin!" Loved the show but not so crazy about her character. Ted Baxter however was brilliant!

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