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[closed]Zebrie Sanders better not pull this cr*p in Buffalo

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Well, yeah, I think we all got that he was told to freeze if he thinks there is an off sides. But how could he not realize there was no whistle/flag. Guys were running all over the place! All his linemen bolted too. He stood there the entire time--12 seconds! Did they really say "if you think there is an off-sides, no matter what happens---DO NOT MOVE FROM THAT POINT ON!!"

I'm pretty sure they didn't coach him to do that.


Sounds like they did, actually.


And regardless, the point is he was taught to stay still in certain situations. Watching the clip out of context has people actually questioning if he literally fell asleep on the field, or had a seizure, or is just stupid, etc. But really, it's just a judgement call on something he was taught to do.


You may not like the extreme to which he took it, but he was taught to do that. It was not that he "forgot to play football" as other have implied. There is reasoning behind it.

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Sounds like they did, actually. And regardless, the point is he was taught to stay still in certain situations. Watching the clip out of context has people actually questioning if he literally fell asleep on the field, or had a seizure, or is just stupid, etc. But really, it's just a judgement call on something he was taught to do.You may not like the extreme to which he took it, but he was taught to do that. It was not that he "forgot to play football" as other have implied. There is reasoning behind it.



This has been posted ad nausea. This is the doing of Rick Trickett the Florida State offensive line coach. I am a huge FSU fan and this is not the only time that the offensive lineman for Florida State have done this, not just including Zebrie Sanders. Trickett is a former Marine who preaches hard nosed attitudes and extreme discipline by his offensive lineman. You can say his lineman either love him or they hate him. He has taught them to hold their water to emphasize that they didn't false start and it was only the defense who jumped. There are many other examples where the whole line doesn't move and the QB is left scrambling for his life after a free 5 yards. I dont really like this maneuver either but this is definitely the doing of Rick Trickett and not just a bonehead move by Sanders. Here is a great youtube recap if you would like to know the truth about what happened.


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This has already been posted ad nauseum, I realize it's a slow time on news, but your not bringing anything new to the table.


I wasn't trying to post anything "new" to the table.


Didn't know only new news was allowed on this forum. Everythings already been discussed so I guess this forum can be shut down now.

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I wasn't trying to post anything "new" to the table.


Didn't know only new news was allowed on this forum. Everythings already been discussed so I guess this forum can be shut down now.

Really? That's the avenue your taking on this one?

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Zebrie is an eagle scout. He knew what he was doing. Right or wrong. Because thats what his coach trained him to do.

Dont knock Sanders, he is going to be a good fit for us in the future. This draft was pretty good top to bottom i think. But only time will prove that out ;)

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Woulda been hysterical if his QB ended up tearing his ACL on that play. I'm sure he's a decent athlete but that showed stupidity on his part but mostly his coaches if that's what really happened.


It has been beaten to death that he did what the coaches told him. Unless Chan tells him to do it, he won't do it. So I don't get the whole thing where you hope he doesn't do it with the bills. He obviously won't.


Completely odd and random comment to make.


And if we are going to discuss stuff that old, let's discuss the bills signing T.O. and trading lee Evans. We haven't talked about them in a few weeks

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Wow, so a guy kinda goofed on one play while kinda doing what he was coached to do.


If only we had members of this Internet message board in the war room on draft day instead of highly-paid professional scouts and talent evaluators, we never would've wasted a late-round pick on this guy who will obviously do nothing but freeze up every time the ball is snapped.

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FSU Ol are coached to do that. If some of you would try a little bit of reading before posting, you'd realize this.


Especially when its been repeated 20 times in this thread, and countless times in dozens of threads before this over the past 2 years.

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Interestingly enough, and somewhat unrelated, the Bills coaching to have lineman come out of their stance if a defender jumps is what sealed the Eagles game for us last year.


I still can't believe the eagles fell for it. They are such a well coached team, and it was obvious that it was coming, and they took the bait

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