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Ex-Eagles Pres. Seeking Bills Ownership

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Why does everyone think Jim Kelly is going to save the day? How many businesses of his failed? Maybe he is still around the team because he needs the money. Do we even know if he still has the money to be a minority owner? And if he is a minority owner how much actual say would he have in the team moving? None

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Why does everyone think Jim Kelly is going to save the day? How many businesses of his failed? Maybe he is still around the team because he needs the money. Do we even know if he still has the money to be a minority owner? And if he is a minority owner how much actual say would he have in the team moving? None


Because he knows people with money who are interested in keeping the Bills in Buffalo. Or so the story goes...

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Why does everyone think Jim Kelly is going to save the day? How many businesses of his failed? Maybe he is still around the team because he needs the money. Do we even know if he still has the money to be a minority owner? And if he is a minority owner how much actual say would he have in the team moving? None

The Hunters Hope foundation has not only succeeded it is so strong it's changing new born screening nationwide. Added to that, he has met and created relationships withany important and high powered officials and business people in the states and government.


It's just as hard to imagine him not having anyone to assist in his ownership group as it is to imagine he does. Just saying.

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So the guy's forming an investment group? So far, no big deal. Hasn't Jim Kelly done the same thing? And there are rumors of a couple of other syndicates with their eyes on the Bills. The simple fact is that someone is going to buy the team sooner or later. And prices have been soaring across all the major pro sports. So, keeping them in WNY is likely to be an act of charity because I don't see how you pencil out perhaps a billion dollar purchase price in that area.

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So the guy's forming an investment group? So far, no big deal. Hasn't Jim Kelly done the same thing? And there are rumors of a couple of other syndicates with their eyes on the Bills. The simple fact is that someone is going to buy the team sooner or later. And prices have been soaring across all the major pro sports. So, keeping them in WNY is likely to be an act of charity because I don't see how you pencil out perhaps a billion dollar purchase price in that area.


That is the sad, simple truth. We just don't have the corporate presence and facility to make it a viable opportunity for anyone that doesn't have altruistic motives in buying the team.



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So the guy's forming an investment group? So far, no big deal. Hasn't Jim Kelly done the same thing? And there are rumors of a couple of other syndicates with their eyes on the Bills. The simple fact is that someone is going to buy the team sooner or later. And prices have been soaring across all the major pro sports. So, keeping them in WNY is likely to be an act of charity because I don't see how you pencil out perhaps a billion dollar purchase price in that area.


There is a 500 million dollar relocation fee to consider as well as the building of a new stadium so it may wind up being half as cheap to actually keep them in Buffalo.

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Your right about knowing when we know. But my comment about Pull has nothing to do with hookups in the NFL. It's about money and who will have more during auction time.


And I hardly doubt that ANYONE in the NFL, let alone probably 3/4 or more put together have as much money as Buffett. And considering pull, Jacobs is in just about every single major sports stadium/arena in the united states. He has quite a bit of pull. Galisano probably suplies checks to every team.


I just feel like arguing today. Sorry if I'm coming off as an @$$hole. I just hate hearing this stupid rumor every 3-6 months on a regular basis.

Certainly Warren Buffett the young spry 81 year old with prostrate cancer, would be the perfect new owner of the Bills. or are you talking about Jimmy Buffett?


Get real. Neither Buffett is looking for a NFL team.

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Imagine a winning team in buffalo competing for a super bowl every year! Its a gold mine!


Gold mine for who? I guess you're assuming the Bills' ticket prices will climb out of 32nd place?


I really hope this story helps people get their minds around the very real possibility that the next owner will be someone other than a hometown altruist. It's great that Ralph is amenable to leaving the County with a lease that ties the team to WNY for many years, but at some point WNY may not be shielded from competing straight up against other larger markets. By starting to expand into Toronto now, you help build long term market viability. It continues to amaze me that there are still those who can't see this and desperately cling to the Good Old Days when the Bills were Buffalo's alone.

Edited by BillnutinHouston
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Certainly Warren Buffett the young spry 81 year old with prostrate cancer, would be the perfect new owner of the Bills. or are you talking about Jimmy Buffett?


Get real. Neither Buffett is looking for a NFL team.

Jimmy Buffett is already part owner in the Dolphins so your wrong there.


Warren may be 81 but is in good health and is very active. I also pointed out that I never thought he was one of the investors, just that he could be. He is very fond of Buffalo. That's the reason why he brought Geico to Buffalo and he owns the Buffalo News. 500M to 1B is a drop in the bucket for Buffett. He probabyly spends that every year on taxes and charities. He's worth over 30-40Billion. He's one of the most wealthy individuals ever. Like I said, not everyone on that list is expected to be an investor, it was only Billionaires with Buffalo ties or Jim Kelly ties.

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Why does everyone think Jim Kelly is going to save the day? How many businesses of his failed? Maybe he is still around the team because he needs the money. Do we even know if he still has the money to be a minority owner? And if he is a minority owner how much actual say would he have in the team moving? None


How many of his failed? I know of one and that was the bar / restaurant downtown. Bars and restuarants are 2 of the most difficult businesses to have success in and thereby have a high rate of failure. On the other hand, I can't remember the last NFL franchise that went belly up. It's all about relationships and Jim seems to have built many throughout the years with his charitable endeavors, e.g., golf tournament, Hunter's Hope Foundation, etc.

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How many of his failed? I know of one and that was the bar / restaurant downtown. Bars and restuarants are 2 of the most difficult businesses to have success in and thereby have a high rate of failure. On the other hand, I can't remember the last NFL franchise that went belly up. It's all about relationships and Jim seems to have built many throughout the years with his charitable endeavors, e.g., golf tournament, Hunter's Hope Foundation, etc.

All I'll say about Jim Kelly is he's talking a good game but talk is easy. Coming up with billions...and forming a functioning ownership group...is not. Not saying he can't do it. Just that I've yet to see anything tangible from Kelly. Just talk.



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Jimmy Buffett is already part owner in the Dolphins so your wrong there.


Warren may be 81 but is in good health and is very active. I also pointed out that I never thought he was one of the investors, just that he could be. He is very fond of Buffalo. That's the reason why he brought Geico to Buffalo and he owns the Buffalo News. 500M to 1B is a drop in the bucket for Buffett. He probabyly spends that every year on taxes and charities. He's worth over 30-40Billion. He's one of the most wealthy individuals ever. Like I said, not everyone on that list is expected to be an investor, it was only Billionaires with Buffalo ties or Jim Kelly ties.

I am well aware of Jimmy Buffets net worth, He's got it down and is worth a lot of money/ Just him and Paul Simon could buy a team. But No Warren Buffet is not healthy, he will probably outlive prostate cancer or so they say, he is not in perfect health and I think a good game of poker with a gentleman's wager is more his style. His liking Buffalo is not too unique. He also likes Dayton Ohio.Go figure. I saw his own gambling railroad car once in storage there in Dayton. Apparently some big deals were cut inside back in his prime. It was very nice. I wish he could take an interest in the Bills.


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Anyone with no connections to WNY that is potentially trying to buy the Bills worries me. Especially the comments in this article about the stadium and that he is not opposed to moving the team to LA. My gut says if he were to buy the team, he would try to leverage the county for a new stadium and when the people aren’t willing can't afford to pay for it from tax dollars, he moves the team to LA or another city that is willing to build one for him.


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Hey the whole two team thing is working for Jersey ... I mean NYC ;)



No point losing sleep over it while Mr. Wilson still walks on the earth my friend. There is nothing you can do about it anyway (unless you have 800-900 million dollars laying around). :)

Just enjoy this upcoming season!


Weekend at Bernies ? I think they just wheel him around or speak about Mr Wilson every so often to keep people from asking questions

Edited by drinkTHEkoolaid
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For what it's worth I don't believe it's an auction in the sense people are thinking. Groups will put offers in and the "highest" will be accepted.


If Ralph's wishes are to keep the team in buffalo, his family may view 800 million from Jim Kelly more than 1 billion from some slapdick that will just move the team and crush a city and region.


This is just my opinion but I don't see buffalo in jeopardy of being moved.

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Anyone with no connections to WNY that is potentially trying to buy the Bills worries me. Especially the comments in this article about the stadium and that he is not opposed to moving the team to LA. My gut says if he were to buy the team, he would try to leverage the county for a new stadium and when the people aren’t willing to pay for it from tax dollars, he moves the team to LA or another city that is willing to build one for him.


Not sure someone with no ties to WNY would even go that far. Just move em to LA and get on with it. But politically, it might make sense for him to say at least he tried. Bills in WNY are probably on borrowed time right now. Maybe Ralph will live to 100. Tough old bird. Might just make it.

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There is a 500 million dollar relocation fee to consider as well as the building of a new stadium so it may wind up being half as cheap to actually keep them in Buffalo.

JMO but I don’t think this will matter much...LA will pick up most of that tab.



That is a good fix. :thumbsup:

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