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Have I Mentioned Recently How Much I Hate Bicyclists?

Chef Jim

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Ironic photo to follow when same bus runs over bicyclist...


If I am a 300 lbs unit (bicycle and me) traveling at 20 mph, I have a hard time rationalizing why I would attempt to share the road with something 30,000 lbs and traveling 45. I think I would surrender the road to the bus.

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Ironic photo to follow when same bus runs over bicyclist...


If I am a 300 lbs unit (bicycle and me) traveling at 20 mph, I have a hard time rationalizing why I would attempt to share the road with something 30,000 lbs and traveling 45. I think I would surrender the road to the bus.


You are not principled enough to join the spandex mafia. Next.

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Holy !@#$ the comments beneath that article are worse then half the **** here. Guy complains that bicyclists do not move over and follow the law. Then proceeds to be told he should slow down and enjoy the ride like some douche in spandex does...


And...honestly, aren't there already laws that claim to stop harassment regardless of being in spandex and on a bike? And, no I do not mean the Gay Rights laws.

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In Austin, we now have bike lanes on nearly every major street...but every morning, driving to work, it is inevitable that I am stuck behind a bike or two that refuses to ride in the bike lane...what's it gonna take? What's it gonna take!!!!

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In Austin, we now have bike lanes on nearly every major street...but every morning, driving to work, it is inevitable that I am stuck behind a bike or two that refuses to ride in the bike lane...what's it gonna take? What's it gonna take!!!!


It should be legal to run over a cyclist who refuses to use the bike lane provided. That should clear up the problem within a few months.

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In Austin, we now have bike lanes on nearly every major street...but every morning, driving to work, it is inevitable that I am stuck behind a bike or two that refuses to ride in the bike lane...what's it gonna take? What's it gonna take!!!!


Do you say anything to them as you eventually pass by them?

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Do you say anything to them as you eventually pass by them?


Nah....just give them a dirty look. I have seen too many instances of "road rage" between drivers and bicyclists here...to the point where people do dangerous things, just to make their point. I will admit, I am not that agressive. I am pretty cautious when it comes to driving around here...I sometimes think I am over-compensating for my girlfriend who is a hyper-agressive driver... :lol:


I used to be a bike rider (for years) before it became such a hot button, almost political, issue. Like others have said, I don't hate bike riders, I just hate the ones that do stupid crap. This city bends over backwards to accomodate bicyclists, to the point where many of them act as if they have no responsibitly. Austin has gone bike lane crazy...while the bike lanes are narrow in some areas (some of the streets themeselves are too narrow to accomodate 4 lanes of car traffic comfortably, but they stil put bike lanes in), but it is not the case where I am driving to work. There is plenty of room...I sometimes feel like they are doing it, just to have a confrontation of some sort. I am not going to give them the satisfaction, but I will be happy to curse them out in the sanctity of my own car.

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Nah....just give them a dirty look. I have seen too many instances of "road rage" between drivers and bicyclists here...to the point where people do dangerous things, just to make their point. I will admit, I am not that agressive. I am pretty cautious when it comes to driving around here...I sometimes think I am over-compensating for my girlfriend who is a hyper-agressive driver... :lol:


It may not solve the problem but it sure makes you feel better. I always say something. For instance this past weekend we were pulling in to Target. The entrance of course had no stop sign but the cross traffic as soon as you entered the parking lot did. A woman to my right followed the car in front of her as that car left from the stop sign and cut me off. I said that she had to stop and I didn't. She said "I waited long enough in that line!" I said I had the right of way and she needs to learn what right of way means. Her reply? "you need to learn to shut the !@#$ up!!" :lol:

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In Austin, we now have bike lanes on nearly every major street...but every morning, driving to work, it is inevitable that I am stuck behind a bike or two that refuses to ride in the bike lane...what's it gonna take? What's it gonna take!!!!


Add one of these to your car. Fire away. They will move.



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I've wanted to get a setup like that, but something I can hide under the hood.


if you promise to go to cali to harass RKFast and his crew..........i think you might be able to find some donors on this thread for those sweet new horns.

Edited by Ryan L Billz
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