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I just can't let go...

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I know that I'm going to be chastized for this, and deservedly so, but I can't get over the Stevie "non-catch" against Cincinnati. How in the hell can these bean-headed officials (whom by the way I hope Buffalo never draws to officiate a game EVER again) call this an incomplete pass. Bottom line, if Johnson's catch is called what it should've been-a catch, the Bills are 4-0 right now. Stuff like this haunts NFL teams year after year. It carries over, whether in perfomance, divisional races, or playoff seeding. My question continues to be, where and when did the football exactly hit the turf? Answer that! The NFL STILL hasn't bothered to explain exactly why this play was ruled incomplete! In fact, former Head of Officiating Mike Perrara of Fox Sports couldn't even come up with an explaination! And he has an answer for everything!


My biggest fear is that this play is going to carry over the rest of the season in one form or another. This team has overcome alot of adversity and big deficits thus far, but given the fact that Johnson and other players on the team are still talking about this play really worries me. Coming back from this may be even bigger than 18 points to the Raiders and 21 points to New England. Hopefully this wagon can get circled...

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I know that I'm going to be chastized for this, and deservedly so, but I can't get over the Stevie "non-catch" against Cincinnati. How in the hell can these bean-headed officials (whom by the way I hope Buffalo never draws to officiate a game EVER again) call this an incomplete pass. Bottom line, if Johnson's catch is called what it should've been-a catch, the Bills are 4-0 right now. Stuff like this haunts NFL teams year after year. It carries over, whether in perfomance, divisional races, or playoff seeding. My question continues to be, where and when did the football exactly hit the turf? Answer that! The NFL STILL hasn't bothered to explain exactly why this play was ruled incomplete! In fact, former Head of Officiating Mike Perrara of Fox Sports couldn't even come up with an explaination! And he has an answer for everything!


My biggest fear is that this play is going to carry over the rest of the season in one form or another. This team has overcome alot of adversity and big deficits thus far, but given the fact that Johnson and other players on the team are still talking about this play really worries me. Coming back from this may be even bigger than 18 points to the Raiders and 21 points to New England. Hopefully this wagon can get circled...

It sucks for sure, but it isn't going to change so it has to be put in the past. Are you over the "No Goal" yet? or the "Phantom Goal" in Philly? The "Music City Ripoff"? Welcome to the life of being a Buffalo area sports fan.

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I hear ya man. I was kind of the same way, but here's how I have gotten over it. We got VERY lucky against New England w/ the pass interference call in the end zone. So it has kind of balanced out. No. 2, we deserved to lose that game against Cincinnati, they beat the everliving s*** out of us in the second half. So in the end, regardless of how we've gotten there, I'll take 3-1. I just wish the referees would play less of a role in the outcomes. Time to focus on the Eagles.

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I dont feel pain anymore for regular season play. Im numb from all the years of suffering and seeing the impossible happen time and time again.


I do know however that if the Bills are in a playoff hunt and something like this happens, the pain will comeback.



Here is a Tool song that remind me of the numb feeling I have from watching the Bills.


Stinkfist lyrics


Something has to change.

Un-deniable dilemma.

Boredom's not a burden

Anyone should bear.


Constant over stimu-lation numbs me

but I would not want you

Any other way.


It's not enough.

I need more.

Nothing seems to satisfy.

I don't want it.

I just need it.

To breathe, to feel, to know I'm alive.


Finger deep within the borderline.

Show me that you love me and that we belong together.

Relax, turn around and take my hand.


I can help you change

Tired moments into pleasure.

Say the word and we'll be

Well upon our way.


Blend and balance

Pain and comfort

Deep within you

Till you will not want me any other way.


It's not enough.

I need more.

Nothing seems to satisfy.

I don't want it.

I just need it.

To breathe, to feel, to know I'm alive.


Knuckle deep inside the borderline.

This may hurt a little but it's something you'll get used to.

Relax. Slip away.


Something kinda sad about

the way that things have come to be.

Desensitized to everything.

What became of subtlety?


How can it mean anything to me

If I really don't feel anything at all?


I'll keep digging till

I feel something.


Elbow deep inside the borderline.

Show me that you love me and that we belong together.

Shoulder deep within the borderline.

Relax. Turn around and take my hand.

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You need to let that play go because there were many other reasons why the Bills lost that game....how about a crap defense that couldn't make a stop in the 2nd half & an offense that did nothing in the 2nd half. There is a reason why the Bills blew a 14 pt. halftime lead - they did not do the right things to step on Cinci's throat.


Let it go man, let it go -


I dont feel pain anymore for regular season play. Im numb from all the years of suffering and seeing the impossible happen time and time again.


I do know however that if the Bills are in a playoff hunt and something like this happens, the pain will comeback.



Here is a Tool song that remind me of the numb feeling I have from watching the Bills.


Stinkfist lyrics


Something has to change.

Un-deniable dilemma.

Boredom's not a burden

Anyone should bear.


Constant over stimu-lation numbs me

but I would not want you

Any other way.


It's not enough.

I need more.

Nothing seems to satisfy.

I don't want it.

I just need it.

To breathe, to feel, to know I'm alive.


Finger deep within the borderline.

Show me that you love me and that we belong together.

Relax, turn around and take my hand.


I can help you change

Tired moments into pleasure.

Say the word and we'll be

Well upon our way.


Blend and balance

Pain and comfort

Deep within you

Till you will not want me any other way.


It's not enough.

I need more.

Nothing seems to satisfy.

I don't want it.

I just need it.

To breathe, to feel, to know I'm alive.


Knuckle deep inside the borderline.

This may hurt a little but it's something you'll get used to.

Relax. Slip away.


Something kinda sad about

the way that things have come to be.

Desensitized to everything.

What became of subtlety?


How can it mean anything to me

If I really don't feel anything at all?


I'll keep digging till

I feel something.


Elbow deep inside the borderline.

Show me that you love me and that we belong together.

Shoulder deep within the borderline.

Relax. Turn around and take my hand.



Really? This deep ?

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I dont even blink anymore when I see a ref make a bad call. I just smile. Like when I had AA the other day on the final table at Party Poker and hero bets and I reraise and Hero goes all in. I turn over to my wife and say....Honey I got AA, dude just went all in, now watch how I lose this hand and win 62$ versus the top prize of 1300$. I smiled, watched his runner runner flush beat my trip aces!


Thats how I feel about the Bills and Online Poker. NO MORE PAIN! You come to expect it when things are going to good!


Lets be honest about this. When the Bills had the Lead at Half against the Chiefs, you cant tell me that you guys thought the victory was a given. Then when the Bills were down 21-0 against the Pats, you cant tell me that you knew that comeback was on. Then when Bills were down huge to Oakland, you cant tell me you thought they were going to win.


Finally, on Sunday, after a 17-3 lead at half I had my first GOOD VIBE OF THE YEAR...and GUESS WHAT, IN USUAL BILLS FASHION ( whether it be the bad 2nd half or the hose job by the ref ) the ELBOW CAME DEEP WITHIN THE BORDERLINE and I felt a little something :o



And this just adds to numbness Ive been feeling for years now! And this picture as well http://www.google.com/imgres?q=Dick+Jauron&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1366&bih=595&tbm=isch&tbnid=1OxpHloquStf8M:&imgrefurl=http://www.buffalosportsdaily.com/tag/dick-jauron/&docid=B6dEKpXphxhQfM&w=275&h=200&ei=RnWMTv7NK8XZ0QHIv42KBQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1099&vpy=213&dur=105&hovh=160&hovw=220&tx=172&ty=84&page=1&tbnh=127&tbnw=169&start=0&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:15,s:0

Edited by curitiba
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To be honest I think we got dominated on both sides of the ball.. without that flukey interception by Scott I think the Bengals probably end up beating us by 10 or more. We couldnt move the ball on offense and couldnt stop them on D.. This is the first time Gailey couldnt gameplan to beat the opponent in the 2nd half.. lets hope it was a one time deal

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I dont think we got lucky on that call in the EZ vs. NE. It was right in front of my seats and it was a classic "No Doubt" call. It was a great play by Fitz too. I can't speak for how it looked on TV but I had a great view and I hope Fitz throws that ball every time.

I was a little surprised he threw it but no doubt that was PI

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I chalk it up to this . . .


When you're playing well you get the breaks and the calls (you gotta make your own breaks & good fortune). (KC, OAK & NE games)


When you're playing poorly, you're not gonna get the breaks or calls (even if you NEED or deserve one). (Cincy game)



Time to move on, focus on Philly & make sure Bflo, not Philly, is the team to bounce back this week. We need the 12th Man this Sunday!!!

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I know that I'm going to be chastized for this, and deservedly so, but I can't get over the Stevie "non-catch" against Cincinnati. How in the hell can these bean-headed officials (whom by the way I hope Buffalo never draws to officiate a game EVER again) call this an incomplete pass. Bottom line, if Johnson's catch is called what it should've been-a catch, the Bills are 4-0 right now. Stuff like this haunts NFL teams year after year. It carries over, whether in perfomance, divisional races, or playoff seeding. My question continues to be, where and when did the football exactly hit the turf? Answer that! The NFL STILL hasn't bothered to explain exactly why this play was ruled incomplete! In fact, former Head of Officiating Mike Perrara of Fox Sports couldn't even come up with an explaination! And he has an answer for everything!


My biggest fear is that this play is going to carry over the rest of the season in one form or another. This team has overcome alot of adversity and big deficits thus far, but given the fact that Johnson and other players on the team are still talking about this play really worries me. Coming back from this may be even bigger than 18 points to the Raiders and 21 points to New England. Hopefully this wagon can get circled...


Get over it already man! Let it go... It's one game that had a bad call. 1 play doesn't make a season. They have 12 more games. Let's get the Eagles when they're down. Go Bills!!!

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It was a bad call, no doubt but that happens to every team, every Sunday. The ones we remember are the ones that were critical and that happened to us.

If they can't get past this, then they were bound for serious trouble sooner or later anyway. I am sure they will move on. Our problem isn't that call,

our problem is a sieve of a defense that is giving up mind jumblingly huge chunks of yardage.

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I dont think we got lucky on that call in the EZ vs. NE. It was right in front of my seats and it was a classic "No Doubt" call. It was a great play by Fitz too. I can't speak for how it looked on TV but I had a great view and I hope Fitz throws that ball every time.

ive been watching football for over forty years and i could not possibly disagree more with this entire statement


the decision to throw the ball there was one of the worst ive ever seen any qb make, easily the worst that fitz has made this year thats for sure. the pi call was very shakey as i dont think nelson could have caught the poorly underthrown ball even if nobody touched him, he was too far away and his momentum was carrying him backwards


that and the pick six off marcells face were pure bolts of nuthin but extreme luck. ill take the win for sure, but lets not pretend those two plays didnt essentially handed us the game

Edited by Meathead
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The NFL STILL hasn't bothered to explain exactly why this play was ruled incomplete! In fact, former Head of Officiating Mike Perrara of Fox Sports couldn't even come up with an explaination! And he has an answer for everything!


Not that I care or anything ;) but when was Perriera asked for his opinion about this call? Hadn't seen where he was asked about that play specifically.

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