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Jackson upset is not good


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Uhm, front page of TBD?




Which brings us to the biggest problem that Galey has on his hands - losing control of the locker room. There certainly seems to be a lot more confusion among the players what the coaches expect and how they go about it. It does not sound like a unified locker room that will be willing to push the limit when they fall behind by more than one score. But it's just a guess on my part.


What Jackson needs to undertand is that players need to practice in game like conditions. Jackson a couple of years back was awful in pass pro, he got better as he kept getting playing time. Spiller is at the same juncture as Fred was. If he feels disrespected he doesn't understand this is also a business and 1st rounders will get more playing time or chances than other players.


It's odd to see Fred act like this, he just should have dealt this in house.

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You make an interesting point that hasn't been made yet. That is, can it be possible that Freddy is just resentful of NOT being paid like the number 1? The more I think about it the more I think that's the case.




There is NO WAY that you could read the situation and obtain that conclusion. Maybe the Bills would spin it that way, but as of now I'm fully in Freddy Jackson's corner.

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Apparently he does

It might be less about getting a group hug and more about everyone knowing who grades out better and thus wondering if they are wasting their time for an organization that seems to have an agenda that doesn't include putting the best players on the field (despite the reflexive rhetoric said in front of cameras).


The Bills do have a precedent of having bean counters and contracts overrule solid football decisions.

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There is NO WAY that you could read the situation and obtain that conclusion. Maybe the Bills would spin it that way, but as of now I'm fully in Freddy Jackson's corner.


No way? I think there are plenty of ways. Freddy did a fair amount of complaining about his previous deal so there is a precedent. Is he REALLY that upset about not starting a meaningless preseason game? Especially when Gailey has said FJ is a better back than Spiller currently?


The Bills haven't spun this in any fashion. Bucky Gleason is the only one I can see who's doing any spinning.



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Fred Jackson is the best offensive player the Bills have had in years. ALL heart. He is the equivalent of Kyle Williams on Defense. All those guys do is work hard all the time. Guys like Jackson need to be rewarded, not made to feel unwanted.Oddly the Bills give a sub par lineback like Chris Kelsey a huge contract extension that he is undeserving of but a workhorse like Jackson is kept in the dark. Brilliant. Maybe they can trade him for another 4th rounder. The Patriots would LOVE to have Jackson. This organization sucks. Period.

That first sentence is why we've sucked, the rest can be tossed out.

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Ferd should shut-up and just do his job!!! Chan wanted to see where his players were at developmentally, chan knows what fred can do.. CJ needs the work and need to improve so he can contribute more. Plus Fred should like the fact that he is not getting worked to death so when his contract is up he can score a 1 or 2 year deal for some decent $$$.

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Uhm, front page of TBD?


Here is what I heard from Gailey:


On naming the number one running back:


I think probably the best way to talk about it right now is that they’re (Fred Jackson and C.J. Spiller) both number one backs. Fred’s a little bit ahead right now, but I think they’re both number one backs.


On RB Fred Jackson feeling about being “in the dark”:


We just told him what we were doing. I told him what we were going to do. Nothing has changed on our thoughts with Fred and where Fred is for our football team. He’s a major part of what we’re trying to get done here.


On Jackson feeling underappreciated:


I would hate for somebody to feel that way because it’s not true from my standpoint.


On his preference of RB Fred Jackson or C.J. Spiller from a skill set standpoint:


I love Fred (Jackson) and I love C.J. (Spiller). C.J. obviously is the burner. He is the guy that we can really exploit match-ups in the passing game and we like to get him on the edge with his speed. Fred, as you can see with the play right after Donald (Jones) got hurt, is the heart and soul of our team.



Where am I missing the Bills announcing that CJ is the #1 RB?

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This kind of ticks me off. This situation needs to be handled ASAP. That's the last thing we need, losing a solid producer like Fred Jackson due to his delicate ego the coaches' lack of communication.


Coaches: Give this guy the respect he deserves by explaining your actions.


Fred: You're a solid back who has contributed to what little success this offense has had. I, most of the fan base and I'm sure management all appreciate you and want you to be a major part of the lineup. You are talented and liked.


We need to see what Spiller, our first round draft pick, can do, though. We can't do that with him getting only 10 touches a game. Regardless of who is No. 1, you will see a great deal of touches and throws. As of now, you are the better back and are still an integral part of this offense.


Stop being a baby.

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Here is what I heard from Gailey:


On naming the number one running back:


I think probably the best way to talk about it right now is that they’re (Fred Jackson and C.J. Spiller) both number one backs. Fred’s a little bit ahead right now, but I think they’re both number one backs.


On RB Fred Jackson feeling about being “in the dark”:


We just told him what we were doing. I told him what we were going to do. Nothing has changed on our thoughts with Fred and where Fred is for our football team. He’s a major part of what we’re trying to get done here.


On Jackson feeling underappreciated:


I would hate for somebody to feel that way because it’s not true from my standpoint.


On his preference of RB Fred Jackson or C.J. Spiller from a skill set standpoint:


I love Fred (Jackson) and I love C.J. (Spiller). C.J. obviously is the burner. He is the guy that we can really exploit match-ups in the passing game and we like to get him on the edge with his speed. Fred, as you can see with the play right after Donald (Jones) got hurt, is the heart and soul of our team.



Where am I missing the Bills announcing that CJ is the #1 RB?

you need to throw on your tin foil reporter hat, dig deep, and read between the lines between the lines and its there, clear as mud!

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The reason why Jackson's status is under question is because of his lack of the big play potential. Jackson would be great to have as a starter if you had a HOF QB like Manning or Brady, but the Bills do not have that. CJ has that big play potential and I have no problem with them exploring his ability to handle the starters role. If he can't handle blocking blitzing LBs (he still can't) then it a mute point because he'll be sitting the bench.



First, what BIG PLAYS has CJ made in the NFL and how frequently is he able to do it? Second, someone with big play ability, but an INABILITY to do the day to day operations of being an NFL running back (regularly getting positive yardage, a respectable yards per carry, solid blocking, and thereby moving the chains when you need) is by definition the perfect person to have as a number 2 running back. On say second and short, you can try and work CJ in to see if he can get lucky with a big play, if he doesn't you still have another down. But when it comes to 3rd and short (3-4yards), the reliable back, your #1 back should be the one given the ball. Freddie is the guy who can move the chains and sustain drives. yes, maybe CJ will get lucky and bust a big run once every 15 touches (I am being generous, last year he went 16 touches straight with negative yardage). But when he is ineffective at getting the big play, he does not even get the respectable 3-5 yards needed to put the offense in good down and distance situations. If CJ is given the majority of the carries, and the majority of the time he gets minimal (relatively) or negative yardage, that results in wasted plays and stalled drives. Stalled drives keeps the defense on the field, gets them winded and ineffective. A SOLID back is what you need as your number one to keep the offense on the field, keep drives alive and get the OPPOSING defense tired. By all means, work CJ in to see if he can break something, but he is not an every down back (or atleast has not proven himself to be in the NFL with no consistency and downright BAD blocking).


Going back to my original point. How can we all be so sure that he has this amazing "big play potential" when he has had very few such "big plays" in the NFL. We are all assuming his potential because of his college success. Different league, he needs to prove that he has regular big play potential in THIS league. And even if he does, that does not make him an every down, (#1) back.


Finally, in reference to your point. Isn't not having a HOF QB or a good O-line for pass protection the exact reason you need to have a reliable RB that gains positive yardage with every touch. If its not a HOF QB, you need to be put into good down and distance situations, because you can't expct the QB to bail you out of 3rd and long. With an ineffective running game on 1st and 2nd down (as would be the case with a RB who only rarely gets a big play), the offense is in a tough situation, one that they do not have the talent necessarily to get out of on a regular basis.


Just my opinion, but would be happy to hear your thoughts.

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Here is what I heard from Gailey:


On naming the number one running back:


I think probably the best way to talk about it right now is that they’re (Fred Jackson and C.J. Spiller) both number one backs. Fred’s a little bit ahead right now, but I think they’re both number one backs.


On RB Fred Jackson feeling about being “in the dark”:


We just told him what we were doing. I told him what we were going to do. Nothing has changed on our thoughts with Fred and where Fred is for our football team. He’s a major part of what we’re trying to get done here.


On Jackson feeling underappreciated:


I would hate for somebody to feel that way because it’s not true from my standpoint.


On his preference of RB Fred Jackson or C.J. Spiller from a skill set standpoint:


I love Fred (Jackson) and I love C.J. (Spiller). C.J. obviously is the burner. He is the guy that we can really exploit match-ups in the passing game and we like to get him on the edge with his speed. Fred, as you can see with the play right after Donald (Jones) got hurt, is the heart and soul of our team.



Where am I missing the Bills announcing that CJ is the #1 RB?


In your job, does the boss say everything publicly that's going on behind the scenes? Have you ever worked in a company where management was oblivious or even contributed to the tension at the workplace. Gailey's comments are fine & dandy, except that the players apparently aren't getting the same message. Good luck righting this ship.

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In your job, does the boss say everything publicly that's going on behind the scenes? Have you ever worked in a company where management was oblivious or even contributed to the tension at the workplace. Gailey's comments are fine & dandy, except that the players apparently aren't getting the same message. Good luck righting this ship.


As you pointed out in my earlier post, we're not "elite" professional athletes on a NFL team. There's no correlation between what our bosses do/say vs. an NFL head coach and an NFL team.


Can't have it both ways my friend. If it's not a valid comparison when I use it, it doesn't become valid when you do!


Here is what I heard from Gailey:


On naming the number one running back:


I think probably the best way to talk about it right now is that they're (Fred Jackson and C.J. Spiller) both number one backs. Fred's a little bit ahead right now, but I think they're both number one backs.


On RB Fred Jackson feeling about being "in the dark":


We just told him what we were doing. I told him what we were going to do. Nothing has changed on our thoughts with Fred and where Fred is for our football team. He's a major part of what we're trying to get done here.


On Jackson feeling underappreciated:


I would hate for somebody to feel that way because it's not true from my standpoint.


On his preference of RB Fred Jackson or C.J. Spiller from a skill set standpoint:


I love Fred (Jackson) and I love C.J. (Spiller). C.J. obviously is the burner. He is the guy that we can really exploit match-ups in the passing game and we like to get him on the edge with his speed. Fred, as you can see with the play right after Donald (Jones) got hurt, is the heart and soul of our team.



Where am I missing the Bills announcing that CJ is the #1 RB?


You're not missing anything Scott, you just happened to have a ticket for today's roller coaster! :)

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Fred is pissed period. He didn't lose his job, but he wasn't told clearly that he would remain the #1 RB back by Gailey, who really has no obligation to explain himself, but probably should have. Jackson is more pissed about the big picture than about Saturday though. The Bronco game was a symptom, not a problem. He's sick of being jerked around, under appreciated, underpaid, and he was pissed about Evans being traded. He's got a lot to be mad about, but as you should have witnessed last game, it's not likely to affect his effort one bit.

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As you pointed out in my earlier post, we're not "elite" professional athletes on a NFL team. There's no correlation between what our bosses do/say vs. an NFL head coach and an NFL team.


Can't have it both ways my friend. If it's not a valid comparison when I use it, it doesn't become valid when you do!




You're not missing anything Scott, you just happened to have a ticket for today's roller coaster! :)


Step back and rethink your post. If anything, managing personalities in professional sports is even more critical than in other businesses. NFL is full of prima donas, and if an NFL coach doesn't understand how a player misconstrued a roster move, then he doesn't really belong in this league as a head coach. He may be a great X & O guy, but he's bungling the locker room.

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This. It's apparent that the "Legend" of Fred Jackson is bigger than the player himself.


Reading some of the rants here about how "disrespected" he is (so much disrespect that they dumped Marshawn Lynch for him), it seems like many believe that Fred is the second coming of Jim Brown.


To me, he's an average RB and his numbers reflect that. His red zone numbers are downright pedestrian. He's a good grinder but the type of RB that is "franchise"? No, he is not.


Fred is the only back who has been consistently productive behind our sorry excuse for an Oline for the past 4 years. If we had a line that could block and we ever had a lead to protect in the 2nd half, we could commit to the run and he would have great stats. Simply put he's the only reliable offensive weapon on this team week in and week out. He's the best offensive player on this team since Eric Moulds.

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Fred is pissed period. He didn't lose his job, but he wasn't told clearly that he would remain the #1 RB back by Gailey, who really has no obligation to explain himself, but probably should have. Jackson is more pissed about the big picture than about Saturday though. The Bronco game was a symptom, not a problem. He's sick of being jerked around, under appreciated, underpaid, and he was pissed about Evans being traded. He's got a lot to be mad about, but as you should have witnessed last game, it's not likely to affect his effort one bit.




I sure hope that he continues to perform at his usual level despite being unhappy. Of course I wish he wasn't unhappy in the first place, because he has been everything you can ask for as a coach or fan. Freddy just gets it done, quietly and humbly, and doesn't get any respect.

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Spiller will never be a between the tackles runner imo. He weighs 192 lbs and is not physical at all. He's a "waterbug" with speed and needs space to operate in. His only hope to fulfill his draft status is to be used in a 2-back set or out of the slot, and also kick/punt returns. Gailey should use him in the pre-season the way he expects to use him in real games...you know, so he can get better at his craft. It's wrong to sit Fred in order to "experiment" with using spiller as a #1 back. Spiller needs to add 20 lbs if he is ever going to be a #1 back.


This is a case of the Bills trying to justify another bad 1st rd pick.

Edited by Bufluv
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I sure hope that he continues to perform at his usual level despite being unhappy. Of course I wish he wasn't unhappy in the first place, because he has been everything you can ask for as a coach or fan. Freddy just gets it done, quietly and humbly, and doesn't get any respect.


We should all get together and do something special for him. I don't care if he makes millions of dollars... ideas?

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