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Billls open to trading Evans

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Why is it a fait accompli that 1.) Evans will be washed up very soon (he's 30, not 35), and 2.) There's no chance the Bills re-sign Evans when his contract is up? Especially point #2. We know the Bills have little interest in signing other teams' free agents. But can't they at least sign their own? How long is this rebuilding project supposed to last? Do we spend 3 years getting rid of everyone over 30, and only then start trying to lock up talented players?

Edited by Cash
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The Bills have plenty of cap space, and Evans is making a small amount ($3 mil) this year. This has to do with getting something for an aging player prior to FA, and trying to open up a roster spot for some emerging young players. That is all


If its a good, or the right move, Its hard to say.

Not unlike what Belichek does--trade a vet just as he hits the tipping point. Only he gets a first rounder typically...

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I like Lee, but he's expendable at this point. I don't think defenses plan for him as some fans believe they do.


I hope the Bills extort a king's ransom from a desperate team like the Cardinals. They must be going all in this year because they are already down some draft picks.

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I'd be happy with no less than a 3rd. We finally have a legit Wr opposite Evans and we want to trade him. Pisses me off to no end. Keep him IMO. If we can get a 3rd or higher, than I can understand. And less is a mistake

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I'm convinced that half the people on this board don't actually watch football. Best player??? Are you insane? Lee Evans is perhaps the most mediocre player to ever don a Bills jersey. He certainly is one of the most overrated. Oh how could we ever replace a guy who averages 54.4 yds/game? (that was sarcasm, I feel I should point this out)


Can someone here explain to me why the Bills fanbase is so smitten with this guy? He doesn't go over the middle. He doesn't have the height to win a battle for a jump ball. He isn't a possession receiver. He disappears completely inside the red zone. His one saving grace is that he can run a deep pattern -- a skill that doesn't exactly improve with age. Oh wait - 5 years ago he caught a few bombs from Losman and almost cracked double digit TDs. Put him on the wall of fame I guess?


And for the fans that think this is a money dump, L - O - L. Go look at his contract, we already paid this bum all his money upfront, the only reason he's trade bait is because he makes so little this year. That's also the only argument I can come up with to keep him.


I wonder what people would say if we managed to package Evans and our 3th round pick for a first round pick?

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It's not that I think Evans is some key member of our offense, it's just the timing of the trade that annoys me. A 4th rounder does nothing for us this up coming season.I personally think overall that David Nelson will be a better receiver this year than Evans will be (where ever he ends up) but the issue is Evans is a solid deep threat. May not be tremendous, but there aren't any real, proven deep threats on this team besides Stevie and even for him the deep ball is not his game. If this trade was to happen in March of next year I'd have absolutely no problem with it, even for a 4th or 5th round pick. Unless it's a player for player deal but those are rare, even for an odd offseason like this.

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you made good points until the last one. no chance we get a 1st rounder for that package. which leads into my point - enough with the !@#$ing trading starters for draft picks. the cycle has been going for over a decade. how much you want to bet we draft a WR in the first 2 rounds next year who is a speed guy.


When was the last time we traded a starter for a draft pick?

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The quoted source I saw indicated "the Bills would only trade Evans if they could get something substantial"


I guess if it's something truly substantial, it could be seen as a step forward.


If it happens, it will be interesting to see what is regarded as substantial by Chix and Nailey



It better be a starter on O line and a mid round draft pick. If "substantial" is simply a mid-round pick, I'm going to be disgusted w/ this front office.

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No one is pointing out the obvious. Nix has FAILED to address the offensive line. The Bills are trying to trade Lee Evans because he is a 9 route runner. The Bills do not have the pass protection to hold off the opposing pass rush on a 5 step drop. Therefore Lee is rendered useless.


How long does Buddy's plan have to go on before the most ardent Pollyannas realizes that it's incredibly flawed?

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cool. that's one. do you really have faith in the front office to make good decisions, or should we just throw out the past 12 years?

No, just talking specifically bout the Peters trade. Bottom line is we're not getting a late first round pick for Evans, not even close. I want Evans as a Bill at least for the remainder of this year.

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Apparently someone missed the sarcasm in my post. I don't mind people criticizing the Bills because they have sucked for awhile, but at least have some clue of what you are talking about.




Because he is 30 and just came off the worst year of his career. Chan Gailey's offense doesn't utilize his strength, but is better suited to players who can come over the middle which Evans is not good at. There are only two years left on Evans deal and he will be gone then. Da Joker, David Nelson, Donald Jones, Marcus Easly, Roscoe Parrish and Naaman Roosevelt, which one are you releasing for nothing instead? Plus we just might get something for him. I'm am for this for various reasons and I really don't think it hurts the team that much.

A) read KTFABDG's post about Stevie J's TDs.


B) consider what we got for Spikes, who is still a legit NFL starter.


C) consider that most 4th and 5th round picks (and 3rd rounders, for that matter) are washouts.


D) factor in that Evans starts for most NFL teams and the Bills have perhaps the worst talent in the league.

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