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Dad drops daughter to catch foul ball

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She's like 10 years old! Big deal. Stand up, kid.


Not like he dropped an infant.




here is another loser dealing with a foul ball. Gratuitous hottie and I love how the female sportscaster calls him out


Now THAT is an a-hole. We all know real men dive in front of that ball and protect their own at all costs. PtI just did a great segment on this whole deal this week. They had a clip of a father half-falling onto his child in order to catch a foul ball. While it looks like the dad crushes the kid, he actually saved the child from getting beaned with the ball.

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I got my first foul ball 3 weeks ago after going to MLB games for 33 years and least 250 games. kind of bounced into my hands. This little kid in front of me would not stop staring back at me, no way I was giving it up.


For real? The only bigger douche than a grown man who gets out of the way of a ball, is one who doesnt give the ball to a little kid. Sorry dude, crappy move.

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For real? The only bigger douche than a grown man who gets out of the way of a ball, is one who doesn't give the ball to a little kid. Sorry dude, crappy move.



Come on, that ball now resides in a place of honor in paintmyhouse's junk drawer. Just like the one I got at Yankee Stadium while cutting school my senior year of HS.



I was at a game once where a foul ball nailed a little kid (about 6 yo) in the head and ricocheted to a guy about five rows back who wouldn't give it up to the kid!! The whole section started shouting and cursing at the guy, everyone getting louder and more pissed off. I think he was about two minutes from getting the crap beat out of him by a mob when he finally gave the ball up to the kid.

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For real? The only bigger douche than a grown man who gets out of the way of a ball, is one who doesnt give the ball to a little kid. Sorry dude, crappy move.


Wasn't my little kid, how in the world is that bad? I didn't push anyone to get the ball, I did nothing wrong. As a matter of fact some dude going for the ball fell on my wife but the ball landed in my lap. I actually have a collection of souvenir baseballs in a case in basement, I usually buy one that has a logo on it from places I go to. I am going in a few weeks and will have Alex Gonzalez (who hit the foul ball) autograph it as well as some Blue Jays players.


The row in front of me actually had 4 little kids in it, you want to be a douche, go ahead and give the ball to one of those 4 kids. Why in world is it my obligation to give up a game souvenir I have never got after going to games for 33 years? You are a super fool and obviously never played sports of any kind to have this feel significant.


Come on, that ball now resides in a place of honor in paintmyhouse's junk drawer. Just like the one I got at Yankee Stadium while cutting school my senior year of HS.



I was at a game once where a foul ball nailed a little kid (about 6 yo) in the head and ricocheted to a guy about five rows back who wouldn't give it up to the kid!! The whole section started shouting and cursing at the guy, everyone getting louder and more pissed off. I think he was about two minutes from getting the crap beat out of him by a mob when he finally gave the ball up to the kid.


He paid for his ticket like everyone else did, why is it the fan's obligation to do this? Every game is on TV, if the stadium and team really cares about fans they would have sent someone from public relations to give that kid a baseball, heck, why not just give everyone a ball? If a foul ball comes and I spill my beer there isn't anyone going to buy me a new beer. New beer costs $10, and a souvenir baseball costs %5, but that baseball I got at the game cannot be bought.

Edited by paintmyhouse
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Come on, that ball now resides in a place of honor in paintmyhouse's junk drawer. Just like the one I got at Yankee Stadium while cutting school my senior year of HS.



I was at a game once where a foul ball nailed a little kid (about 6 yo) in the head and ricocheted to a guy about five rows back who wouldn't give it up to the kid!! The whole section started shouting and cursing at the guy, everyone getting louder and more pissed off. I think he was about two minutes from getting the crap beat out of him by a mob when he finally gave the ball up to the kid.


Last hockey game I went to here, a puck hit the nets behind the goal, dropped through, and was about to drop into the hands of a kid a few seats over and right by the glass, when some jackhole behind him reached over his head and snagged it out of mid-air. Then wouldn't give it do the kid.


(*^*&%^$^#had to be escorted out for his own safety (with the puck) after about five minutes, as people were all-but lining up to kill him.

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For real? The only bigger douche than a grown man who gets out of the way of a ball, is one who doesnt give the ball to a little kid. Sorry dude, crappy move.

And we wonder why kids act entitled all the time. <_<


In the case of the ball hitting the hid in the head, ok -- I'd give the ball to them. And I wouldn't reach over a kid to get the ball either. But if it lands in my lap or comes right at me -- why wouldn't I keep it? And like was said, how do you decide WHICH kid to give it to in a random case?

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I got my first foul ball 3 weeks ago after going to MLB games for 33 years and least 250 games. kind of bounced into my hands. This little kid in front of me would not stop staring back at me, no way I was giving it up.


Dickish much?

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Wasn't my little kid, how in the world is that bad? I didn't push anyone to get the ball, I did nothing wrong. As a matter of fact some dude going for the ball fell on my wife but the ball landed in my lap. I actually have a collection of souvenir baseballs in a case in basement, I usually buy one that has a logo on it from places I go to. I am going in a few weeks and will have Alex Gonzalez (who hit the foul ball) autograph it as well as some Blue Jays players.


The row in front of me actually had 4 little kids in it, you want to be a douche, go ahead and give the ball to one of those 4 kids. Why in world is it my obligation to give up a game souvenir I have never got after going to games for 33 years? You are a super fool and obviously never played sports of any kind to have this feel significant.




He paid for his ticket like everyone else did, why is it the fan's obligation to do this? Every game is on TV, if the stadium and team really cares about fans they would have sent someone from public relations to give that kid a baseball, heck, why not just give everyone a ball? If a foul ball comes and I spill my beer there isn't anyone going to buy me a new beer. New beer costs $10, and a souvenir baseball costs %5, but that baseball I got at the game cannot be bought.



And we wonder why kids act entitled all the time. <_<


In the case of the ball hitting the hid in the head, ok -- I'd give the ball to them. And I wouldn't reach over a kid to get the ball either. But if it lands in my lap or comes right at me -- why wouldn't I keep it? And like was said, how do you decide WHICH kid to give it to in a random case?





You guys are obviously taking this waaaay too seriously, especially Mr Basement Collection.


And if you want to talk about a generation that acts "entitled", then I suggest checking out the 33 year old guy that needs a foul ball more than a child. Or the guy who wants people to buy him a new beer if he spills his... :rolleyes:


It's a worthless souvenir but something that kid will remember his entire life. Instead, they will forever remember the jerkoff that kept the ball. Congrats douchebags!


It's a classy and grown-up move to toss the foul ball to the kid. Its the way Ive ALWAYS seen it done at EVERY baseball game I go to. Good job being the exception. :rolleyes:


And if there is more than one kid, just give it to the closest one. Pick a favorite. Whatever. It doesnt matter which kid gets it, only that the grown up who has no use or need for the ball made a kid's day by tossing him the souvenir. It's not that difficult to be nice.

Edited by DrDareustein
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And we wonder why kids act entitled all the time. <_<


In the case of the ball hitting the hid in the head, ok -- I'd give the ball to them. And I wouldn't reach over a kid to get the ball either. But if it lands in my lap or comes right at me -- why wouldn't I keep it? And like was said, how do you decide WHICH kid to give it to in a random case?


I wouldn't have given it to the little kid either. Some people and their high horse standards. Life isn't fair, but who cares!

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Come on, that ball now resides in a place of honor in paintmyhouse's junk drawer. Just like the one I got at Yankee Stadium while cutting school my senior year of HS.



I was at a game once where a foul ball nailed a little kid (about 6 yo) in the head and ricocheted to a guy about five rows back who wouldn't give it up to the kid!! The whole section started shouting and cursing at the guy, everyone getting louder and more pissed off. I think he was about two minutes from getting the crap beat out of him by a mob when he finally gave the ball up to the kid.


Was at a minor league game and a big fat guy sitting by himself got a ball early in the inning, came right to him so no biggie, it's his. About 5 pitches later a ball is fouled and lands in the other end of his empty row. A little kid (4,maybe 5) walks slowly over to pick it up, but this guy comes bolting down the row and grabs the ball as the kid is bending over to pick it up. Kid starts crying. Needless to say, crowd unloads on this guy. After about 5 minutes of harassment a real man who caught a foul ball earlier walks up and gives it to the kid. Kid lights up, crowd goes nuts, fat man leaves.




Yes Mr. fat pathetic sports fan, you're a douche. Kids idolize athletes and like tokens from the game, adults should act like the idols and know when to give up the mentality of a 8 year old.

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I've gotten a couple foul balls by going to games but now I let the kids get them. If I had been going for 33 years and never gotten one I probably would have kept it as well.


Worst incident I saw in person was at the World Baseball Classic at Petco back in '09. Mexico Vs Japan if I correctly recall. Foul ball hit towards my section, bounces on stairs in front of me, I don't move as I see a small Mexican child going for it, out of nowhere a Japanese man grabs it out of the kids grasp. The kid was balling and finally his father screamed at the ahole who stole the ball, the crowd let the guy have it but he didn't care. Biggest douche move I have ever witnessed at a sporting event and I used to have season tickets to the Bills :nana:

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What do people expect from a society filled with adults that act like oversized children. Even if you are going on your 33rd year and 250th game... Adults need to act like honorable adults... It should never come down to a child learing over... It should be instinct to just give it up... That has always been the tradition at ballparks.

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