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Goodell will cut his salary to $1

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How's he gonna eat.


With his expense account $$$$! He'll still have his chauffer driven company car and his company provided NYC apartment. He will still be flying in his company provided corporate Jet. Other than that he is going to slum it.

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I sincerely appreciate the concern from you fans for my well being. As you can see, there is no personal sacrifice too great for the continued prosperity of the NFL.


However, please rest assured that my family and I will manage through this difficult period.



I hope you and your wife are not forced to eat some of those chimpanzees she looks after.

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I think all of us can take a hearty lesson from his sacrifice. Here is a man that believes in something, and he's willing to buck it up for the good of the league, all of sporting life, and all of America.


And to think I was viewing the potential lockout as a pile out-of-touch, insulated individuals squabbling over giant wads of cash, and using press releases and interviews as a cynical, arrogant attempt to generate sympathy.


Wow, you learn something new every day.

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What a douche. Trying to gain sympathy.


I don't think he's trying to get sympathy...


I don't understand why there's so much venom for his symbolic gesture. Yeah, everyone knows he's not going to starve to death. But it IS a nice gesture to make. would you prefer he made $10M for doing nothing during a lockout year?

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I don't think he's trying to get sympathy...


I don't understand why there's so much venom for his symbolic gesture. Yeah, everyone knows he's not going to starve to death. But it IS a nice gesture to make. would you prefer he made $10M for doing nothing during a lockout year?


I'm sure he will regardless of what happens. I think it was strictly a PR move. Smith is a douche too, so i'm not one sided on this issue.

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I'm sure he will regardless of what happens. I think it was strictly a PR move. Smith is a douche too, so i'm not one sided on this issue.

Of course it's a PR move, but compare it to the PR moves of his woefully outmatched counterpart Smith ("this war").


Only too late will the players realize how disastrous was their choice of this intellectual lightweight to determine their future well being.

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