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Now this is bad stadium behavior,not in Buffalo


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It makes you wonder what people are thinking these days...and being drunk is no excuse for tackling an 8-year-old because he's a fan of the opposition. I've been harassed at events where I'm the fan of the visiting team, but I'm over 30 years older than that kid.


I probably would've done the same thing if I were the Dad - get the kid to safety and get yourselves out of there. It seems like in a lot of the stories I hear these days, the police/stadium security aren't helpful unless they see the act themselves.

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It makes you wonder what people are thinking these days...and being drunk is no excuse for tackling an 8-year-old because he's a fan of the opposition. I've been harassed at events where I'm the fan of the visiting team, but I'm over 30 years older than that kid.


I probably would've done the same thing if I were the Dad - get the kid to safety and get yourselves out of there. It seems like in a lot of the stories I hear these days, the police/stadium security aren't helpful unless they see the act themselves.


You're right, his dad probably did do the right thing by leaving. I wish I could say that I'd do the same, but there is no way I could just leave in that situation. You tackle my kid like that and you're getting the ever living **** kicked out of you.

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You're right, his dad probably did do the right thing by leaving. I wish I could say that I'd do the same, but there is no way I could just leave in that situation. You tackle my kid like that and you're getting the ever living **** kicked out of you.

That would probably be my gut instinct, too...and it's easier to say what you'd do in a spot like that. I don't have any kids, but I would imagine parental instincts would kick in and protect the kid (this is what my friends with kids have said to me - protecting the kid comes first, kicking arse comes second).

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That would probably be my gut instinct, too...and it's easier to say what you'd do in a spot like that. I don't have any kids, but I would imagine parental instincts would kick in and protect the kid (this is what my friends with kids have said to me - protecting the kid comes first, kicking arse comes second).

I don't have kids either, but I wouldn't think the two are mutually exclusive. I guess it would depend on the specifics of the exact situation.

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Wow, how could anyone ever think this was cool. I gotta hope and believe it was meant as a joke..but damn!




WOW !! I hope the Bills fans never show that much ignorant's no matter how big the rivalry !! A little fun jabbing with the dad is one thing but kids are definitely OFF LIMITS !!!!

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WOW !! I hope the Bills fans never show that much ignorant's no matter how big the rivalry !! A little fun jabbing with the dad is one thing but kids are definitely OFF LIMITS !!!!

Unfortunately, I heard a story from a few years ago about a Pats fan and his pregnant wife being attacked by Bills fans after a game. I was ashamed to be a Bills fan that day as attacking a pregnant woman is almost as bad as going after a child.


In this instance if I were the father I would have probably done the same thing. Staying around and fighting the guy or even simply calling police is only asking for more trouble.

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That would probably be my gut instinct, too...and it's easier to say what you'd do in a spot like that. I don't have any kids, but I would imagine parental instincts would kick in and protect the kid (this is what my friends with kids have said to me - protecting the kid comes first, kicking arse comes second).

Exactly. Protect your son. What if this wacko has a knife or something and incapacitates you in a tussle? Who's going to protect your 8 year old son then? Get him out of there and take revenge later if you can.

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The greater tragedy here is how many people witnessed this and did nothing to intervene. If I ever saw a Bills fan do this to a kid, I would be the first to jump in and use whatever force was necessary to subdue the individual and wait for police to arrive. This kind of stuff is why I would never bring my kids to a Jints or *Patsies game and am very reluctant to bring them to a Bills game until they are a little older.

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Wow, how could anyone ever think this was cool. I gotta hope and believe it was meant as a joke..but damn!



Sadly ... the civility of competition has disappeared everywhere from our professional sports arena's to our little league fields.


It little league parents can curse and chase after those who officiate football, hockey, baseball games is it any wonder that it's open season on anyone who disagrees with us (Oh, wait ... didn't we just witness the same level of hatred in our national political election? Let's hate those who are different.).


I sadly remember an experience in Philadelphia shortly after moving to New Jersey that will forever prevent me from being a fan to any level of the Eagles.


It was a NY (or as we in NJ prefer a New Jersey) Giant game. My wife's employer bought a block of nose-bleed tickets. As we were watching a woman in a Giant jersey and hat was climbing the stairs with food in her hands and three Eagles fans got up and pushed her backwards ... luckily she fell onto other people who were seated but she could have just as easily fallen down the stairs and potentially been seriously hurt or killed. I went to the usher to suggest action and the response was ... 'no one should come here wearing the opposition's colors.' In fact, people are warned not to go to Eagles' games wearing anything other than Eagles clothing.


So, the next time someone is cursing a blue streak at the opposing team at THE RALPH or at an official they are only one small step removed from becoming violent and the stadium staff should be alerted because unlike Philadelphia the problem fan will be told to SHUT UP or get out.

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Unfortunately, I heard a story from a few years ago about a Pats fan and his pregnant wife being attacked by Bills fans after a game. I was ashamed to be a Bills fan that day as attacking a pregnant woman is almost as bad as going after a child.


In this instance if I were the father I would have probably done the same thing. Staying around and fighting the guy or even simply calling police is only asking for more trouble.



It was the husband of the pregnant woman that got attacked - not the pregnant woman!


Not to excuse violence, but it is a pretty big difference.

Edited by Weekend at Ralphie's
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The greater tragedy here is how many people witnessed this and did nothing to intervene. If I ever saw a Bills fan do this to a kid, I would be the first to jump in and use whatever force was necessary to subdue the individual and wait for police to arrive. This kind of stuff is why I would never bring my kids to a Jints or *Patsies game and am very reluctant to bring them to a Bills game until they are a little older.


The sad fact in all this is that NFL "fans" in the stadiums are usually just a bunch of drunk !@#$s looking for a good time or a fight. I have been to games here and there and I can tell you this much, there are far too many idiots who don't know what is going on in the game and are too busy being obnoxious and not enough real fans that appreciate competition and can enjoy a game of football even around fans of other teams while LOSING. It is just a game. There is no reason to talk **** and threaten to beat up somebody for cheering for their team.


When I was at the Ralph for the opening weekend there was a Dolphins fan a few rows ahead of me and my gf who was from Canada and was at his first EVER NFL game to see his beloved dolphins. when he saw his seats he was so excited and started hugging his buddies (wearing a san diego and san fran jersey, this game was their bday preset to him) I smiled because I know that first game feeling. I took pictures for the guys, shared a few laughs and high fives and said enjoy the game guy.


Then some pure grade a meathead Bills fans come in and immediately started trying to pick a fight and did so the whole games long. This isn't "poking fun" they were pouring beer on him (which i cant even imagine doing seeing how much they paid for them) and pushing him and everything else. It was sad. This example makes Bills fans look bad, but at the same time I hope he remembers that some Bills fans (me) are respectful people. Sure I was talking some trash about the Dolphins to the guy but come on man.


I drink when i go to the games, and yes i do get a bit tipsy like everyone else, but tackling an 8 year old?


If I was at the Ralph, in all my nice fresh Bills gear, and I saw some kid wearing a Tom Brady Jersey got tackled by a full grown Bills fan, I would beat the **** out of them myself. If they have a nice Kelly throwback, I will take their jersey when I am done and wear it home...or to the police station :)


My loyalty to my team runs deep but at the end of the day I am a man. The same can not be said of someone who attacks a child.

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Real Fans, regardless of team affiliation, don't act like this, but unfortunatley it is not a problem reserved for Cleveland. I too had a somewhat similiar incident happen to me when I took my nephews to a Bills Steeler Playoff game

back in the 90's in Pittsburgh.I had my 10 year old son, a 12 year old nephew, and another nephew who was about 21-22.

All of us but my 12 year old nephew were Bills fans, and the environment was freindly up until the point where the Bills started to pull away in an eventual 24-3 victory. We got harrased, and alomost assaulted by a group of young annebrieated

Steeler fans after my older nephhew was pumping his arms in the air and yelling Go Bills at the bottom of their section.

When they started to come down, I pulled my nephew away and explained to the group that we didn't want any trouble, and that

I had two young kids with us. They didn't care, as the continued to harras us, when one started to charge at my older nephew, I grabbed him by the throat, and repeated that we didn't want any trouble, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw three of them starting to rush at me from the side, we were out on the ramps at this point, and nobody else was around,

it just so happened that two security officers came by and I quickly told them that these idiots would not let us leave the stadium, the promptly horse collered them and escorted them out of the stadium. God only knows what might have happened had

they not come by when they did, and the kids would have witnessed it all, or heaven forbid, somehow maybe pulled into the fray.Some people are just idiots, and every stadium has them.

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That would probably be my gut instinct, too...and it's easier to say what you'd do in a spot like that. I don't have any kids, but I would imagine parental instincts would kick in and protect the kid (this is what my friends with kids have said to me - protecting the kid comes first, kicking arse comes second).

Exactly right. It becomes a 2 step process.

1) Get your kid(s) to safety and make sure they are OK.

2) Get some friends and some baseball bats and take care of the !@#$ and anyone else who tries to defend him.

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My son just turned 12, if some drunk moron tackled him after a game two things are going to happen. I'm probably going to get arrested and the drunk idiot is going to the hospital.

I saw a similar thing happen once. The kid wasn't hurt, and got to ride in the ambulance with his father (next day's paper said he ended up okay, too).


Being pissed doesn't win fights.

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