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Its time to move on to Brian Brohm

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I am so tired of these nonsense bring on Brohm posts. I seriously have no idea why the love affair is there.

There is no 'love affair' - but there is a former Heisman candidate and top QB prospect sitting on our bench that needs to be evaluated in an actual regular-season game or two - maybe even three - before anyone has a right to say he sucks.


Is that too hard to comprehend?

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There is no 'love affair' - but there is a former Heisman candidate and top QB prospect sitting on our bench that needs to be evaluated in an actual regular-season game or two - maybe even three - before anyone has a right to say he sucks.


Is that too hard to comprehend?


Lets face it Brohm is a threat to play well and this board is loaded with Locker and Luck fans. It's that simple.


Some things never change in Buffalo.

Edited by Another Point of View
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Oh gee, we invested alot of time in Brohm! Guess what - alot of teams have invested a year in their third string quarterback, and you don't see them losing sleep over seeing what they got. They already know: a 3rd stringer.


With Fitzpatrick we may finally have the semblance of an offense, capable of doing more that going three-and-out every drive. That means we are *finally* getting a chance to see what our receivers can do, our backs and line, and whether we can sustain drives and set plays up with the play-calling.


What's more important to this franchise: seeing Brohm and Levi flail away haplessly, or starting to build something with the rest of the offense so that if-and-when we get a franchise quarterback he has a jelling supporting cast and a cohesive system to work in?


+1 This is exactly it. At best latter half of the season before plugging Brohm in. Even if you believe he has potential, why get him killed trying to adjust to the pace of a live NFL game? Get the offense on solid ground first.

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There is no 'love affair' - but there is a former Heisman candidate and top QB prospect sitting on our bench that needs to be evaluated in an actual regular-season game or two - maybe even three - before anyone has a right to say he sucks.


Is that too hard to comprehend?

He sucks & I have the right to say it right now! Plenty of Heisman Trophy WINNERS have busted as NFL QBs. 3 head coaches have kept him off the field because they have seen him day after day in practice. Busts are busts, NFL coaches & GMs can see that a lot easier than you (or I) can sitting at home. All the GMs let him sail through waivers in September 2009.


Are they all too incompetent to put in a waiver claim-NO!

Is that too hard for you to comprehend-Apparently-YES!


PS: Ralph Wilson just said drafting a QB is the Bills #1 priority & Nix will be out scouting college QBs. Now if the TEAM thought they had a potential franchise QB on the bench, don't you think they'd have had him in there by now, instead of letting him stay on the bench & sending Nix on the road to scout the top QB prospects?

Edited by Albany,n.y.
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I'm curious to see what Brohm can do as well, but I've done a complete 180 on how I felt about Fitzpatrick a month ago. I can't see pulling the guy right now. In the 3 games he's started this season he's completing 61% of his passes for 595 yds, 7 TD's/2 INT's (QB rating of 99.9). Our offense is averaging 23.3 ppg with Fitz under center. He definitely has a couple of "Fitz" moments here and there (ie the errant screen passes yesterday) but overall, this team's offense is playing well enough to win games. When is the last time we had a QB throw for 7 TD's over a 3 game stretch? Ironically, I think if Brohm came in and put up equal production as Fitzpatrick, we'd be happy to move forward with him as our starter.


The other thing about Fitz is, he's getting a hell of a lot of pressure. He's throwing with guys in his face, getting hit as he throws, we're losing, and he's still in there fighting like **#@. He's taking a lickin' and come up tickin'


You try getting up and throwing an accurate touch pass right after a refrigerator charges out of its appliance niche and falls on you (aka DL).


As far as the WR making great catches - yep, there has been some effort there. Guys, news flash: we haven't seen quality WR play in so long, I think we forget that is, in fact, what quality WR do even with quality QB. I think we've plumb forgotten what it looked like when Andre Reed was catching balls over the middle.


I'd like to see Brohm, but I don't follow the logic of the folks who want to see him right away because they think he might be good. Are you trying to get the guy killed or something?

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Personally I think he was rattled on alot of his passes. I think he can improve AFTER we improve the O-Line.


Solid Backup but unless he can improve consistency he will teeder between 2nd and 3rd string for his entire career.


I like so many things about Fitz, unfortunately his one major flaw is his uncanny ability to be woefully inaccurate, especially at key moments. He generally makes quick decisions, has mobility, and plays with desire. It's just that God didn't bless him with a consistently accurate arm.


At this point, it would be OK to see what we have in Brohm, but as others have said, I'd wait til after the Ravens who may be too tough a test for the inexperienced Brohm.

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I keep hearing "he's been through 3 coaches and none of them think he is a starter". I can't speak for Green Bay, but as for Buffalo- they are the ones who thought Trent Edwards was the "answer" based on practice. Maybe Brohm is a gamer (maybe he isn't...but he hasn't had a shot yet). I don't think Fitz should be pulled, (20-30, 220yds, 2tds, 0ints is not bad) but I do look forward to seeing what brohm can do (or not do). Fitz is an awesome backup who can win games and has heart.

Does anyone else remember the posts before/during the season, that said Peyton Manning would look like a scrub behind this line and with these receivers? if Fitz can put up 220yds, a better qb could potentially excel on this offense. it shows how terrible TE really was...

2011 bring us a franchise qb.......please no busts!!!!!

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I'm not nearly as impressed as some of you folks with Ryan Fitzpatrick, footballs slipping out of his hand, one hopping balls, can't hit the broad side of a barn half the time and leading us in what, losing?


Its time to evaluate Brian Brohm...

I agree Dog, however he is doing as well as expected. Would like to see a switch to Brohm after the bye week. Need to see the type of player he will be. If he can move the ball to then we need to know before he offseason. i have no problem with this team moving things around this year.Could go 11-5 to finnish the year ( :rolleyes: doubt it :rolleyes: ) but if we dont I would love to know some answers before January.

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Your not going to hear any Ryan Fitzpatrick bashing from me. We got a little more then expected in leaderhip and the guy gave it all. He is my choice for 2nd String and that is saying alot. He belongs here.


We have got to get an extented look at Brian Brohm and now is the time, I would also like to take a short look and Levi Brown.

Its the evaluation process before we invest in a drafted quarterback.....


Yea I agree, start Brian Brohm against the Ravens after the bye week :devil: I wanna see if he can run for his life as good as Edwards did

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In Case you missed it Fitz is struggling

I guess I did miss it. Maybe I was too busy watching the TDs.


Seriously, if the coaches were to pull Fitzpatrick and put in Brohm now that would be a sign that they shouldn't be coaching in the NFL. Odds are very good that Brohm will get his chance, based on the performance of the offensive line this year. When he does, it's on him to be ready for it. But no way you pull a guy who's put up 7 TDs in 3 games.

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With Fitzpatrick we may finally have the semblance of an offense, capable of doing more that going three-and-out every drive. That means we are *finally* getting a chance to see what our receivers can do, our backs and line, and whether we can sustain drives and set plays up with the play-calling.


What's more important to this franchise: seeing Brohm and Levi flail away haplessly, or starting to build something with the rest of the offense so that if-and-when we get a franchise quarterback he has a jelling supporting cast and a cohesive system to work in?

Right on finknottle. We have guys at 10 other offensive positions that we need to "develop" besides just QB. With Trent (not bashing Trent) 1 guy got to catch a TD pass in 2 games. Now with Fitz, 7 have been caught. This helps us develop our receiving corps better then putting in a guy who has played in 1 regular season game (and stunk).


Let's get some Offensive continuity in the off chance that our D can keep us in a game sometime this year.


Put Brohm in in Week 14 if Fitz doesn't get hurt before then. Brown should get nowhere near the feild. he looked in no way ready for prime time in pre season and wasn't even good enough to bring back to the practice squad when Coach Gailey mistakenly though Trent could play in the NFL.

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Because the Brohm boys either saw him play at Louisville or they are delusional enough not to realize that 3 different coaching staffs have said by their actions the guy is not good enough to be the answer at QB & 31 GMs aren't competent enough to get a guy for the simple price of a waiver claim who they the Brohmers think has franchise QB potential.


The biggest joke is that they actually believe that until we see Brohm in a game with the 1st stringers, that we cannot possibly make a decision to draft or not a QB. They think because THEY haven't seen enough of Brohm, there's no way the coaches, who see him every day can properly evaluate Brohm.


So far the Brohm boys have been wrong every step of the way.

1st they told us he would be starting from opening day this season.

Then they told us Fitzpatrick would be cut & at worst be behind Brohm on the depth chart.

One guy, I don't even remember which one came up with projected starts for Brohm which, if attained, would have put him in the Pro Bowl.


They continue to throw purly speculative excuses & some absolute false statements in their defense of Brohm. The best one is that GB never waived him, because some are too ignorant about the NFL waiver & practice squad rules.


They have elevated Brohm to Bill Brasky status because they just don't want to admit that he may be so bad, that he would make Fitzpatrick look like a franchise QB.


The coaches, by not playing him are, in their eyes, incompetent. Well maybe they are, but they still may know already that Brohm is at best, a 3rd stringer on a decent team. Now we are so bad that at some point Brohm may start. But it is much more likely Brohm gets that chance just to see if he's worth re-signing as a backup, not in any hopes that he is a legitimate long term answer at starter.

Don't blame Brohm, he's just an innocent guy who just might not have the talent his fans think he has. Don't blame his fans, they have a disease called Marangitis. The cure is watching the guy start a few games and play his way completely out of the league. A cure to their Marangitis could be arriving soon.


Man, what are you doing blogging, you obviously belong in a NFL GM chair. Last I checked, you actually have to play in real games to be evaluated. But it sounds like you have some evaluation formula that the league would love to know about. You can pick em before they play, based mostly on your evaluation of his supporters. I'm pretty sure there is no record book for practice. I am guessing there is a reason for that. And, last I checked, there has been alot more than one or two QB's, as well as other position players, that no one had confidence in until they showed there stuff come game time.......and have gone on to some fantastic careers. Did somebody named brohm whip you when you were little? Maybe just bully you a little? Its also nice how you assign every brohm fan / supporter, with every positive comment that anyone has ever made about the guy. If one guy said it, they all said it. Put down the joint. You heard Chan, "we want to work with Brohm", which means, he has seen something in him, hed like to see where it goes. Again, its just a guess, but I am thinking Chan is smarter than you. If not, please forward your resume to the front office. What people are saying about Fitz....is they have already seen what he can do, even though he is doing ok, they are not sure he has what it takes to win games. Thats pretty simple. And if the GM job doesnt work, a Psychology job will surely be waiting for you as all can see your a master of human Psychology as evidenced by your professional analysis: "They have elevated Brohm to Bill Brasky status because they just don't want to admit that he may be so bad, that he would make Fitzpatrick look like a franchise QB".....you got us man, your right on top of that one.......thats why we all like brohm, because we all actually think he is so bad, that it will make Fitz look like a franchise QB. Wow.

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Agreed, it IS time to see what Brian Brohm can do, give him the rest of the season. If he plays well maybe the Bills won't have to burn a high draft pick for a qb. Everyone knows what Fitz can do AS A backup. The organization is already recognizing who is staying/going for the future, if he cant play well by the end of the yr and he doesnt improve week to week, then I see no reason to keep him beyond this year. Great post!





Your not going to hear any Ryan Fitzpatrick bashing from me. We got a little more then expected in leaderhip and the guy gave it all. He is my choice for 2nd String and that is saying alot. He belongs here.


We have got to get an extented look at Brian Brohm and now is the time, I would also like to take a short look and Levi Brown.


Its the evaluation process before we invest in a drafted quarterback.....

Edited by RocBillsfan
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I'm not nearly as impressed as some of you folks with Ryan Fitzpatrick, footballs slipping out of his hand, one hopping balls, can't hit the broad side of a barn half the time and leading us in what, losing?


Its time to evaluate Brian Brohm...


But you were fine with Trents 1 TD pass in two games. Fitz threw 7 in the next three games. Same OL, BTW.

Edited by ConradDobler
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He sucks & I have the right to say it right now! Plenty of Heisman Trophy WINNERS have busted as NFL QBs. 3 head coaches have kept him off the field because they have seen him day after day in practice. Busts are busts, NFL coaches & GMs can see that a lot easier than you (or I) can sitting at home. All the GMs let him sail through waivers in September 2009.


Are they all too incompetent to put in a waiver claim-NO!

Is that too hard for you to comprehend-Apparently-YES!


PS: Ralph Wilson just said drafting a QB is the Bills #1 priority & Nix will be out scouting college QBs. Now if the TEAM thought they had a potential franchise QB on the bench, don't you think they'd have had him in there by now, instead of letting him stay on the bench & sending Nix on the road to scout the top QB prospects?

I stand corrected - it's a free country, and you have every right to speak like a total idiot.


Second place Heisman vote-getter and NFL HOFer Steve Young sucked too, right? He must have, because 3 head coaches (Perkins, Walsh, and Seifert) kept him off the field too. Perkins went so far as to deem Young a total bust, draft Testaverde, and trade Young to the 49ers. Busts are busts, yes, but idiots are idiots. Most TSW posters (and most rational minds) know that 'if you torture the numbers long enough, they'll confess to anything', which is what you keep attempting ad nauseum with one ridiculous statement after another - get the historical data to support your own predisposition that Brohm sucks, without ever seen having him play in a legitimate starting situation.


PS - Scouting QBs is Nix's job, and I'm sure he's just thrilled that 92-year-old Ralph put out on the AP wire what the Bills' intentions are in the next draft. :wallbash:

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I stand corrected - it's a free country, and you have every right to speak like a total idiot.


Second place Heisman vote-getter and NFL HOFer Steve Young sucked too, right? He must have, because 3 head coaches (Perkins, Walsh, and Seifert) kept him off the field too. Perkins went so far as to deem Young a total bust, draft Testaverde, and trade Young to the 49ers. Busts are busts, yes, but idiots are idiots. Most TSW posters (and most rational minds) know that 'if you torture the numbers long enough, they'll confess to anything', which is what you keep attempting ad nauseum with one ridiculous statement after another - get the historical data to support your own predisposition that Brohm sucks, without ever seen having him play in a legitimate starting situation.


PS - Scouting QBs is Nix's job, and I'm sure he's just thrilled that 92-year-old Ralph put out on the AP wire what the Bills' intentions are in the next draft. :wallbash:





Author! Author!!

oh, wait... nevermind..:blush:

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Oh gee, we invested alot of time in Brohm! Guess what - alot of teams have invested a year in their third string quarterback, and you don't see them losing sleep over seeing what they got. They already know: a 3rd stringer.


With Fitzpatrick we may finally have the semblance of an offense, capable of doing more that going three-and-out every drive. That means we are *finally* getting a chance to see what our receivers can do, our backs and line, and whether we can sustain drives and set plays up with the play-calling.


What's more important to this franchise: seeing Brohm and Levi flail away haplessly, or starting to build something with the rest of the offense so that if-and-when we get a franchise quarterback he has a jelling supporting cast and a cohesive system to work in?


Fink, you are in Denial. The Bills need to see Brohm, he is the only player stopping the Bills from an all out endorcement of Andrew Luck.Ralph already said the Bills need a QB.....I mean ,come on!

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I'm curious to see what Brohm can do as well, but I've done a complete 180 on how I felt about Fitzpatrick a month ago. I can't see pulling the guy right now. In the 3 games he's started this season he's completing 61% of his passes for 595 yds, 7 TD's/2 INT's (QB rating of 99.9). Our offense is averaging 23.3 ppg with Fitz under center. He definitely has a couple of "Fitz" moments here and there (ie the errant screen passes yesterday) but overall, this team's offense is playing well enough to win games. When is the last time we had a QB throw for 7 TD's over a 3 game stretch? Ironically, I think if Brohm came in and put up equal production as Fitzpatrick, we'd be happy to move forward with him as our starter.

Well, it's not like we're going anywhere. If the Bills were even 2-3 right now, there's no way you don't keep Fitzpatrick running the show. But they're 0-5 with no real light at the end of the tunnel. What do they have to lose?


If Brohm stinks it up, Fitz goes back in. I don't see what's so complicated.

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Well, it's not like we're going anywhere. If the Bills were even 2-3 right now, there's no way you don't keep Fitzpatrick running the show. But they're 0-5 with no real light at the end of the tunnel. What do they have to lose?


If Brohm stinks it up, Fitz goes back in. I don't see what's so complicated.


Thank you, its only accessing talent for next season and QB is a priorty pick in the draft.


It would be nice to see Brohm but it doesn't have to be the very next game,just soon :thumbsup:


Should Brohm play well then he needs to finish the season at QB.

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