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Everything posted by ShawnEvans

  1. The entire reason the Bills are struggling, the QB is not allowed to get comfortable under center. I am a Brohm fan, but Fitz is doing really well....give him time and quit calling for him to come out. No one is going to lead this team better than Fitz. Again, too many Bills fans are looking for Jim Kelly to take snaps......NOT HAPPENING. You have a QB that is performing VERY well. Chill out.
  2. Man, what are you doing blogging, you obviously belong in a NFL GM chair. Last I checked, you actually have to play in real games to be evaluated. But it sounds like you have some evaluation formula that the league would love to know about. You can pick em before they play, based mostly on your evaluation of his supporters. I'm pretty sure there is no record book for practice. I am guessing there is a reason for that. And, last I checked, there has been alot more than one or two QB's, as well as other position players, that no one had confidence in until they showed there stuff come game time.......and have gone on to some fantastic careers. Did somebody named brohm whip you when you were little? Maybe just bully you a little? Its also nice how you assign every brohm fan / supporter, with every positive comment that anyone has ever made about the guy. If one guy said it, they all said it. Put down the joint. You heard Chan, "we want to work with Brohm", which means, he has seen something in him, hed like to see where it goes. Again, its just a guess, but I am thinking Chan is smarter than you. If not, please forward your resume to the front office. What people are saying about Fitz....is they have already seen what he can do, even though he is doing ok, they are not sure he has what it takes to win games. Thats pretty simple. And if the GM job doesnt work, a Psychology job will surely be waiting for you as all can see your a master of human Psychology as evidenced by your professional analysis: "They have elevated Brohm to Bill Brasky status because they just don't want to admit that he may be so bad, that he would make Fitzpatrick look like a franchise QB".....you got us man, your right on top of that one.......thats why we all like brohm, because we all actually think he is so bad, that it will make Fitz look like a franchise QB. Wow.
  3. No, he said he missed some throws and made some BEAUTIFUL throws. This is a coach that will not make public statements about his players that have a negative tone. This is a guy that will do that face to face, then with roster changes if he doesnt get what he is asking for. The coach said it all rests on his shoulders, but actually, its up to the QB to find a way to win. What ever it takes, he is the leader on the field, its up to him to execute and win. PERIOD. I think there are a great deal of Bill fans that do not think this QB has that ability.
  4. To the author of the post:"Why all the Brian Brohm negativity": Now you have your answer: There isnt one, other than random ramblings, people trying to pick on something or find something to complain about. The post that states Chan said Brohms arm was weaker than Browns. So? What the hell does that have to do with it? Brohms arms is plenty strong, he has plenty of zip on his throws. Having a cannon doesnt mean you can win in the NFL, put the ball on the numbers, read D's, etc, etc. I throw hard, and hit hard as a fighter (same motion), but I can guarantee you one thing.....I dont have what it takes to QB a high school team. No one would ever complain about my ball velocity, but there would be a lot of other valid complaints....like completion ratio, win ratio, QB rating in the 20's etc. I rarely think the hard core critics, especially ones that have so little sense behind their points, have ever picked up a football, baseball (or laced up gloves, and if they did, maybe they got hit way too much). The point is, no one is saying Brohm is a shoe-in NFL pro-bowler. NO ONE. There is no formula to predict that until it happens or doesnt. Pretty much everyone supporting him is saying he looks good enough, he comes with a good enough resume, he reads D's well, he distinguished himself as a very astute passer and game manager in college on a top 6 team...............................to be worthy of a chance, to seel what might be there.
  5. That picture is me..Shawn Evans..a heavyweight, not a middleweight (Tony Danza).
  6. I am a little message board slow, thought it was the option to ad a picture to my profile. The attachment was a pic of me, pro boxer in the 80's and 90's. Thanks for the comment on the post.
  7. I just cant figure out what people are thinking that say this kid, Brohm, is a scrub or not a potential contributor. He lit up college in a highly competitive league (Big East, West Virginia was a top 5 team (U of L busted them), Pitt was top 5 to 10 (Brohm and U of L busted them), and I think Rutgers (U of L had every shot to win, but lost this one) cracked the top 10). He man handled wake forest in the Orange bowl, was Orange bowl MVP and set a passing yards record in the Orange bowl. He was one very close game (Rutgers) shy of an undefeated season and a chance at a national title, he was in the top 2 to 5 in the nation in every positive statistical catagory for a quarterback as a sophmore,Junior and Senior. AND, he didnt have a bad senior year. He had a great statistical senior year..........his defense just sucked, thus his team sucked (6-6). He put up great numbers in spite of being on the field far less. What are you people hoping for in the draft ("Jim Kelly isnt walking in that door", ok, sorry, couldnt pass that one up). I think he made a big mistake by not going the draft in his junior year, and watching the draft and his sliding into the 2nd round after being projected as the possible top pick the year before, you could see the confidence slipping out of him. And I think that confidence kept slipping away in Green Bay. And, for a kid that never had confidence issues (cover of sports illustrated in high school), I would say it was hard for him to find his stride. BUT, I think he is finding it now, and if he is, he might come back better than ever as a result. Whether or not many of you want to admit it,confidence is a huge factor in NFL success and failure (especially at the QB position) or for any professional athelete AND, it can be lost and never found again. Just look at how your other 2 QB's have performed this year compared to years past. This is a coach that knows how important confidence is to the QB....and one that has built it up in all 3 of his QB's. Case in point: what he did to some fans heckling Edwards a few weeks ago? That was huge and right in line with a lot of other things this man does to build confidence in his players. Buffalo has the right coach. Pro Debut March 31 1987.bmp
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