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Steelers team airplane spotted in Buffalo

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Man, he's had a long layover hasn't he?


They REALLY have to pass a passenger bill of rights - I could understand a year, maybe even 2, but this is getting out of hand...


On the plus side, because this is not a weather related delay but due to the airline, I understand Mr. Siefert did get a $5 food coupon and a 5 minute calling card. I have my doubts on whether he'll get hus luggage - these types of snafus have a way of wreaking havoc on bag routing.....

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Surveillance for our game this year. They're probably illegally filming Camp Gailey, to get some inside info on how to stop Trent Edwards.

They could have saved some time and money. The way to stop Edwards is to start the game clock.

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It would not be without precedent. I believe the Steelers and Eagles once merged briefly to form the Steagles.


...and the Steelers and Cardinals briefly merged to form the Card-Pitts, or more lovingly referred to as the "Carpets."

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