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The Auto Bailout

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All three networks on Thursday night and Friday morning avoided key factors in the bankruptcy of Detroit, skipping the city's astronomically high tax rate and ignoring Democratic dominance for the previous half century. (Detroit's last Republican mayor left office in 1962.) Instead, ABC, NBC and CBS acted as though the bankruptcy, what Brian Williams called "the slow-moving tragedy of decline," was something that just happened.





A PROPOSAL FROM IOWAHAWK: Turn Detroit into a national park, to show our kids the wonders of “Government Help.”


Edited by B-Man
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All three networks on Thursday night and Friday morning avoided key factors in the bankruptcy of Detroit, skipping the city's astronomically high tax rate and ignoring Democratic dominance for the previous half century. (Detroit's last Republican mayor left office in 1962.) Instead, ABC, NBC and CBS acted as though the bankruptcy, what Brian Williams called "the slow-moving tragedy of decline," was something that just happened.





A PROPOSAL FROM IOWAHAWK: Turn Detroit into a national park, to show our kids the wonders of “Government Help.”






Oh well, I'm sure they mentioned how the labor unions have been sucking that city dry for decades. <_<



p.s. does this one fall under 'Hope' or 'Change'?

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its come to this......................



Michigan judge halts Detroit bankruptcy because it dishonors Obama


Two things. One: The left has spent much of the day grumbling on Twitter that it’s not fair to make fun of Obama for saying repeatedly last year that he prevented Detroit from going bankrupt when what he meant by “Detroit” was the auto industry, not the municipal government. Aquilina doesn’t seem to find that distinction important. Obama held himself out as the city’s economic savior; to allow it to declare bankruptcy now would make a liar of him, and we can’t have that. Or maybe … she doesn’t grasp the distinction at all?

She also ordered that a copy of her declaratory judgment be sent to President Barack Obama, saying he “bailed out Detroit” and may want to look into the pension issue.


That’s from the Detroit Free Press, which helpfully notes that she “has a Democratic background.” Two: The legal basis for the decision is that the Michigan Constitution doesn’t allow the state to reduce public-employee pensions (of course), even though public-employee pensions are what’s driving the bankruptcy. Some bankruptcy experts disagree, but if that ruling stands on appeal, presumably the only solution is a bailout. You don’t think Our Father would go for that, do you? How about congressional Republicans?



She doesn't really have the authority to do anything...............................but when has that stopprd a liberal judge ?



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its come to this......................


She doesn't really have the authority to do anything...............................but when has that stopprd a liberal judge ?

I guess it's only okay to violate the Federal constitution.

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I guess it's only okay to violate the Federal constitution.


Bankruptcy law is pretty specialized in its own right, never mind when it's applied to a city. The temporary restraining order is probably warranted based on the rush job to get the filing done alone...but the judge's rationale is so narrowly focused on interpretation of one phrase in the state constitution that it effectively translates to the idea that federal Chapter 9 bankruptcy is illegal under state law, which is about as stupid a decision I've ever read. It's pretty damned obvious somebody went forum shopping to find a judge who knew jack **** about bankruptcy law and constitutional law.


The fact that she's an utter moonbat of an attention whore who hand-wrote "I'm telling daddy!" on her decision is completely different issue.

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Actually I think of Detroit as a cautionary tale of being a one industry town- 20 years from now I expect places in ND to experience something similar as the pace of well drilling and pipeline laying decreases- it's great to be in the expansion side of thing and sucks to be on the contraction side of things.


So Detroit is dead because we've run out the need for cars?

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Bankruptcy law is pretty specialized in its own right, never mind when it's applied to a city. The temporary restraining order is probably warranted based on the rush job to get the filing done alone...but the judge's rationale is so narrowly focused on interpretation of one phrase in the state constitution that it effectively translates to the idea that federal Chapter 9 bankruptcy is illegal under state law, which is about as stupid a decision I've ever read. It's pretty damned obvious somebody went forum shopping to find a judge who knew jack **** about bankruptcy law and constitutional law.


The fact that she's an utter moonbat of an attention whore who hand-wrote "I'm telling daddy!" on her decision is completely different issue.


No Tom, the only sorry a55 problem here is that municipalities are able to file for bankruptcy in the first place. I'm glad the state has it in their constitution that there is no way out of pension obligations, because quite frankly, IMO, they have banked on that idea for decades, thinking all they had to do was promise for the future, and no REAL intent to actually fulfill those promises....

ANYONE, ever a part of government, knows this... Hell.... it was the reason I got out of it. Lies and misconceptions...

A few short years ago we complained about Bush, high gas prices, wars, high deficit... Obama campaigned against it all....

Where are we now?? Heck, before PBO, has any city declared bankruptcy?


But ya see.... PBO already showed Detroit how bailouts can work by giving Government Motors to the union... Let's just give the city to them too. I'm tired of being told it was politicians, or China, or high taxes that doomed the city... We've already paid for the union bailouts and PBO declared it a success!!! Give them the keys to the city too!!! Surely the union leadership can fix the mess!


Anyone object??

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Let's just give the city to them too. I'm tired of being told it was politicians, or China, or high taxes that doomed the city... We've already paid for the union bailouts and PBO declared it a success!!! Give them the keys to the city too!!! Surely the union leadership can fix the mess!


Anyone object??


You don't need to give Detroit to the unions. They already took it.

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Actual quotes.........................


Ed Schultz: “Thanks to a lot of Republican policies, [Detroit] is now filing for bankruptcy”






MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry: Detroit Bankruptcy the Result of Small Government



Melissa Harris-Perry, one of the panel guests on MSNBC's "Now" program on Friday, managed to tie Detroit's bankruptcy to small government "when government is small enough to drown in your bathtub" and to analogize it to "exactly the kind of thing that many Republicans would impose on us." Really.

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Actual quotes.........................


Ed Schultz: “Thanks to a lot of Republican policies, [Detroit] is now filing for bankruptcy”






MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry: Detroit Bankruptcy the Result of Small Government



Melissa Harris-Perry, one of the panel guests on MSNBC's "Now" program on Friday, managed to tie Detroit's bankruptcy to small government "when government is small enough to drown in your bathtub" and to analogize it to "exactly the kind of thing that many Republicans would impose on us." Really.





From the Melissa Harris-Perry article:


Guess how many are involved in generating its paychecks for Detroit's roughly 12,000 municipal employees (assuming some attrition in the past two years? An ridiculous number, at an unfathomable cost:

“149 full-time employees are involved in the
, 51 of which are uniformed officers (high cost personnel) performing clerical duties,”
according to the plan which also indicated how the current payroll process is “highly manual (some done by hand) and prone to human error, including erroneous payments to individuals.”

The current cost to process a payroll is $62 per check,
which amounts to $19.2 million annually, and “four times more costly than the overall average of $15 per paycheck and almost 3.5 times more costly than other public sector organizations, which average $18 per paycheck.”


Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tom-blumer/2013/07/21/msnbcs-melissa-harris-perry-detroit-bankruptcy-result-small-government#ixzz2ZhyGEO54

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It's a comfort to know that the liberals and Democrats have all the answers.

Maybe if they increased everyone's taxes a LOT more, there would be enough money to solve Detroit's woes.

It isn't fair that Detroit went bankrupt first. Seems like California, NJ, and NY should hurry before B.O. runs out of the money of ours that he already has.

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