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Why the Bills drafted CJ Spiller

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CJ Spiller is going to be the biggest match-up problem in the NFL next year, and here are the two reasons why.


1. CJ has a has a very unique COMBINATION of talents


-Speed, quickness, vision, and patience to run the ball


-Deep speed, short area quickness, good hands, and intellegence to be a receiver


2. Chan Gailey has the creativity and the balls to use Spiller in the best and most unconventional ways


-The Bills offense is going to be different than every other offense in the NFL. There is going to be a lot of motion that is going to cause confusion in defenses. And if defenses make one wrong step, guys like CJ Spiller and Roscoe Parrish are going to take it the distance.


-Some of the best offenses in the NFL are the different offenses. Remember the K-Gun? One of the reasons that was so successful is because the Bills were the only team in the NFL that was fully committed to it. Similarly, the Dolphins are the best at the Wildcat because they are the most heavily committed to it.



In summary, the Bills didn't just draft a runningback/wr. They drafted a player that is going to help them launch a new style of offense that I believe will be very successful.

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CJ Spiller is going to be the biggest match-up problem in the NFL next year, and here are the two reasons why.


1. CJ has a has a very unique COMBINATION of talents


-Speed, quickness, vision, and patience to run the ball


-Deep speed, short area quickness, good hands, and intellegence to be a receiver


2. Chan Gailey has the creativity and the balls to use Spiller in the best and most unconventional ways


-The Bills offense is going to be different than every other offense in the NFL. There is going to be a lot of motion that is going to cause confusion in defenses. And if defenses make one wrong step, guys like CJ Spiller and Roscoe Parrish are going to take it the distance.


-Some of the best offenses in the NFL are the different offenses. Remember the K-Gun? One of the reasons that was so successful is because the Bills were the only team in the NFL that was fully committed to it. Similarly, the Dolphins are the best at the Wildcat because they are the most heavily committed to it.



In summary, the Bills didn't just draft a runningback/wr. They drafted a player that is going to help them launch a new style of offense that I believe will be very successful.


I'd love nothing more than to see the Bills break out with an innovative, high power offense. I think we'll be a successful running team, and I really hope we can use that run threat to set up big plays in the passing game. I think we've got a few different 3-4 WR sets that could feature guys who all have really fast 40 times, so, in theory, or in a Madden-like setting we could have a dangerous offense, but in real life, with our O-line and QB situation, I can't convince myself we'll have that yet.

Anyway, I just don't know what is being referenced that shows us in what way Gailey's offense is supposed to be new, or why it will be so great - and I'd love to hear more about that.

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The K-Gun was a great offense because of the talent. It was not anything innovative. It was just a 3WR, 1TE, and 1RB set with outstanding players.

dont forget that Kelly called lots of the plays at the line of scrimmage, similar to payton manning. (bills 90's=colts 00's)

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You know just for fun I was comparing video's (Yeah I know highlight videos) of CJ Spiller and Javid Best.....


- There are actually people on the You Tube saying Javid is faster then CJ Spiller......NOT ON A FOOTBALL FIELD HE ISN"T. Want to see why? Take a look at how much contact Javid has to go through in order to make plays.....now take a look at the amount of times CJ Spiller is touched....this is because the players are keeping up with Best and Spiller is buy then in a blink......Best may or may not break those tackles in the NFL where players are stronger and faster


- Without knowing I seriously want to check to see if CJ Spiller's videos are not doctored a bit......he has a gear especially in the open field that looks like "turbo boost" in a video game.....seriously its like he is going in fast forward and the other players are not.......


- You see the plays where Spiller gets pushed out of bounds down field? Do you realize that this is happening because defenders are talking a LOOOONG angle conceding all that yardage to try to get a chance to push him? Notice they arent trying to TACKLE him just make contact?


- Javid Best's offensive line was making huge holes for him to run through.......CJ Spiller you see him in crowds of defenders and shoot through smalller holes (probably one of the big reasons why he was drafted)


- Dont see Best's receiving ability showcased the way CJ Spiller's is


- I got focused into the cutting ability of Spiller and Best. Spiller's cuts are subtile and sharp.......meaning to cut away from a defender he doesn't have to take a wide lateral movement the other direction before accelerating. Best cuts away but in doing so his sideways cut is very wide meaning a defender might be giving the chance to get him from the other side of his cut.....

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Guest dog14787

Thurman Thomas has been saying it forever, this Bills football team needs play makers. CJ Spiller averaged a TD a game throughout college. Spiller can run for TD's, return for TD's, catch for TD's and even throw for TD's.



CJ Spiller is a scoring machine, add 7 points a game onto our games over the last two seasons and there's a very good chance our Bills football team reaches the playoffs.


Why did Gailey/Nix draft CJ Spiller?



because big play makers win football games, that's why...

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I don't think Gailey will create the next best offense but he will use common sense, he will try to get his playmakers in favorable match-ups, something his predecesors never had a clue how to do it.


When Gailey said that he wants to stablish a solid running game, he was not only talking about conventional running plays, I think screen plays and bubble screens are going to be a big part of his philosophy. Get the ball to the playmakers with room to run free.


Next to this I feel crossing routes are going to be a big part of this offense, much like the Patriots do with Brady to Welker. Seek for a favorable match-up and work through traffic to get your man open so he can rack up the YAC.


It will be interesting to see what Gailey does.

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Here's what CJ brings to the table:


A player that causes the defense to say "where the !@#$ is Spiller????" every time he's on the field. He'll create mismatches when he doesn't touch the ball. When the misdirection potential he has in INCREDIBLE.


Want something to drool about, think of a reverse with Spiller reversing direction..........

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here are some more reasons..........







Watching this again, I noticed how remarkable his ability is to cut and make tacklers miss without losing upfield momentum. The more I watch this kid the more I start to think he might actually be more exceptional in the NFL than he was in college, which is saying something.

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You know just for fun I was comparing video's (Yeah I know highlight videos) of CJ Spiller and Javid Best.....


- There are actually people on the You Tube saying Javid is faster then CJ Spiller......NOT ON A FOOTBALL FIELD HE ISN"T. Want to see why? Take a look at how much contact Javid has to go through in order to make plays.....now take a look at the amount of times CJ Spiller is touched....this is because the players are keeping up with Best and Spiller is buy then in a blink......Best may or may not break those tackles in the NFL where players are stronger and faster


sideways cut is very wide meaning a defender might be giving the chance to get him from the other side of his cut.....


I did the same thing, and came away with the same conclusion as you. It's a joke to compare the two. Even if you discount the fact that Best was a late 1st/early second round pick, Spiller at #10, based on the obvious talent difference, is the better value pick.

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The K-Gun was a great offense because of the talent. It was not anything innovative. It was just a 3WR, 1TE, and 1RB set with outstanding players.




Thank you nucci, I was beginning to think I was the only Bills fan left on this board who actually watched every single play Jim Kelly, Thurman Thomas and Andree Reed ran in their Hall of Fame careers with the Buffalo Bills together! (at least I hope Reed gets voted in soon)!


Two other reasons the K-Gun were special: the great offensive line, plus Jim Kelly's play calling at the line of scrimmage. Now the K-Gun was not always the best offense to run, especially in those SB's where the Bills defense had trouble stopping the Giants', Redskins' and Cowboys' offenses. For those 4 games, the Bills should have slowed it down and tried to use more clock and protect the ball better.


But compared to what we fans are trying to be "optimistic" about these days, complaining about the game plans of four consecutive SB appearances does seem pretty stupid, doesn' it?? :P


So hey, I'm hoping Gailey and his creative ballsy offensive play calling and schemes will take advantage of Spiller and Evans and Jackson/Lynch and Stevie-J and Roscoe and Nelson and anybody else lining up in the skill positions for the Bills O this coming season.


But please stop making these idiotic comparisons to Bills great coaches, players and offenses of the past, at least until we see if the "Air Gailey" Bills can score maybe, possibly two offensive touchdowns against the Dolphins this coming September?? Please?? Because after last year, two touchdowns by the Bills' offense in one game will be a great improvement for me!

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On the long passes downfield he has to slow up and wait for the ball, so he's already got his timing down with our QB's.


DUDE! Seriously. You are so right. I so hate that. We have fast WRs but if your QBs have dead arms and can't use the speed or throw it into tight windows it's all wasted.

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