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Lynch goes AWOL

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In my opinion, he's doing what is necessary to keep getting his name published. He's trying to send up a clear signal to other teams that he'd like to be traded (as if they hadn't figured that out).


At this point, everyone knows. I can see this being the case, but it's a mistake. He knows the Bills aren't letting him go unless they get what they feel is fair value and this only lowers his value. It would be true to form that he makes very bad decisions. Hopefully, we'll see less of those decisions on the field.

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Him not showing up just goes to show you that you can't believe a single this moron thug says. He talks to the media about how he is glad to be back and how he has been away from football too long, then after one exhausting-no contact practice he disappears again? The guy can't be trusted as a player, a teammate or a citizen, and I hope Nix sticks to his guns and lets this guy's career rot away to nothing. He is a piece of excrement who I pray the organization doesn't give into his whining bull **** and give him what he wants, although he isn't a man enough to admit that he wants to be traded.

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Him not showing up just goes to show you that you can't believe a single this moron thug says. He talks to the media about how he is glad to be back and how he has been away from football too long, then after one exhausting-no contact practice he disappears again? The guy can't be trusted as a player, a teammate or a citizen, and I hope Nix sticks to his guns and lets this guy's career rot away to nothing. He is a piece of excrement who I pray the organization doesn't give into his whining bull **** and give him what he wants, although he isn't a man enough to admit that he wants to be traded.

What a world of talent gone to waste due to poor work ethics. The Bills have all the leverage in this situation. Lynch is under contract and have no pressing need to get rid of him. If he plays poorly this coming season, Gailey can bench him and Lynch only hurts himself by making himself incredibly unattractive for a decent contract with another team next year. If someone needs him badly, as reportedly Seattle does, we can trade him. So the only loser in this situation is Lynch which I am not sure he has the mental IQ to realize. I was not happy spending a first rounder on a RB that year but seeing his boyish enthusiasm and the press about 'Mama's Boy' I was hopeful that we have a player who will really help the team. Sadly that did not come to pass and the frustrating thing is that it is not due to lack of talent.

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Some of my Bills brothers need to chill a bit, IMHO. You're going to have a stroke.


I can guarantee Nix and Gailey aren't lying awake nights fretting about this, sticking needles into a little Marshawn Lynch doll they keep in their offices.

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Tim Graham


No word as to why but Beast Mode has burned his benefit of the doubt. If he's playing games again he is shooting his own dancing foot.





I don't like Lynch and as far as I am concerned I hope he sits out the whole season. I don't even care anymore if we trade him, unless we can swing a really good deal for him (which isn't too likely). Maybe he knows he's already gone (trade process) and tried to go through the motions for a couple of days...Maybe there is some truth to the potential trade rumors with...I believe the Seahwaks? Well, that's fine too! Him not being here is addittion by subtraction and I now am convinced that Buddy Nix knew that Lynch wasn't in the plan for 2010 !!! Last year Fred Jackson was on fire until Lynch returned off of suspension. I think the Bills will have a great RB Tandem in Spiller and Jackson with Joique Bell being the 3rd back on the roster. We don't want Lynch, Don't need Lynch, and I hope he stays away or he's gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Punk ass douche bag is a punk ass douche bag


and if that was a disqualification for playing in the NFL, there would be a lot of empty roster spots. you dont know half the trouble the current Bills get into because they get off bc of who they are, ask anyone in the OPPD or BPD.

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and if that was a disqualification for playing in the NFL, there would be a lot of empty roster spots. you dont know half the trouble the current Bills get into because they get off bc of who they are, ask anyone in the OPPD or BPD.


I don't hear anyone calling for him to be banished from the league. It seems to me most posters simply want the guy to make football a priority if he wants to be taken seriously. And voluntary or not, when you're skipping practice AFTER getting demoted it doesn't sound like your head or your heart are in the right place.

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Well crap all the haters need to stopy whining now. Marshawn is a groomsman in a wedding. I bet he let the coaching staff know.


Yeah, we should probably feel sheepishly ashamed for not giving him the benefit of the doubt. I mean, he's been such a good soldier up til now.

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"hi this is marshawn... i showed up for my FIRST practice, after everyone else was already up to FULL speed. managed to keep up with 'em, but today i cani't even WALK. i better chill a bit so that i'm ready for the real deal next week".

OR... maybe THIS(or both): http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=114785


no WAIT......... let's look for the CRAZIEST explanation, since probable reality just doesn't suck enough.


LOL it's a lonnng offseason, ain'it yawl ?

hey now, it'll all be over soon, and "we" can kvetch about the losses, and write off the wins !



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