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47% will pay zero federal income taxes

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So why do you come here? Are you forced to read?


Why do people go to the zoo? To look at the animals.


Like a wreck... One knows not to look... But for some reason, they crane their neck and look anyway. That is me! :thumbsup:


I hope this board survives... It will be nice to have a record this time around of what fools people are.

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Idiot aside... You and your ilk still don't know what the !@#$ you are talking about.


Come talk to me when you are right about something.


For now... The sky is falling! The sky is falling.


You are a bigger idiot... Keep talking out your ass, Chicken Little.

So you have no concerns about the financial path our country is on? You're okay with all the spending? You see a light at the end of the tunnel, do you?

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So you have no concerns about the financial path our country is on? You're okay with all the spending? You see a light at the end of the tunnel, do you?


Why should he care? Someone else will take care of the problem.

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So you have no concerns about the financial path our country is on? You're okay with all the spending? You see a light at the end of the tunnel, do you?


Some people have the "everything's gonna be alright mentality".


Of course the world won't explode, but the quality of life will suck.


But as long as everything's alright.

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No. I fully expect to take care of it. I pay and gladly... So should you.

This statement alone proves that you simply are not aware of the magnitude of the financial problems we are about to face over the next 10 years.


What is taking place is not simply solved by people like you and me "taking care of it." Not by a long shot.

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Name two.


Obama is on our side for sure, he definitely does a lot to help the people (and some to help the corporations).

I think Ron Paul is another guy who just doesn't care about votes, and just does what he thinks is right.


Obviously they give some consideration to votes, but IMO it's minimal.


.. out with whatever insult you have to fling, I'm sleepy and they make me yawn.

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For anyone who is not crazy (all one of you) here is any interesting interview on these events.




I wonder who that "one"would be...



I know Republicans are loyal only to the Republican States of America, and getting elected and staying there (and so everything revolves around elections). Some politicians do actually try to help the whole country from time to time.


[EII responding to Conner]-

Why do you even bother?... These guys here are all a bunch of know-nothing, self-serving idiots... A bunch of self-serving Chicken Littles that are never right. Somehow they always predict doom and gloom.


We are all going to hell in a handbasket!


Why the tone EII you ask? Because there is only so much LA/DCT/AD whining one can take. There isn't enough power in that triumvirate to power a 7w nightlight.



Well I figured who the "one" is right quick.

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.. out with whatever insult you have to fling, I'm sleepy and they make me yawn.


I don't think that anyone can more do justice with insults than you can by self-administering them.

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Well good. You are a dumb zombie republican. Being a problem to you is a joy and an honour.

Well, speaking as an imaginary Japanese hockey legend, let me say sincerely Connar (sic) don't ever stop being you. Reading your shtick is one of the few pleasures left on this board.


And if, on some unlikely possibility, what you post is actually legitimately how you view the world, please don't get your meds changed because, as mentioned previously, reading your shtick is one of the few pleasures left on this board.

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I don't care which politician it came from, I can't afford it any more. I haven't have even a cost of living raise in four years. I don't mean less than, I mean nothing. Gas goes up, electric goes up, food costs go up, etc. But my wages haven't gone up.



Too bad, get used to it... You have to compete with the guy overseas making 1/10 of what you are making.


You know that "giant sucking sound" that H. Ross Perot mentioned??

No. I fully expect to take care of it. I pay and gladly... So should you.

You have no idea how real [non Goverment/Union] people live do you?

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Good work in this thread as usual, Eric. Your ability to ignore reality using the gruel that's replaced your brain is unparalleled.


Yeah, I was wrong about Iraq (sarcasm). I was wrong about the Clinton Economy being a big lie (sarcasm). Wrong about the Patriot Act (sarcasm). Wrong about the formation of Homeland Security (sarcasm). Wrong about Social Security going broke (sarcasm). Wrong about Medicare/aid (sarcasm). Wrong about the impending housing crisis. Wrong about the Fed continuing the poor fiscal policy of cheap money (sarcasm).


The perfect storm/graft that led to the Clinton Economy is about to come full circle. You remember your comment about paying your fair share, because your fair share is going to be way more than you or any American can afford. Don't worry, though.


The politicians will be just fine.

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I think they are proposing to extend the middle class tax cuts. Obviously nothing is decided yet.


It'll take a new bill passed in both houses to do that. Tough to do in this environment if it excludes some people. Republicans likely won't support more increases on the upper earners.


How do people define "middle class" now?

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No. I fully expect to take care of it. I pay and gladly... So should you.


I think it's safe to say that I already pay a much higher percentage of my income in taxes than you do. Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and pony of the difference and send them a check.

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Why do you even bother?... These guys here are all a bunch of know-nothing, self-serving idiots... A bunch of self-serving Chicken Littles that are never right. Somehow they always predict doom and gloom.


We are all going to hell in a handbasket!


Why the tone EII you ask? Because there is only so much LA/DCT/AD whining one can take. There isn't enough power in that triumvirate to power a 7w nightlight.




I have an ilk? Really?


You'd be awfully hard-pressed to actually demonstrate that I don't know what I'm talking about. Hell, I have doubts, based on the above, that you even know what I'm talking about yourself.

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