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47% will pay zero federal income taxes

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Your taxes will be going up next year when the Bush tax cuts expire. You can count on that.

And again when the bill for "Health Care" starts coming due. I mean, there's no way insurance companies could possibly pass on the costs of the uninsured to people who already pay their bills, right?




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I don't care which politician it came from, I can't afford it any more. I haven't have even a cost of living raise in four years. I don't mean less than, I mean nothing. Gas goes up, electric goes up, food costs go up, etc. But my wages haven't gone up.


Too bad, get used to it... You have to compete with the guy overseas making 1/10 of what you are making.


You know that "giant sucking sound" that H. Ross Perot mentioned??

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And again when the bill for "Health Care" starts coming due. I mean, there's no way insurance companies could possibly pass on the costs of the uninsured to people who already pay their bills, right?




Obviously they haven't done a good job of explaining this new bill for you. Look. Rates are going to go down, on average, $2500 per family, starting tomorrow. Because when you get everyone covered with health care insurance, then everyone is participating. I think we all know that when everyone participates, rates go down because more people are covered. And they're covered because they're participating, and what makes rates go down? That's right...everyone participating.


Look. Now that it's passed, you'll see what's in it, and by the end of October, you're gonna love this plan. Just love it.

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Obviously they haven't done a good job of explaining this new bill for you. Look. Rates are going to go down, on average, $2500 per family, starting tomorrow. Because when you get everyone covered with health care insurance, then everyone is participating. I think we all know that when everyone participates, rates go down because more people are covered. And they're covered because they're participating, and what makes rates go down? That's right...everyone participating.


Look. Now that it's passed, you'll see what's in it, and by the end of October, you're gonna love this plan. Just love it.

Yes, Ipick up the sarcasm. :lol:


You were wrong on the war and the WMD's. Remember? You and the others here were banging that drum in late 2002 and early 2003... Thought "our soldiers were going to get gassed crossing into Iraq."


How did that turn out?


My point? You suck at predicting... So do all the other "experts" and self-proclaimed know it alls around here. Hey, gotta hand it to you guys... Batting .000 and still swinging for the fences! :thumbsup:


You and many others were wrong about that (the war)... What makes you so right about healthcare? Let's wait and see before all the Chicken Littles declare the end of the world.

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Obviously they haven't done a good job of explaining this new bill for you. Look. Rates are going to go down, on average, $2500 per family, starting tomorrow. Because when you get everyone covered with health care insurance, then everyone is participating. I think we all know that when everyone participates, rates go down because more people are covered. And they're covered because they're participating, and what makes rates go down? That's right...everyone participating.


Look. Now that it's passed, you'll see what's in it, and by the end of October, you're gonna love this plan. Just love it.


Change October to the year 2014 and you are not too far off the mark.

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Yes, Ipick up the sarcasm. :lol:


You were wrong on the war and the WMD's. Remember? You and the others here were banging that drum in late 2002 and early 2003... Thought "our soldiers were going to get gassed crossing into Iraq."


How did that turn out?


My point? You suck at predicting... So do all the other "experts" and self-proclaimed know it alls around here. Hey, gotta hand it to you guys... Batting .000 and still swinging for the fences! :thumbsup:


You and many others were wrong about that (the war)... What makes you so right about healthcare? Let's wait and see before all the Chicken Littles declare the end of the world.


That's flawed logic.

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That's flawed logic.


Ya... Of course... Talk to me when you guys can actually predict something right. I sense a lot of fear in the tone in some. And that isn't fear about the country going to hell in a hand basket. It is fear that their self-interest over the sake of helping/benefitting others is under attack.


No doubt that there is a lot of assuming going on here. For now LA better stick to predicting the outcome of the Bills season record. People like him have a better chance at getting that right.


The sky is falling! The sky is falling! :thumbsup:

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Ya... Of course... Talk to me when you guys can actually predict something right. I sense a lot of fear in the tone in some. And that isn't fear about the country going to hell in a hand basket. It is fear that their self-interest over the sake of helping/benefitting others is under attack.


No doubt that there is a lot of assuming going on here. For now LA better stick to predicting the outcome of the Bills season record. People like him have a better chance at getting that right.


The sky is falling! The sky is falling! :thumbsup:


What you're going to be going through, I already lived through it.


I live in a country that has NHS. My oldest brother who needed a doctor for a checkup was rejected by every family doctor he knew. His solution, pay 1000$ to get a checkup from the now semi-private clinics.


How great that someone who probably contributes more to income/sales tax in a year because of the substantially higher tax bracket also has a little side charge to get some decent health care.


Care to explain that? Who's predicting anything? It's already happened, just not where you live.

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Ya... Of course... Talk to me when you guys can actually predict something right. I sense a lot of fear in the tone in some. And that isn't fear about the country going to hell in a hand basket. It is fear that their self-interest over the sake of helping/benefitting others is under attack.


You're an idiot for thinking those are mutually exclusive. It's entirely possible to want to act in one's own self interest while helping others, or to want to help others without making a half-assed government program out of it, for that matter.


"Not wanting the government to take care of people" is not the same as "not wanting to take care of people".

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To a liberal, they are EXACTLY the same. We're all too stupid to take care of ourselves. Only the government can save us.


The real paradox is that the people we elect to take care of us prove that we need someone to take care of us.

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You're an idiot for thinking those are mutually exclusive. It's entirely possible to want to act in one's own self interest while helping others, or to want to help others without making a half-assed government program out of it, for that matter.


"Not wanting the government to take care of people" is not the same as "not wanting to take care of people".



Idiot aside... You and your ilk still don't know what the !@#$ you are talking about.


Come talk to me when you are right about something.


For now... The sky is falling! The sky is falling.


You are a bigger idiot... Keep talking out your ass, Chicken Little.

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Just in time for the 2010 mid-terms. Great timing.


I know Republicans are loyal only to the Republican States of America, and getting elected and staying there (and so everything revolves around elections). Some politicians do actually try to help the whole country from time to time.

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I know Republicans are loyal only to the Republican States of America, and getting elected and staying there. Some politicians do actually try to help the whole country from time to time.


Why do you even bother?... These guys here are all a bunch of know-nothing, self-serving idiots... A bunch of self-serving Chicken Littles that are never right. Somehow they always predict doom and gloom.


We are all going to hell in a handbasket!


Why the tone EII you ask? Because there is only so much LA/DCT/AD whining one can take. There isn't enough power in that triumvirate to power a 7w nightlight.



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Why do you even bother?... These guys here are all a bunch of know-nothing, self-serving idiots... A bunch of self-serving Chicken Littles that are never right. Somehow they always predict doom and gloom.


We are all going to hell in a handbasket!


Why the tone EII you ask? Because there is only so much LA/DCT/AD whining one can take. There isn't enough power in that triumvirate to power a 7w nightlight.




So why do you come here? Are you forced to read?

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