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Bands worse than Nickelback?


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The next time I receive a Thank You from a serviceman overseas thanking us for keeping them in touch with home - I'll be sure to pass along your dismissive attitude.


Now, please continue your "my music is better than your music" rants... It's awesome.


Gotta go - the bell rang!



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There are obviously some HUGE N'bak fans on these boards which makes sense when you read some of these posts. Ed Hardy, The Hills, "Speidi" Perez Hilton and Nickelback are the downfall of our society. Vapid losers with zero artistic ability. I'm not being a snob, maybe my hearing is just better.


I agree, the list of douchebaggery you cited is a sad commentary on the masses. But regardless of our opinions, there is a talent in creating something that millions of people want. Steve Jobs created the iPod. Ed Hardy created fugly t-shirts. Nickelback makes crap rock. All have their place. We are all lying if we said that in our given profession, we wouldn't want to sell 30 million of something at the risk of being considered "uncool."


Personally, I think the papparazzi is the most pathetic profession in the world. But what can you say? The profession would cease to exist if nobody was buying their pictures. It's hard to blame them for making money by giving the people what they want.


This too shall pass. The 70's had disco, flower bellbottoms, and David Cassidy. Society did not implode. We just move on to the next style/celebrity/music that "sucks."

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I agree, the list of douchebaggery you cited is a sad commentary on the masses. But regardless of our opinions, there is a talent in creating something that millions of people want. Steve Jobs created the iPod. Ed Hardy created fugly t-shirts. Nickelback makes crap rock. All have their place. We are all lying if we said that in our given profession, we wouldn't want to sell 30 million of something at the risk of being considered "uncool."


Personally, I think the papparazzi is the most pathetic profession in the world. But what can you say? The profession would cease to exist if nobody was buying their pictures. It's hard to blame them for making money by giving the people what they want.


This too shall pass. The 70's had disco, flower bellbottoms, and David Cassidy. Society did not implode. We just move on to the next style/celebrity/music that "sucks."


So, since society has not imploded we are suppose to just sit here and take this? No me! :thumbsup:

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A little dramatic maybe, but don't complain to me about how much you hate your kids.


hey man, when I was a kid my dad refused to let me watch kids movies because he felt they were all stupid. At the time it was kind of frustrating trying to watch the African Queen when I was like 6 or being given free jazz cassettes when my friends were all jamming Debbie Gibson and Warrant, but now I think it was kind of an awesome decision.


needless to say that if I ever choose to breed I will be paying it forward. A steady diet of krautrock and the French new wave

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damn straight! we need to go down fighting by pointing out how awful Nickelback is at every opportunity. The purveyors of mediocrity must be held accountable



there's music snobbery, and opinion. but it's unfair to assume that we should all be holding hands, singing kumbaya, and believing everything is good and shouldn't be criticized.

this is not a debate: Rolling Stones vs. f(n)ickelback.

and if writing that makes me a snob, well, guilty. and i'll happily serve time in that pithy jail if it means a lifetime of listening to good, relevant music.


an hour of schittleback, would be akin to a year in the hole.



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I don't know why it matters. There are more avenues than ever to hear music, you can pretty much take any computer with Internet access and listen to exactly the bands and songs that you want to hear. It takes all kinds of people and bands and art and clothing and hair colors and on and on...Variety makes the world a great place!!



I agree. I can't comment on Nickelback since I have never heard one of their songs. I stopped listening to FM radio for new music about a decade ago.

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I'd also nominate No Doubt - another band I think has almost no talent but certainly fits the record company formula. Have you ever listened to "Hey Baby"? Are those not the worst lyrics ever? If Gwen wasn't hot that band wouldn't be anywhere at all....

:thumbsup: Hey! Saw them at Darien Lake this summer. One of my BEST concerts ever! :thumbsup:


P.S. Hey, Baby! Hey, Baby, Hey! :w00t:

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