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  1. That deep rooted supremacy underpinning Democrat elitism always shows itself when the ‘wrong’ party runs a person of color. It’s fascinating really. see also: Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, Candice Owens, micheal steele, Ben Carson, Tim Scott etc
  2. Where on earth did you get that from? I never said anything of the sort. Condi Rice is a life long Republican and a conservative, particularly of the old Cold Warrior sort - a sort that is going to come back into style thanks to Putin. Extremely smart and multi-talented, perhaps showing some bad judgement on Iraq, but that's kind of a common theme of most politicians who were there when it happened. Ben Carson has also spent at least his adult life as a conservative, which has nothing to do with his race. Clarence Thomas too. Tim Scott too. Some are extremely smart. Some not so much. Some have shown remarkably sound judgement on matters of public policy. Some not at all. Just like all people. The point I was rebutting was something about how "the libs" won't allow for a black person to be conservative. I said that point was nonsense, and clearly refuted by the very people cited to "prove" it.
  3. Condi Rice was a Republican. She ran afoul of the Republican establishment based on her position on abortion. Her association with Bush 43 and his Iraq war killed any chance she had for a political future after the ascendancy of the Trump nativist wing. It had nothing to do with "Democrat elitism." Fellow Republicans ostracized her. Tim Scott? We'll see what the reaction is if he runs for President or is someone's VP pick. But right now I'm not aware of anything like you suggest regarding him Clarence Thomas? I'll grant you that re: his early years on the Court, although his nutcase wife is now a whole different thing. Ben Carson? I don't think he was treated any differently than any other wealthy outsider trying to run for President, including such forgotten luminaries as Democrat Tom Steyer. Or Trump for that matter. Candice Owens? Really? First you have to show me why I should take her seriously. Michael Steele? He gets a lot of airtime on MSNBC from what I've seen ... Oh, and Herschel Walker? A serial fabulist who is about to kill his party's chances in November.
  4. Phillies' Realmuto: I won't let 'Canada tell me what I do and don't put in my body' Philadelphia Phillies catcher J.T. Realmuto said he won't let Canada's restrictions on unvaccinated travelers change his stance on the COVID-19 vaccine. "I'm a healthy 31-year-old professional athlete," Realmuto said Monday, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer's Scott Lauber. "I'm not going to let Canada tell me what I do and don't put in my body." Realmuto, who won't play against the Toronto Blue Jays at Rogers Centre on Tuesday and Wednesday after being placed on the restricted list, called the vaccination issue an "extremely unfortunate situation." The three-time All-Star added that he consulted doctors before deciding not to get the shot. Realmuto will forfeit close to $260,000, which he called "a little bit of money," by not playing in Toronto, according to Matt Gelb of The Athletic. "It's just not worth it," the 31-year-old said. Realmuto signed a five-year, $115.5-million contract with the Phillies in January 2021. Alec Bohm, Aaron Nola, and Kyle Gibson will also miss the series after landing on the restricted list. https://www.thescore.com/mlb/news/2384627 Just say....."I'm trying to protect and save democracy." "Guns shouldn't have more rights them me." Hit all the key buzzwords or talking points the libs are constantly repeating.
  5. There is no space we need to be sharing with these people. They are insane. Clinically insane. The latest U.S. seven-day average of 118,323 new infections per day dropped 44% from a week ago, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. Recognizing that improving case count situation, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Wednesday it wants to give people a break from mask-wearing. The CDC is reviewing the agency's guidance, focusing on Covid hospitalizations, which are also on the decline, as a key metric for deciding on safety protocols. On CNBC earlier this month, Gottlieb called for the CDC to change its mask guidance, arguing it was time for schools to consider dumping mandates when considering the high levels of immunity the general U.S. population. He warned that prolonging the wait could result in a missed opportunity at normalcy before students go on summer break. When it comes to entering public places, however, Gottlieb told CNBC Friday he'll be keeping his mask on to ease others' worries about contracting the virus. "I'll probably continue to wear it a little bit longer than perhaps I need to based on the overall risk, just because I think it's a matter of etiquette," he said. "I think when I go into a store or pharmacy and other people are there who feel uncomfortable, who feel vulnerable, if they see a lot of people around them wearing masks it makes them more comfortable." https://www.cnbc.com/2022/02/18/dr-scott-gottlieb-my-kids-wont-wear-covid-masks-in-school-when-mandate-lifts-later-this-month.html There is no coexisting with that.
  6. NOTES ON THE TWITTER FILES (10) By Scott Johnson. FTA: None of Zweig’s revelations comes as a surprise. The work flies under the banner of misinformation/disinformation. Going back to the annus horribilis of 2020, Twitter acted as an arm of American political and public health authorities. Dr. Fauci, he was the science, so to speak. Jumping ahead to the Biden era, Zweig’s column strikes a familiar note: When the Biden administration took over, its agenda for the American people can be summed up as: Be very afraid of Covid and do exactly what we say to stay safe. In July 2021, then-U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy released a 22-page advisory concerning what the World Health Organization referred to as an “infodemic,” and called on social media platforms to do more to shut down “misformation.” “We are asking them to step up,” Murthy said. “We can’t wait longer for them to take aggressive action.” That’s the message the White House had already taken directly to Twitter executives in private channels. One of the Biden administration’s first meeting requests was about Covid, with a focus on “anti-vaxxer accounts,” according to a meeting summary by Lauren Culbertson, Twitter’s Head of U.S. Public Policy. Alex Berenson had to go: By the summer of 2021, the day after Murthy’s memo, Biden announced publicly that social media companies were “killing people” by allowing misinformation about vaccines. Just hours later, Twitter locked Berenson out of his account, and then permanently suspended him the next month. Berenson sued Twitter. He ultimately settled with the company, and is now back on the platform. As part of the lawsuit, Twitter was compelled to provide certain internal communications. They revealed that the White House had directly met with Twitter employees and pressured them to take action on Berenson. The summary of meetings by Culbertson, emailed to colleagues in December 2022, adds new evidence of the White House’s pressure campaign, and illustrates how it tried to directly influence what content was allowed on Twitter. It wasn’t just Berenson. Harvard epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff had to be suppressed. Dr. Andrew Bostrom had to be suppressed. Opinions out of line with the political and public health authorities had to be suppressed. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2022/12/notes-on-the-twitter-files-10.php
  7. I’m interested to see if DeSantis is the nominee in 2024 or if he’s just the next Scott Walker. In any case, looks like Trump has fully turned on him. That might hurt him or it might lead to the splitting up of the MAGA base. I’m fine with it either way, I’ll just be here eating popcorn.
  8. Our boy is at it again! Then came the shocker: ”[A]fter the race, when votes were being stolen by the corrupt Election process in Broward County, and Ron was going down ten thousand votes a day, along with now-Sen. Rick Scott, I sent in the FBI and U.S. Attorneys, and the ballot theft immediately ended, just prior to them running out of the votes necessary to win.” Sarah Isgur, a Justice Department spokesperson at the time of the 2018 election, smacked down on Trump’s suggestion. “Never happened,” she tweeted.
  9. The case for Biden is not all that compelling. OK, we got that. But one of the main criticisms of Biden is the one we see in these threads. He's old! Who is really running this country? And at least when compared to Trump, the answer is: someone with at least a modicum of sound judgement and policy experience. In other words, if he's a bit too hands-off, that's a feature, not a bug. With Trump, we had a chaotic administration. Remember "my generals?" All fired or departed in frustration. Including one who called his boss "an idiot." Remember Rex Tillerson, Exxon CEO turned Secretary of State? Departed, calling his boss "a moron." (If I remember correctly, the offensive old scale had "idiot" below "moron," so I guess that was actually praise. Relative praise.) Honestly, we can go on and on. Just awful, dysfunctional, chaos. If the Republican primaries somehow magically give me Tim Scott or Nikki Haley, well, then we'll have a real choice.
  10. Dodgers' Blake Treinen blasts organization for honoring Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence by Scott Thompson Los Angeles Dodgers reliever Blake Treinen is the latest player on the team who does not agree with them set to honor the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence during their Pride Night on June 16. Treinen, who is currently on the 60-day IL as he continues to recover from shoulder surgery, joined All-Star starter Clayton Kershaw as members of the organization who disapproved of the decision to add the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence back to their Pride Night event after previously removing the group. Treinen released a lengthy statement on the matter through his friend, Sean Feucht, via Twitter. https://www.foxnews.com/sports/dodgers-blake-treinen-blasts-organization-honoring-sisters-of-perpetual-indulgence
  11. He used to be the future. In the field of Republicans running for president, a growing group headed by Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, there’s nobody quite like Chris Christie. He was Trump before Trump. He was DeSantis before DeSantis. Pugnacious, unapologetic and politically incorrect, he was before “Bridgegate” a total GOP “rock star.” He talked big, and won big, too — and not just in a swing state but in a blue state. Now he barely registers in polls, running behind Tim Scott, Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy, and level with two current governors who aren’t even running (yet?). Still, with the announcement of his candidacy, the former two-term “Boss” of New Jersey, former 2016 White House hopeful and former longtime Trump confidant and pal instantly becomes maybe the most compelling challenger of them all. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/06/06/chris-christie-55-things-00100058
  12. Huh. Washington Post says there’s pressure growing to ban gas stoves, which we were told was a hoax Here’s how it went down: The news broke earlier this month that the US Consumer Product Safety Commission was considering a ban on gas stoves, which (allegedly) cause childhood asthma. They immediately tried to walk that back, saying a ban was never on the table and the idea was only “floated” by Commissioner Richard Trumka Jr. in an interview with Bloomberg. Suddenly it became a culture war thing. The Washington Post reported that it was Republicans who had “thrust gas stoves … into the culture wars.” “Morning Joe” mocked Republicans for their “meltdown over gas stoves.” California State Senator Scott Wiener got the last laugh, pulling up a chart showing that gas stoves are a blue state thing; the hicks in the flyover states already use electric stoves. But again, even though it was Trumka who brought it up, WaPo says it was Republicans who made it a front in the culture wars. Now the Washington Post is saying pressure is growing to ban natural gas and has experts explain how to swap out your gas-burning stove.......LOL https://twitchy.com/brettt-3136/2023/01/24/washington-post-says-theres-pressure-growing-to-ban-gas-stoves-which-we-were-told-was-a-hoax/
  13. Medscape is likely behind a paywall for many. Here's an clip from a 2020 article on the esteemed Dr Bhatt: The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and its HIV Medicine Association denounced the declaration, as reported by Medscape Medical News, and the World Health Organization (WHO) Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus called the proposal "unethical." But the idea has gained some traction at the White House, where Coronavirus Task Force Member and Stanford professor Scott Atlas, MD, has been advising President Donald J. Trump. News > Medscape Medical News Great Barrington Coauthor Backs Off Strict Reliance on Herd Immunity Alicia Ault November 09, 2020 On the JAMA debate, Bhattacharya said, "I think all of the mitigation measures are really important," listing social distancing, hand washing, and masks when distancing is not possible as chief among those strategies for the less vulnerable. "I don't want to create infections intentionally, but I want us to allow people to go back to their lives as best they can, understanding of the risks they are taking when they do it," he said, claiming that 99.95% of the population will survive infection. "The harmful lockdowns are worse for many, many people," Bhattacharya said. "I think Jay is moving towards a middle ground which is not really what the Great Barrington Declaration seems to promote," countered Lipsitch. The declaration does not say use masks or social distance, he said. "It just says we need to go back to a normal life." Herd immunity hasn't worked, genius. Over 1 million dead despite the vax and widespread infections. But what are 2 million potential excess lives lost by his strategy?. People are still dying. There is still widespread morbidity. And we're going to need at least yearly vax for the foreseeable future. So glad bhatt (and Atllas) weren't around when polio was gaining a foothold (and is again because of vax deniers). ...
  14. yeah, Biden poked the old medicare fraud bear: https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/3853484-scott-announces-new-social-security-medicare-bill-amid-biden-feud/ Great idea Rick. take $80 mil that will produce multiples in tax revenue and funnel it as a band aid to SS and Medicare. not winning.
  15. And Biden used the word Sunset, just like Scott. What's the problem?
  16. The 3 Biggest Lies From Biden’s State of the Union Address By Justin Haskins FTA: Lie 3: “Instead of making the wealthy pay their fair share, some Republicans want Medicare and Social Security to sunset every five years.” One of the most dramatic moments of the State of the Union came immediately after Biden accused Republicans of planning to “sunset” Medicare and Social Security. As soon as Biden uttered those words, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy shook his head, some House Republicans shouted “no,” and congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) yelled “liar!” The response from Republicans prompted Biden to go off-script and eventually acknowledge — in one of the most bizarre moments we’ve seen in decades at a State of the Union Address — that Republicans do not support eliminating Social Security and Medicare. “Look, folks, the idea is that we’re not going to be — we’re not going to be moved into being threatened to default on the debt if we don’t respond,” Biden said. “So, folks, as we all apparently agree, Social Security and Medicare are off the books now, right? All right. We got unanimity.” The truth is, Republicans never threatened to eliminate Social Security or Medicare. Some Republicans, such as Florida Senator Rick Scott, have said they would support a plan to sunset all federal programs every five years, but that does not mean they support eliminating them permanently. Instead, as Scott has plainly said, the goal of the sunset provision would be to “fix” and “preserve” programs like Social Security and Medicare, key responsibilities of Congress. It is unfortunate that Biden chose to use this important moment in history to dishonestly attack his political opponents while exaggerating his meager achievements. It was a golden opportunity to move the country in a more positive, unified direction, and the president wasted it. https://redstate.com/jhaskins/2023/02/08/the-3-biggest-lies-from-bidens-state-of-the-union-address-n700601
  17. AFTER LAST NIGHT by Scott Johnson I thought the flight of the Chinese spy balloon across the United States was a national embarrassment, but it was nothing compared to President Biden’s State of the Union performance last night. I thought he hit the high point with his congratulation of Kevin McCarthy for ascending to the Speakership in the first few seconds of his speech. The speed of the descent varied, but it was downhill all the way from there. That means it was a long, long way downhill. The Washington Post has a useful set of corrections on subjects other than those I mention below (the link is to the accessible version published by Jewish World Review). David Harsanyi adds a stylish touch in his Federalist column “Don’t Fall For Joe Biden’s Economic Fairy Tale.” Biden wants to “finish the job” he has started. The phrase appears in the text of his speech 12 times. I think that has an ominous ring. Finishing the job will finish us off. Regarding the Chinese spy balloon, he gave us nothing. It’s apparently no big deal, but it did fit weirdly with his comments about China: “Before I came to office, the story was about how the People’s Republic of China was increasing its power and America was falling in the world. Not anymore.” Shouldn’t someone have bothered to rework that passage? He gave us angry old man Biden shouting for reasons known only to himself. He gave us phony old man Biden with his obnoxious stage whisper. He slurred his words like a drunken sailor. The White House has posted the text of his remarks “as prepared for delivery” so you might be able to ascertain what he was attempting to say. Both as prepared and as delivered it was a bizarre speech. And Biden gave us the standard Democratic/democratic demagoguery of the current screwball variety. To take just one example, Democrats have “invested” massively in “climate change.” They are going to change the climate, or increase their control over our lives. Something like that. Abortion, advances in LGBTQ orthodoxy, price controls on medicine, taxes on the rich and famous, “infrastructure” (say it fast three times), more spending like the sailors whose speech he emulated — all are on the horizon. Woo hoo! More at the link: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2023/02/after-last-night-43.php https://jewishworldreview.com/0223/fact_checker020823.php3 https://thefederalist.com/2023/02/08/dont-fall-for-joe-bidens-economic-fairy-tale/
  18. Well, Scott suggested we touch it, got scolded by McConnell and immediately backed off of his own suggestion. But by all means, let's just cross our fingers and hope it fixes itself.
  19. Step away from the bong, sir. True. I hate the fact that in America we still live by that old cliche that "social security is the third rail of American politcs; touch it and you die." We do need to touch it, at least to shore it up at the margins. But there you have it: Rick Scott touched it, his party owns it.
  20. Lots more debate and facts to come out now...Rick Scott's stock is dropping like an anchor.
  21. Not a lie. Rick Scott - a Republican leader - has suggested changes that start chipping away at social security. I'm not saying that's a bad thing; it needs to be put on a sound actuarial footing. But it's no lie to say it. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/02/us/politics/republicans-social-security-medicare.html
  22. Of course those same records show that these were flights from Teterboro, NJ to Palm Beach and not to Epstein's island, but We are used to the "give half the story" that you leftists use to fake a point. . https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/ghislaine-maxwell-epstein-donald-trump-flight-logs-b1980802.html
  23. A flight log released at the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell revealed that former President Donald Trump flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s private jets six more times than had previously been known. guess Trump is a pedo.
  24. Because I read it, and it was fair. I assume you're only reading criticisms of it - much like this criticism of a WP article on Tim Scott (I'll read that one and I'll let you know). This is kind of like reading movie reviews, not seeing the movie itself, and then having an opinion about the movie. Are you saying my wife was a "waitress" in a "gentlemen's club?"
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