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  1. https://www.cleveland.com/open/index.ssf/2018/08/troy_balderson_danny_oconnor_m.html#incart_m-rpt-1 Republican district for years so probably an easy win for the GOP.
  2. http://www.statesman.com/news/local/rename-austin-city-report-confederate-monuments-raises-idea/SencWWAWNvMHqCtCnEnpFM/
  3. https://www.si.com/wrestling/2018/05/01/kane-wwe-glenn-jacobs-knox-county-mayor-primary-election
  4. I do not care which political lie side of the aisle you all fall on (generally the political lies and racial topics are cherry picked and are just spun differently to trick and divide us all) but the commercials, the articles, the tweets, from all parts of the sports world: I feel like political and racial agendas are taking over sports and quite honestly, are starting to turn me away from watching. I have found myself just turning off events I would normally watch with interest. I just can't take the cherry picking on both sides anymore. Don't we all love sports to ESCAPE from these topics? Enough is enough! If this is more for PPP I apologize, just figured it was kind of off topic.
  5. I have been (and still am) willing to let Allen sit all year if need be and shouldn't start UNTIL he is ready. That said with how he is doing so far he is showing more than the other QBs and I believe that he will win the competition. Man it feels good to have a franchise QB !!! Go Bills !!!
  6. Another Hollywood star shoots her career in the head... http://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/‘roseanne’-canceled-by-abc-after-roseanne-barr’s-‘repugnant’-comments-network-president-says/ar-AAxZuvi?ocid=ientp
  7. or even the pace car https://www.detroitnews.com/story/sports/motor/2018/06/03/general-motors-executive-mark-reuss-crashes-pace-car-detroit-grand-prix/667677002/
  8. These topics are creeping up in many threads and a lot of different viewpoints are out there on this. There are a lot of knowledgeable posters on this board and I think we can have some good discussion on the issues affecting our black brothers and sisters (as well as others) in this country. There will be a lot of discussion points throughout the year(s) to come that will affect the sports world as well. I am hope we can have a civil thread where we can learn, challenge each other and express the viewpoints associated with some hot button topics that are all intertwined - it isn't just a stop killing black people issue: For some reason, this entire situation has affected me and I have been trying to listen and learn as much as I can, never really expected to ever become this guy, but anyways here goes... Systemic Racism Before you can even touch the policing issue, this entire wheel and system needs to be broken: The redlines, the lack of loans, lack of education, the turning to hustling to make ends meet, turning to drugs to drown the pain of being kept down by the machine and the damage to your psyche of self worth as a person solely because the color of your skin put you in a system that was designed to do just this. Fine you want equal rights, you can have it, but we will Fugg you a different way. You have to have a real discussion as to what do you do with the generations of black people who are stuck cycling around or or stuck in specific areas of the cycle. How do you lift them out? The term everyone hates, reparations, does to a degree change this - injecting money to stabalize 13% of the US population which should to a degree end some of the illegal hustling that occurs in those communities. You have to understand that the hustling is a result of low wages, which comes from a worse education experience, not everyone is able to pull themselves out. This somehow has to be addressed. How do you assist the person who has become addicted to drugs due to the depression they encounter in life for not being able to provide for their family, those who did not have a fair chance in America, who didn't receive a good education, who grew up in a broken home from parents who were incarcerated for hustling etc. This is not easy by any means to help shore up such a weak part in society. How do you help the psyche of everyone, who has to plan every interaction every day and every minute of their lives? You can't address the policing issue without creating a new foundation. The Criminal Justice System On the policing side of things there are basically 2 options: 1.) reform 2.) abolition Reform works good when you have a functioning system that is just and ours isn't. Our system functions exactly as it was designed. To encourage some discussion and to be provocative, my view tends more toward abolition. Here is a great website that discusses these 2 topics: http://criticalresistance.org/abolish-policing/
  9. Thank you GP for calling out the racism that has been embedded in this forum for years. It takes a lot of patience and effort to do what you are doing, and I commend you for it.
  10. Everybody here claims they are "not" racist.... but "not racist" is not the same as "against racism." You can assume you are "not racist" and then every time the issue is brought up to you, you look to dismiss it, not realizing how racist that actually is. Let's clarify. Who here is actually specifically AGAINST racism?
  11. https://www.yahoo.com/news/pits-virtual-race-real-success-210839865.html https://sports.yahoo.com/winners-losers-virtual-homestead-143934697.html Imagine if NFL players could set up Madden games, where each player controls their virtual self. Games won't count, it's just for fun. Would you watch?
  12. Hey all, I am moving a discussion from the Stadium wall over here because I don't wanna get banned. Here's the summary: If gender("Different than sex") is an identity, can the same be true for race, weight, height, income status, etc... If I can declare that I am a woman(even though I was born with a tally wacker) and enjoy all the amenities our country has to offer that females receive, including bathrooms, changing rooms, locker rooms, sports eligibility, and sex identification on my ID, can I do the same with the other identities? Can I apply for minority scholarships? AARP(I may identify as a very old person). What if I identify as a person with a disability? Should I be able to get Government assistance just because my truth says I am, even though science says I am not? What about income level, height, weight, species ? Why is gender different than all of these? We all know Elizabeth Warren identifies as Native American... but we all agree she is not. but if she identified as a man, a lot of you would say she can. WHY?!
  13. I just passed by a TV in the doctor's lounge and they had on First Take. And the banner at the bottom said that Taylor is suggesting the change may be racially motivated? where's that coming from?
  14. http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/08/us/air-force-academy-racist-message-trnd/index.html
  15. http://www.syracuse.com/news/index.ssf/2018/01/nasa_removes_astronaut_jeanette_epps_a_syracuse_high_school_grad_from_flight_cre.html
  16. Wow! Is anything being done to stop this? I guess I better not get my hopes up for a wave election. No wonder the polls get it wrong sometimes https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/russians-penetrated-u-s-voter-systems-says-top-u-s-n845721
  17. After six officers were shot and 1killed this past friday night, what headline do they use? Black motorist punched by white cop. You have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to see a small article on it. The new left has become a hateful, disgusting party. It's hard for me to believe growing up I considered myself a liberal. Maybe #34 is right, start arresting those who have hateful, racist thoughts. Lets start with MSNBC and CNN first. They are far more dangerous than any red neck toothless nazi sympathizer.
  18. http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/21449522/jerry-jones-dallas-cowboys-apologizes-insensitive-remark Here is the original source: https://theblast.com/jerry-jones-racial-video/
  19. when it comes to deciding flag bearers.... https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/winter-olympics/opinion-shani-davis-is-an-olympic-disgrace/ar-BBITF5q?ocid=spartandhp
  20. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/11/03/n-y-c-strippers-strike-dancers-say-instagram-star-bottle-girls-are-grabbing-the-cash-cite-racism/
  21. The offense has struggled, but I don't believe it's Dennison or the system's fault. His system has been successful in multiple places. He learned under Shanahan and Kubiak spending time with Denver, Houston, a stop in Baltimore as a QB coach, and then back to Denver before coming here. The OL on the right side was never fixed. They blow up that side of the line every time. Then, because of the right side, they key on the left putting an extra defender or two. The holes for McCoy are nonexistent. The rushing game is not clicking because they can't block anyone in front of them. Terrible OL play. We have all seen Tyrod. Most of us knew what he was while others pounded the table for him. He is not the guy. He still exhibits the same deficiencies that he has the last two years. He's a good guy, a hard worker, by all accounts a great teammate, and a decent game manager. He will never be a guy who carries a team with his arm. Peterman should at least be given the month of December to show what he's got. If he looks good then so be it. If not, we HAVE to identify our QB in the draft then make our move. The WR talent is now there with Matthews, Benjamin, Jones, Thompson, Holmes, and Clay (when healthy). We have guys who have and can be productive. This again falls on the QB and the OL. The OL has to give the QB time to throw and the QB has to be able to read a defense then deliver an on time ball to the right guy. Dennison's system is mainly short to intermediate timing routes with some deep passes mixed in off of play action. The emphasis is on an accurate QB who gets the ball out on time. A lot of times that QB is having to throw the ball to an opening where his guy will be, not waiting until your guy is open to throw it. None of these are strengths for Taylor. If the holes get filled the system will work. We all got our hopes up when we won a few. Now everyone is looking for a place to lay the blame. Blame who you want, but I don't see this as Dennison's failure. He does what he can to try to cover up Tyrod's weaknesses, but with 3 years of tape it's damn near impossible.
  22. Here are the standings: AFC Team W L 1 Pittsburgh Steelers 7 2 2 New England Patriots 7 2 3 Kansas City Chiefs 6 3 4 Tennessee Titans 6 3 5 Jacksonville Jaguars 6 3 6 Buffalo Bills 5 4 7 Baltimore Ravens 4 5 8 Oakland Raiders 4 5 9 Miami Dolphins 4 5 10 New York Jets 4 6 11 Houston Texans 3 6 12 Cincinnati Bengals 3 6 13 Los Angeles Chargers 3 6 14 Denver Broncos 3 6 15 Indianapolis Colts 3 7 16 Cleveland Browns 0 9 Looking at their play, and the rest of their schedules, top 5 gets through to playoffs. So our competition is for the last playoff spot, the 6th seed. Here's how that 6th seed competition looks like. I considered every team except Browns. Where I think it's a fairly even match, I gave each team a half win. Not many teams got half wins. Here's how it all falls out for me. Based on remaining schedule, Ravens are going to get that 6th seed. Their schedule is way easier and it's unfortunate. BOTTOM LINE: WE HAVE THE 2ND BEST PROBABILITY FOR GETTING THE 6TH SEED. There's still HOPE. Team Current Win Total Week# Date Bills 5 Ravens 4 Raiders 4 Dolphins 4 Jets 4 Texans 3 Bengals 3 Chargers 3 Broncos 3 Colts 3 11 Nov-19 BUF @ LAC 0.5 BAL @ GB 1 NE @ OAK 0 TB @ MIA 1 BYE ARI @ HOU 0 CIN @ DEN 0 BUF @ LAC 0.5 CIN @ DEN 1 BYE 12 Nov-26 BUF @ KC 0 HOU @ BAL 1 DEN @ OAK 1 MIA @ NE 0 CAR @ NYJ 0 HOU @ BAL 0 CLE @ CIN 1 LAC @ DAL 0 DEN @ OAK 0 TEN @ IND 0 13 Dec-03 NE @ BUF 0 DET @ BAL 0.5 NYG @ OAK 1 DEN @ MIA 0.5 KC @ NYJ 0 HOU @ TEN 0 PIT @ CIN 0.5 CLE @ LAC 1 DEN @ MIA 0.5 IND @ JAX 0 14 Dec-10 IND @ BUF 1 BAL @ PIT 0 OAK @ KC 0 NE @ MIA 0 NYJ @ DEN 0 SF @ HOU 1 CHI @ CIN 1 WAS @ LAC 0.5 NYJ @ DEN 1 IND @ BUF 0 15 Dec-17 MIA @ BUF 1 BAL @ CLE 1 DAL @ OAK 0.5 MIA @ BUF 0 NYJ @ NO 0 HOU @ JAX 0 CIN @ MIN 0 LAC @ KC 0 DEN @ IND 1 DEN @ IND 0 16 Dec-24 BUF @ NE 0 IND @ BAL 1 OAK @ PHI 0 MIA @ KC 0 LAC @ NYJ 0 PIT @ HOU 0 DET @ CIN 1 LAC @ NYJ 1 DEN @ WAS 0.5 IND @ BAL 0 17 Dec-31 BUF @ MIA 0 CIN @ BAL 1 OAK @ LAC 0.5 BUF @ MIA 1 NYJ @ NE 0 HOU @ IND 1 CIN @ BAL 0 OAK @ LAC 0.5 KC @ DEN 0 HOU @ IND 0.5 Posssible Win Totals 7.5 9.5 7 6.5 4 5 6.5 6.5 7 3.5 Urgh. Excel tables don't work. Here's the table as a picture file.
  23. I have always known this...first time I took my son to the Ralph about 7 years ago (when he was 6), the jerks sitting behind me must have called the players on the field '!@#$s, monkeys, jungle bunnies' about 50 times in the second half. Last night I was on Chippewa waiting for my Uber around 11pm. Black guy in the passenger side pulls up next to me and screams 'ayyyy, ayyyyyyy!!!!' I look up 'I hate White People'. 'So? Who gives a ****?' I retort. He laughs. About 15 seconds later he says 'I was just kidding man'. Is this racial harmony in America?
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