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  1. I'm certain that Roundy is prepared to sternly condemn Biden for these racist comments.
  2. Lol…unfortunately I will never know what white privilege feels like… But, careful, your racism is starting to show…😉
  3. How dare they think for themselves! There racism is incredible!
  4. It's the Iron Law of Trumpy Projection! Trump's fortune came from his adjudicated racist father's slumlord past and he's always given off strong racist vibes (see the whole Central Park murders "wilding" thing he inserted himself into). So let's accuse Biden of racism! Trump is caught on tape saying he just grabs women by the p[]ssy and he always manages to be backstage when those young Miss Teenies are getting dressed and he brags about how shaggable his teenage daughter has become. So let's accuse Biden of being a perv! There's your response, Tarheel.
  5. You’re a smart guy and a good poster. But I can’t agree with that. Ask any of the victims below if “dumbing it down” to racism is wrong.
  6. Tongue in cheek? You can't define it? You sound like a racist Nazi to me. You're generalizing and lumping all persons into one category. You're a f*cking racist and you don't even know it. F*ck you and your white privilege.
  7. Racial biases and you ranting is not an example of systemic racism (actual racism) or racist institutions. Your reply just further proved you have no understanding of the topic your yelling about. But then again. That's your thing. Or saying for a reply. But that would make you a....
  8. So has Finding still been correcting grammar constantly? Yep, racist!
  9. ⬆️ Let me take a wild guess here... Butker is a racist, right?
  10. "Heil Trump"...why would the racists say that?
  11. Guys who tried destroying the country to further their racist agenda, sad
  12. I wouldn't. I'm just trying to square your Teddy quote saying no one is above or below the law and your usual opinion that blacks get screwed by the justice system and convicted greater than their percentage of the population. Teddy says they just need to shut up and take it. "...nor do we ask any man's permission when we ask him to obey it." Seems contradictory unless you don't think the court system is systemically racist.
  13. Nope, he is not a Nazi. Just a senile old kid-sniffing, daughter-showering-with, plagiarizing racist.
  14. You mentioned his race, not me. Why is that? Racist?
  15. Another thing botched by Biden. That broad he appointed is completely racist and unqualified. What a mess.
  16. If you agree with what she said you are a racist. What a mess.
  17. I shouldn't bother asking, but what is the commie whining about now? More RACISTS!?
  18. They knew in 2016 what he meant to their most reliable demographic - that’s why he wasn’t a racist until he became president
  19. You are assuming because he's black that he is crooked? That's racist
  20. I lived in New Mexico for 6 years. The Mexicans believed illegal immigration is a problem. Are they racist? And if so, how?
  21. Why would you assume everyone on a jury is racist? I don’t think Teddy would approve pardoning a racist who was convicted by a jury for shooting an Air Force veteran. After three years in prison; his lawyers found a way to get him out. And guess what? Trump can appeal and have the same luck. Next deflection?
  22. You are a clown, Richmond is a diverse city, totally against the racist idea of the Southern Confederacy
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