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Jerry Jabber

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Everything posted by Jerry Jabber

  1. If Vick would have stayed in Virginia, it would have been just VA state charges, but since he crossed mulitple state lines in his illegal dogfighting operation, it then became a federal case. It had nothing to do with Vick's status.
  2. Here's the law on Animal Cruelty in Virginia: VA. Code Ann. 3.1-796.122 Cruelty to animals is defined as: “overrides, overdrives, overloads, tortures, ill-treats, abandons, willfully inflicts inhumane injury or pain, or cruelly or unnecessarily beats, maims, mutilates, or kills any animal, whether belonging to himself or another; deprives any animal of necessary food, drink, shelter or emergency veterinary treatment; sores any equine for any purpose or administers drugs or medications to alter or mask such soring for the purpose of sale, show, or exhibition of any kind, unless such administration of drugs or medications is within the context of a veterinary client-patient relationship and solely for therapeutic purposes; willfully sets on foot, instigates, engages in, or in any way furthers any act of cruelty to any animal; carries or causes to be carried in or upon any vehicle, vessel or otherwise any animal in a cruel, brutal, or inhumane manner; or causes or permits any of the above things,” or killing a dog or cat for it’s hide, fur or pelt. This is a Class 1 Misdemeanor with a fine up to $2500 and/or imprisonment up to 1 year. A second or subsequent conviction of the above, or who “tortures, willfully inflicts inhumane injury or pain not connected with bona fide scientific or medical experimentation, or cruelly and unnecessarily beats, maims, mutilates or kills any animal whether belonging to himself or another;” or does the same to a dog or cat “that is a companion animal and as a direct result causes the death” or euthanasia of that animal is a Class 6 Felony with a fine up to $2500. Other sentencing provisions include anger management or psychological counseling, and being prohibited from possessing or owning companion animals. Exemptions are made for veterinary practice, dehorning of cattle, wildlife management, hunting, fishing and trapping, farming activities, and protection of life or property. Abandonment of an animal was removed from cruelty to animals and it is now classified as highway littering, with a fine from $250 to $2500 and/or imprisonment for up to 12 months, however the court may suspend any sentence on the condition that the defendant volunteer to remove litter from the highway. Vick admitted to imhumanely killing 8 dogs, so that counts as a Class six felony. And this doesn't even touch on running an illegal dogfighting operation, illegally betting on the dog fights, operating dog fights in multiple states. But hey, this guy is an athlete and can bring in millions of dollars, so he should be able to go back to making millions of dollars
  3. I exaggerate too much?? Really??!! If the average person were to get convicted of the same things Vick did, do you honestly think their employer would hire them back? Hell no!!! Do you think that person would be able get a decent job as a convicted felon? Hell no, who wants to hire a convicted felon?? It's a double standard when it comes to athlete's & celebrities. Vick is a sick scum bag that does not deserve a second chance in the NFL.
  4. The people doing it shouldn't have a second chance at life to make millions of dollars either. But it's okay, Vick is an athlete and it's okay for athlete's to committ felonies and other crimes, still be able to enjoy the life they had and still be able to make millions of dollars.
  5. The NFL, the only place where a convicted felon can make millions of dollars. I'm sure all the convicted felons in the world wish they could all have good paying jobs, but who wants to hire a convicted felon...the NFL. I lost a lot of respect for Roger Goodell today. I need a job with the NFL, that way if by some chance if I ever get in some sort of trouble and they try to fire me over it, I'll threaten to sue them since they let convicted felons work for them. PHUQ VICK!!!!!!!!!
  6. As a former animal control officer, I felt he should have served more time in jail. I need a job with the NFL, you can committ Federal offenses & felonies and still have a job to come back to and make millions of dollars...must be nice. If anyone of us were asked by his/her employers if we committed the crimes that we were accussed of and then lie to our employers by saying "No", then a month later finally admit to doing those crimes, we would be fired immediately. Sports athlete's get away with so much more than the average person.
  7. Sorry that I'm not so quick to give Vick the benefit of doubt (I gave him the benefit of doubt when he said he didn't have anything to do with dogfighting & people were taking advantage of his generosity.) Yes, strip clubs are legal but if the story is indeed true, that's not a place Vick should be if he's really trying to clean up his image.
  8. There hasn't been a ruling as of yet. I don't know where this story of "4 games" circulated. But what I did find interesting is that this piece of sh@t is supposedly trying to get back in the NFL & show he's a changed man, but he's hanging out at strip clubs. This scum bag needs to be banned from the NFL for life. I'm so sick of hearing Vick should get a second chance and you can't take away his livelihood of playing football. He blew his chance at the NFL, if I were to lie to my employer about committing a felony then admitting to it, I would be fired in a heart beat and would have a hard time finding a job. It's a privilege to play in the NFL, not a right.
  9. Great report & thanks for the pics. It's encouraging to hear that our offensive weapons look sharp. I just hope Wood & Levitre will be the difference makers on the O-Line, if not, then we'll have a lot to worry about.
  10. If baseball can ban Pete Rose for gambling, then they can ban Vick for financing a dog fighting operation, betting on the fights and torturing & killing dogs.
  11. I'd wish we would could go to the 3-4 instead of the 4-3/Tampon 2 defense.
  12. I agree 100% (glad Wegman's finally came to Fredericksburg, VA)
  13. Texas Hots on Seneca St. My family & friends Mighty Taco Any pizza & wing place Chef's Spaghetti parm Beef On Weck The summer festivals The Erie County Fair Going to Bills & Sabres games
  14. I like your enthusiasm. I agree that Edwards will have a better year because we finally have a legitmate #1 & #2 receivers, which we haven't had since Moulds & Price. What concerns me is our DE's/Pass rush. Schobel is still a question mark, he's coming off an injury plus his sacks have gone down the last couple of years. How much will Maybin be used in the game? Plus, will Maybin have a learning curve like most rookies do? Banking on a rookie is always a bad idea, look at Hardy last year, it was foolish for the Bills to bank on a rookie WR to make an immediate impact. IMO, we should have picked up a veteran DE, along with Maybin, to help fill the void until Maybin is truly ready. Playing against Brady/Belchick & now Parcells 4 times in a year, we need a very good pass rush, otherwise we'll continue to get eaten up by the Pats & Dolphins. Plus, we have a bonehead for a head coach. With that said, I'm not making a prediction on our record.
  15. How about Travis Henry, father of the 11-10. Seriously, good article!
  16. Doesn't smoking pot give you the munchies?? I'm sure he bulked up on doritos.
  17. No matter what our ranking is, at least we're not ranked 32nd and had a record of 0-16 last season.
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