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Jerry Jabber

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Everything posted by Jerry Jabber

  1. Let's see, he committed Federal crimes and was found guilty. They just don't send any common criminals to Ft. Leavenworth, KS. He lied to Arthur Blank (Falcons Owner) and Roger Goodell (the commish) about his involvement in the dogfighting ring He infected numerous girls with sexually transmitted diseases He borrowed millions of dollars, lied about the purpose of why he was borrowing it, now those banks are trying to recover that money, which they will probably only see a small fraction of. So, is Mike Vick just a guy that made 1 bad decision and all should be forgiven? HELL NO!!!!!! He's a piece of sh--, scum bag and should be banned from the NFL.
  2. I agree we need a much better back up than who we have on the roster. It would be nice if we could get someone like a Garcia, Griese, someone that has been around a while.
  3. Man are these posts getting ridiculous. How many Mike Vick articles are there gonna be??? Give me a break already. The guy is a low-life, scum bag as a human being, plus he was not that great of a QB to being with. He's been locked up for almost 2 years and hasn't played for about 3 years. Does anyone really think that Vick has been able to conduct football practice at Ft. Leavenworth Federal Prison?? We all saw how bad Jason Peters was when he returned after not showing up until the season opener, how good does anyone think Vick will be if he's even able to rejoin the NFL? Yes, he ran for a ton of yards & TD's, but was one of the worst when it came to passing. Vick will NEVER be a Buffalo Bill.
  4. I agree. It's a priviledge to play professional football, not a right.
  5. Nope, Brady will have an off year this year due to his Knee injury. Look at how long it's taken McNabb to get back to playing well again after his knee injury. Palmer & Culpepper haven't been the same since their knee injuries. I still feel the Pats will be good, but not as dominating as they were before.
  6. He fell down the stairs...and his shoes fell off!
  7. It's too bad we gave our 1st round pick to Jacksonville for Rob Johnson. We could've had Fred Taylor and not worried about drafting Travis "Dime bags-r-us" Henry & Willis "Trash" McGahee.
  8. I hope so. Unfortunately, Trent can't stop Jauron from challenging the calls. How many times have we've seen Jauron challenge the wrong calls that were clearly not going to be overturned and not challenge ones that were very questionable.
  9. From what it sounds like, the Bills drafted Byrd because they need someone to create turnovers. If the Bills FO really wants our defense to create turnovers, they should have done more to improve the D-Line. I'm glad we drafted Maybin & picked up Stroud last season, but IMO we should have picked up another dominating DT and another DE. Pressure on the QB creates turnovers and we haven't had a good pass rush in years. If Stroud goes down, we're screwed with our DT's. Last year, we saw bad our pass rush was with Denney & Kelsay. I'm hoping Maybin will be the DE we've been looking for & Ellis can step up and outplay Kelsay & Denney.
  10. Last year, I said 11-5 and was way off. Jauron's boneheaded calls have cost us 2-3 games per season, so I see that trend continuing. I hope I'm wrong & we make the playoffs, but from what we've seen from Jauron in the last 3 seasons, I'm sticking with 7-9 and hopefully Jauron's last season as Bills H.C.
  11. I agree. I felt we needed more than Maybin. IMO, Schobel has seen his better days.
  12. I feel that our offense will be better with adding T.O. But, I'm still concerned with our DE's. I'm glad we got Maybin, but Schobel is still a question mark. If Schobel can't rebound this season and if Maybin is only used as a situtional pass-rusher, then we might have the same problems again. I'm hoping Maybin is the right guy and he's able to get constant pressure on the QB. I don't feel confident in Kelsay & Denney as pass-rushers.
  13. In Bledsoe's 1st year with us, Both Moulds and Price had 1,200 over yards receiving each with a combined 19 TD's. Travis Henry had over 1,400 rushing. So, with having 2 capable WR's this season, I can see this benefitting our offense big time.
  14. I'm surprised he doesn't write for realfootball365.com. He calls Wood & Levite "stretches", since when did this clown become an NFL scout?
  15. Terrible!!!! Drafting 3 players for the secondary is absolutely terrible!!! Considering we drafted 3 CB's last year, this was stupid! I think we could of used another DE or DT instead of another CB. Last year, Kennard Cox was cut loose, so if this guy isn't spectacular, he'll be cut loose by the start of the season.
  16. I feel much better about this pick. If we can generate a decent pass rush this season, hopefully we'll see a lot of turnovers from our secondary.
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