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Big Hurt

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Everything posted by Big Hurt

  1. Which player on this team is worth the salary they are paid??? I say Moorman maybe the only one. I can't think of any non-kicker.
  2. I don't think too much of underclassmen QB. We need OL and Big DL help. No more draft day screw up please.
  3. Do you remember what Freddy Krueger said to Jason?
  4. Hardy has height and can be effective in the red zone. That's why they drafted him. It wasn't for to use him as a speedster. He was hurt and we had QB controversy in the past few years. To call Hardy a bust is a bit early. I would like to see the Bills put him in when they are in the red zone, then they can have him out jump the corners to score TD.
  5. Yeah, they always have great practices! DJ is the god of practice football. So far he is undefeated during practice. Trend Edwards is the best QB during practice I have ever seen. He also never have a concussion during practice. So leave him alone.
  6. I don't think any of them are as tough as Jim. Big Ben come close but is off by a few miles. Remember this, Jim Kelly once broken a defensive player's leg by tackling him after an interception. He also broke Jim Harbaugh's hand with his jaw. I cannot see any of the above mentioned QBs do that.
  7. On defense, they need to figure out how to stop the run, especially late in the game. It is nice to have all those turnovers. But the run defense needs to be improved. In two games, vs. NO and vs. Houston, those teams couldn't score with passing but were able to switch to a heavy running attack and basically ate the Bills up on the ground. Our front 7 need to play better. Hopefully Kyle Williams will come back soon.
  8. The Bills don't know how to draft players in first round. It really doesn't matter how high they draft. So I don't even care.
  9. We need a coach that can beat Bellichick. I am not sure Billick is that guy. I would take Shanahan since he has a track record against the Pats. His team can always run the ball and has great OL. I like that too. Gruden won the Superbowl with Tony Dungy's Tampa two defense. Even he admitted to that. He was a mess in Oakland. I think he is overrated. Cowher is a shouting, hard nose coach. He is probably the best game day coach. I think the Bills should still try to get him, even the answer maybe a "No". He is the best coach available. Holmgren may have given up coaching all together. Even if he wants to coach again, he may not be very effective with fixing the mess we have in Buffalo. IMHO, it is more important to fix the front office. Hiring a real GM will be the first priority.
  10. I was shocked when the Bills did not pick Orakpo back in April. But then, what else do you expect?
  11. Marshawn is very disappointing. He danced around too much and is extremely dumb, on and off the field. He had no idea where the markers are at times. If KC offer Johnson and some draft picks for Lynch, I will personally drive to Kansas to pick him up.
  12. Quinn or draft a QB will not matter. We need to address the source of the problems: 1) The worst coach in Bills history. 2) The first NFL team in the Universe that doesn't have a real GM. 3) An owner who refuse to fire his coach because of his cheapness. Because of that it spawned other problems: 4) No FA will choose the Bills over other teams. So the Bills has to overpay to get other teams' backup players. 5) We now have a collection of washed up or career backup players from a) Detroit Lions, 2) Chicago Bears. 6) FO has no idea how to handle the draft or make favorable trades. We ended up getting the short end of the stick on every trade. 7) Could not retain our own, valuable, free agents. To be honest, QB is not my main concern. I wonder if this team will ever be a winning team with the combination of Ralph Wilson, Russ Brandon, and Dick Jauron.
  13. I thought he would injure his knee and was shocked that it was a concussion. Maybe they need more cameras.
  14. Matty -- is an upgrade from dead dick. I will take him. Why not?
  15. NO to Nix. It is t the same bullsh1t. We hire someone with no experience and hoping that they will work out. We already tried Levy. You saw the results. Is Ron Wolf still available? In regard to Marty, he would be a good stop gap coach until Cowher becomes available. Just make sure you don't give him a long term contract in case you need to fire him in short notice.
  16. I thought he was in his first year of a one-year contract. I didn't realize it was his last year. Time fly by so quickly, lol. Holly crap, is Lee Evans, Marshall Lynch, and Aaron Schobel going to get us into playoff this year? Why don't we trade Lee Evans, Aaron Schobal, Poz, and Fred Jackson too since we have not been to playoff for the past ten years! They are all wasting their time here. Why only trade TO? There are other players on this team too. I, on the other hand, tune in the game every week just to watch Dick Jauron and Trend Edwards. They are totally not the problem here. What the F? We should trade Trend Edwards and Dick Jauron! I would throw in a mid round pick if any team want to take them.
  17. Limbaugh will not be allowed to buy any NFL team. I cannot imagine the like of Jerry Jones, Bob Crafts, etc. would approve it. Just because he has money, doesn't automatically qualify him to be an NFL owner. Look at the list of owners of the NFL teams. They are all either original football mastermind (like Wilson, Hunt, Davis, etc.) or owners of successful industry. They will ever let a shock jog be mentioned in the same sentense with them. I feel bad for that fatso. But he should know life is not fair and he doesn't belong in this country club called NFL ownership. Good try though.
  18. I don't think TO has to talk to anyone if he doesn't want to. When TO was signed with the Bills, the Buffalo local media thought they hit a jackport. They thought writing about TO will get them the national attention they wanted. Instead, TO gave them nothing to write about. So you saw the list of questions that TO was asked. They were trying to make TO say something negative about his team, teammates, and coaches so that they can rip him apart. But TO did not fall for that. I can understand the media's frustration. Same goes for Rodney Harrison. He wants a piece of TO too. What he wants to do is to oick a fight with TO so people pay attention to him. Otherwise, he is not insightful, uninteresting ex-dirty player that should never make it on TV. As a fan of the Bills, I don't mind if TO doesn't talk to the media. I just want him to help the Bills win. Nothing else matter to me. Sully is a nobody in the national level. He is trying to further his career. I don't blame him for what he does. But I won't get on his side because I know he is more interested in his career even if it means his action will hurt the Bills.
  19. Then he will just take the sack. He did that at the end of the Saints game. Thurman said he may need to be in the West Coast Offense.
  20. You are so negative! I think it will be more like 45-3. You got to have hope!
  21. On paper we are better. But we have no Jason Peters, new OC. Trend is little worse. So I am not sure if this year's team can beat last year's team. But I think we still won't win any division game.
  22. I think Sanchez is for real. But it doesn't bother me because I have no expectation this year. The Bills will not make the playoff so what cares.
  23. It is impoosible to guess in my opinion. This is not the same team we saw during the pre-season. It can be much worse or little better. I think it should be worse because of the firing of the OC 10 days before the season starts. But that doesn't mean there isn't a team out there that the Bills can beat. Right now there is a remote chance that the Bills can win more than 6 games.
  24. The scored will be 45-0 so I would bet under.
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