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Big Hurt

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Everything posted by Big Hurt

  1. It is hard to feel bad for either Bell or Jason Peters. They both left the team that took a chance on them when no other team was interested. Peters even dis the Bills after he became an Eagle. Good luck with all the money. But whatever they do now is not my concern.
  2. Bill Polian is the final answer. He will find the right coaches, draft the right players, and take the team to the superbowl again. There is no reason to believe Nix can do it because he has not done it anywhere else. Stop beating around the bush!
  3. He can sit next to T Jack as players that are inactive.
  4. The thing that bother me about Chan is that he is sometimes illogical. Why did he worry about stopping the pass when his team could not stop the run? Maybe he should go with a 4-4 defense in the first half. But do we have enough linebackers?
  5. I know the Texans is looking at our run defense and wonder how many yards Foster is going to have. And I know the Bills is wondering about the same thing. How will the Bills be able to stop the Texans' running game? Obvious answers: - We run the ball and score, which keeps the ball away from the Texans' offense. - Stack the box and take a chance with Andre Johnson. Are there better ideas out there? Bills defense is the worst in the NFL. How can they change that? My suggestion: blitz on 80% of the plays. What do you get to lose at this point? You are already the worst defense. You can't get any worse.
  6. Get Polian back as GM and he will figure out who to get to coach this team.
  7. If NFL moves the Bills out of Buffalo, then I will tell them to F themselves. I will not watch NFL game anymore.
  8. I think Marcell is fine. People go through phases. There is a problem with this team but it may not be all on the players. I see many Ex-Bills, coordinators and players, that went somewhere else and became very good. So don't rush to judgement just yet.
  9. If Jets can give us a 4th round pick to take him off their hands, I may think about it. However, if they offer a 3rd rounder then it is a done deal.
  10. 1) Ralph 2) Buddy 3) Chan 4) Wannstedt 5) Mario + Marcel + All Linebacker 6) Justin Rogers, A Williams 7) Fitz 8) Scout team 9) Russ Brandon
  11. In general, I am against trading our decent players for draft picks. We should always try to keep our own good players because how many corners have we drafted in first round? We are still trying to replace Nate Clements. Good players is hard to come by. You can spend $100M but still doesn't guarantee you will get an impact free agent. We as fans should be careful when we say trade this guy, trade that guy.
  12. At this point, what do you have to lose? Bring him back. I cannot believe Ralph put his personal problem with Polian over the future of the team.
  13. The real refs are back!! So NFL can now back to fixing games! Oh yeah!
  14. A team like the Bills cannot afford to get rid of players with Steve Johnson's talent. People who are calling for his head obviously have been enjoying Buffalo Bills football for the last 10, 15 years. The Pats had to deal with Randy Moss too. Don't drink the Coolate. This team brought in TO, do you really think the care that much about character? Besides, I don't think what SJ was such a crime. He just wanted to have his fun after scoring a TD. At least the kid cares about the game. I think the celebration rule is the problem. Chan is the coach and he is allowed to do what he wants. But the truth is that this team sucks and will continue to suck if we keep letting good players go. You don't need me to list all the names.
  15. Roscoe is small. Welker is also small. Why can't Roscoe be more like Welker?
  16. Is Merriman going to retire now that he got his money? Or is he planning to come back to milk us some more?
  17. I think if a great QB prospect is there to be taken, you have to take it. However, do not reach for one just because you need one. Even Fitz is good enough, that does not mean you cannot upgrade. Green Bay did with Rogers when they had Favre, and the Colts is doing the same with Manning/Luck. Great QB don't grow on trees. So take a chance if there is an opportunity. Also the Bills need to do a better job retaining talents. We always have so many holes on this team because once certain players got to be good, they became too expensive to re-sign with this team. (Let see if they are going to let Stevie Johnson walk this year). My question is, why even bother drafting good players if you don't intend to keep them around? The Bills seem to only interested in the average players and overpay them. We spend so many year drafting players to replace the known good players that they let go, they need to start keeping the right players with this team -- the great players, the pro-bowl players! It is hard to find a great QB, which a lot of you agree that it is important to find one, the Bills will not find one if they continue to draft scared. "What if we draft the wrong guy?" "If we spend the 1st pick on a QB and he is a bust, then we wasted our chance to pick an impact player." Well, how are we doing? Most of the recent first round picks were either cut or traded for dirt. The Bills management need to start looking at the mirror because they are the problems.
  18. I am starting to think we need a QB. I used to think it is more important to build the line. But I think if we have an accurate QB that can throw the ball deep, we will be able to win some games. With so many injures we have on this team, the QB position seems to be more important than ever.
  19. I tuned in to watch Ryan Mullett a few days ago. I was it little late but he was already knocked out of the game. His backup came in and threw four TD again Auburn but threw a few picks at the end and got blown out. So now I am not sure about Mullett as well.
  20. I predict that the Bills will not try to get Merriman because our front office and our owner just don't take risk. Right now the front office people have no idea what they are doing. What QB to keep? What defense to run? Who is calling shots? ??????????????? How did we get to this point when no decent player want to come to Buffalo. Only garbage players like Connell Green would sign with us. If the Bills won't trying to bring in help at LB, then I think there is no hope for this team. The saddest part of it is that they are not even trying anymore. When all the teams in our division are getting better, we are going backward. We are now 0-5 going towards 0-16. If we continue to be scared to make moves, we will always be the same terrible team. Nix is running the team like Trent Edwards playing QB. Go long for once for crying out loud. Don't be so boring!
  21. At this point, I think we should know that the Bills has a terrible front office.
  22. Luck is the best of the bunch (oh no, not another Standord QB!) but we can forget about him this year. If Mullett is injury-prone like Poz, then he is not worth a number 1 pick.
  23. If the Bills think they cannot sell out the next few home games, you may actually see Merriman signed. Ralph will never spend money to improve the quality of the team, but he will do what it takes to get fans to buy tickets. Eagles will need to trade one of the two QBs soon. If the Bills pick up an Eagles QB, in addition to Merriman, I think fans will start coming out again.
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